Coconut Milk Recipe


New Member

What are some good recipes for using coconut milk? I used Goya coconut milk with honey, castor oil, rosemary oil, olive oil, and another oil mixture heated it, and pour it on my hair to do a conditioning wash & my hair came out great but the mixture was to watery/kept running down my face...My wonderful cousin told me to add bananas...Do you ladies think I can add gelled pectin or yougurt? Please chime in so I don't have a runny mess next time...Thanks : )

I love coconut milk. I dont use canned milk anymore I used Coconut Milk Concentrate from here If you dont mind shopping on line you should really try this. You'll love it. If you wanna try, join their emailing list because they have buy one get one free(s) all the time.

But, back to your question (sorry). What I used to do was, thicken up canned milk by putting it in a shallow dish (long/wide for surface area) and let the water dehydrate from it for a couple of days in the fridge. Then I'd use it straight, add it to Ayurvedic powders, honey, Lotus Powder, thick deep conditioners and Aphogee (the strong one). HTHs!
A good pre-poo hair mask or deep conditioner: Start with a few squirts of moisturizing conditioner as a base and add coconut milk, irish moss, rhaussoul clay, honey, a tiny bit of coconut or olive oil (just a little) and yogurt for moisture, detangling, softness and silkiness. If concoction is too runny, add some more irish moss because it is a thickener. If you really want to kick it up a notch and really make it nutrient-rich, either add pureed banana or avocado.
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Today i'm doing a DC with the following: Coconut milk, molasses, & amla powder. I'm baggied and scarfed up for most of the day!

I'm pretty sure it'll turn out good cause you can't go wrong with A. simplicity & B. all natural ingredients that i've already used (just not in this combination)

Great topic. I'm gonna try some of these other recipes here! adw425...can't wait to try the irish moss concoction.
I heat mine up and use it alone or with honey. I pour it in a bowl and soak my hair in it for 30 min.
Hi, If you're like me, you love to make your own concoctions at home from henna mixes to conditioners to rinses. The best all around thickener/gelling agent I have found is xanthan gum. It is a bit pricey, but you only need about a tsp. to thicken most mixtures. Dump the entire tsp in at once and you must stir or whisk vigorously. The gum will thicken your mixture and give it a slightly gel like consistency. It blends better with warm ingredients. I like to use my hand held immersion blender to really get a smooth, creamy, whipped texture for my concoctions. The xanthan gum also helps the mixture slide through your hair. You want to cover your hair with a plastic cap to keep the moisture in your mix and don't try to comb your hair once it starts to dry. Xanthan gum has made even the drippiest of my concoctions like henna, a breeze. Hope this helps
I usually mix mine with any thick conditioner [Aussie Moist, cholesterol, silicon mix...]EVOO and castor in a blender.

OT: Naturallady, if a puff like that came with a draw string, I would have one...
I love coconut milk in my henna with avocado, amla powder and shikakai powder! Then I love prepoos with coconut milk, avocado and honey and some conditioner.
Since I'm cheap, I used Goya coconut cream, some yogurt, and a dash of salt. I now have hair that behaves and is easy to part. I totally love it. I will add honey and coconut oil to my next mix!:yep:
I am about to do a deep conditioner right now.Coconut milk honey conditioner and evoo maybe a dash of castor oil Happy New year ladies!!!!!!!!!1
I wanna try coconut milk so bad...Yesterday I wanted to purchase it but they didn't have 100% organic coconut milk. Keep comin' on with the recipes!
Ok so I'm thinking about doing a deep conditioner with coconut milk and honey, but I'm not quite sure how to apply it? I assume this would be a fairly runny concoction. Do you just sort of pour it on or is it thicker than what I'm imagining?
After I rinse my hair in the shower I just pour the coconut milk on (1 can) and let it marinate while I finish my shower. I rinse it out at the end.
Hi, If you're like me, you love to make your own concoctions at home from henna mixes to conditioners to rinses. The best all around thickener/gelling agent I have found is xanthan gum. It is a bit pricey, but you only need about a tsp. to thicken most mixtures. Dump the entire tsp in at once and you must stir or whisk vigorously. The gum will thicken your mixture and give it a slightly gel like consistency. It blends better with warm ingredients. I like to use my hand held immersion blender to really get a smooth, creamy, whipped texture for my concoctions. The xanthan gum also helps the mixture slide through your hair. You want to cover your hair with a plastic cap to keep the moisture in your mix and don't try to comb your hair once it starts to dry. Xanthan gum has made even the drippiest of my concoctions like henna, a breeze. Hope this helps

I told ya.:yep:
I used the coconut creme concentrate mixed with a little water for a thinner consistency and applied it to dry hair and sat under the dryer for 20 minutes. When i rinsed my hair was stttrrrrronnng! Strong like when I would do a shikaki rinse strong. I shampoo'd with a shampoo bar and applied a moisturizing conditioner. Nice! :yep:
I love coconut milk. I dont use canned milk anymore I used Coconut Milk Concentrate from here If you dont mind shopping on line you should really try this. You'll love it. If you wanna try, join their emailing list because they have buy one get one free(s) all the time.

But, back to your question (sorry). What I used to do was, thicken up canned milk by putting it in a shallow dish (long/wide for surface area) and let the water dehydrate from it for a couple of days in the fridge. Then I'd use it straight, add it to Ayurvedic powders, honey, Lotus Powder, thick deep conditioners and Aphogee (the strong one). HTHs!

Geesh, I was google searching for coconut milk and it led me right back here. Thank you so much for this link Lotus. The first time using coconut milk, my hair got really hard but now that I have educated myself properly about it, I feel like I can take the plunge again right about now...
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can you/should you leave these masks in the hair or will they rot?

so do I! I'm like obsessed LOL

I believe you should rinse it out because I think coconut milk will spoil. I left a coconut milk and lime mix in my hair overnight once and it smelled like baby vomit the next day.:nono:
I'm excited, I just bought coconut milk from the store. I'll either prepoo with it or add it to my DC
1 pk of Knox Gelatine & can of Coconut milk & 1 teaspoon fav conditioner mix thick paste.Apply 35-45 min with cap.Rinse..DC or use Leave-in Conditioner.. Happy Hair Growing!