Coconut Milk & Lime Concoction - Review


Well-Known Member
Well, I've read with interest what everyone has had to say about using coconut milk & lime to help extend relaxers and I decided to try it today. I used 1 can of Grace coconut milk and the juice of two large limes. I mixed it up last night, covered it, and let it sit in the fridge overnight.

I totally didn't know what I was doing; I expected the consistency to be a bit thicker. I see what people meant about the mess. My hair is thick, relaxed 4a/b, and is 3-4 inches from bra-strap all around. I have about 3/4" of new growth at 6-weeks post relaxer. I had a hard time putting it on and had to bend over the sink and pour it over my head. Somehow, I got my hair and scalp saturated with the mixture, slapped a plastic cap on, and put a towel on turban-style to keep it from running down my face.

I left it on for 2 or 3 hours and rinsed in the shower. I'd slacked on the oils this past week and my hair was pretty dry. That's why I was surprised (and pleased) to note that after rinsing, my hair was moist and soft. I conditioner washed with some suave humectant mixed with a little dollop of NTM shampoo and things just got better. I then conditioned with LeKair cholesterol using my heat cap and rinsed again.

I used NTM silk leave in, roller set on the purple mesh rollers, and sprayed a combo of surge/wild growth oil on my scalp & hair. I sat under a medium dryer for about 30 minutes (on and off), and air-dried the rest of the time. I just took my rollers out and my hair is absolutely silky. I can still see & feel my new growth, but it's soft and manageable (I couldn't comb it with my wide-tooth comb this morning without hair coming out - now it's no problem). Since I have always said that I cannot go longer than six weeks between relaxers, it'll be interesting to see if the milk/lime concoction helps me reach my goal of 12 weeks between relaxers. The moisturizing action of the coconut milk is enough to make me do this again. We'll see how the new growth management part goes....

Thanks to everybody here who shares knowledge so freely. It is much appreciated.

I got it at a regular supermarket (Kroger in the Jamaican food section)


Yes Neutragena Triple Moisture
I've done the concoction more than once (pre-Phyto) - I learned what worked for me was to use a coconut conditioner (a cheapo one) as a base (so it's not so runny), like a half can of coconut milk and a couple of capfuls of lime juice.

Was very helpful for extending.
Yesterday I also tried Coconut Milk, Lime and a pinch of olive oil with my Suave Milk and Honey conditioner and the results were awesome. I used this as a pre-shampoo treatment. Once rinsed out, I shampooed with Creame of nature, rinsed and used Ion reconstructor conditioner. Next, I used my salerm21 mixture which consists of water and Hair insurance leave-in. Air dried and I didn't notice a big difference in my hair until this morning. Last night I rubbed some WGO on two sections of my hair and twisted my hair back. Well let me tell you. My hair came out moist, soft and manageable. I will start doing this once a week.