Coconut Milk & Lime Mixture--What's your procedure


New Member
Hey Ladies,

I'm curious about the coconut milk and lime concoction that helps to define curls and straighten new growth. The thread in the other board is informative, but it would be great if we post some actual procedures for doing this method. I want to know:

1.) How do you apply the mixture to your hair (with a tint brush, as a rinse, etc.)?

2.) When do you apply? (before/after shampoo? before/after protein treatments?)

If you could post your results from doing this that would be extremely helpful as well. Thanks!

I used one can of refrigerated coconut milk , 1tsp lime juice,and an avocado
I used the avocado to thicken the mixture

i did not seperate the coconut milk from the rest of the can i shook up the entire can,peeled the avocado and removed the seed then added the lime and put it in a blender(electric hand mixer is ok to)

Because the coconut milk was already cold I did not have to refrigerate the mix to wait for it to thicken

I applied it as a prepoo to dry hair with a tint brush then put on a plastic shower cap
I did not use heat
After 1 hr I rinsed,shampooed and cond as usual
My new growth was very soft and the previously relaxed hair felt strong and well cond overall the two textures blended nicely

Update on this:I will continue to do this using only the coconut milk and avocado the lime in this mix eventually dried out my hair and made it feel hard
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