Coconut Milk and Lime Juice Review

I went to the store and saw the Real Lime brand. Are you all using that? Or are you buying the lime and squeezing it. I didn't know so I did both. I even tossed the squeezed lime in the milk and used it to squeeze in certain areas. I must say the milk went on nicely, my hair was soft while it was in. I hadn't noticed any change in curls but I did enjoy the soft conditioning it gave me.:p
I am a newbie which gives me the daring of ignorance. My hair loves moisture in the form of water. I tried to break my habit of washing or co-washing every day but it doesn't work well for me. Therefore, I wet my hair everyday. Since I discovered coconut milk I use it every day and I love it. I have a spray bottle in the refrigerator with my coconut and lime mixture and I spray some on and let it sit for an hour. It has been great for my hair. I have been looking for MSM, henna and anything else to loosen my pattern just enough to avoid relaxing and this is another good arrow in my quiver. I love it.

PS If you think that thisis ulitmately a mistake, help a newbie out. :eek: Thanks
Bump, going to try today.

Not sure if I should just do the lime and coconut milk as per andreaschoice, or the version I'm finding more on the net with the olive oil and cornstarch.
Will report back if miracles occur.