Co-Workers & CO-washing Vent/Rant


New Member
Today I came in w/ my regular co-washed, still damp co-washed natural hair. I've been getting compliments from my male co-workers that my hair smells great ("like oranges and fruit" LOL).

So when I got a compliment today, one of my office mates asked me something or made a comment (can't remember which) but I replied that I wash my hair every day & that it was still wet/damp.

The in unison (all black, one male two female) reply was: "you wash your hair everyday?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" :blush: :blush: "you ain't white!!!!!" :angry:

Of course I was astounded by their ignorance and pissed @ their response (about the white thing).

They all said that I was going to dry my hair out, it was going to fall out, i was washing my natural oils out, and (from the so-called licensed hair stylist): "that means your hair is DIRTY!!!!! and that's just NASTY!"

So I attempted to explain sulfates, surfactants, co-washes, etc. and no haps.

I even logged on to LHCF & LHC. No haps.

They all continued for about 15 min to tell me how what I was doing was bad, I was going to get pneumonia, my hair was going to fall out & I'm not white (repeatedly) and "if it don't suds then it ain't clean". I even tried to explain non-sulfate poos and cones, etc. No haps.

Needless to say I gave up and walked out. About 5 min later, the alleged licenced stylist went to google and lo and behold printed out a stack of info on co-washing and proudly announced to the whole office (all of whom were in on this by now) that "1star was right, you CAN "wash" your hair with conditioner! Here, read this. 1star was right!" Needless to say, no one read the stuff & it was still on the desk when we all left. She even apologized to me for saying that my hair was dirty.

The End
/rant /vent


1star, I've learned to just keep my mouth shut and take care of my hair; people really cannot/do not want to understand what hair forum members are doing.
you should have seen their faces when i mentioned Ayurveda, amla oil, shikaki powder, henna, etc. (talk about not "sudsing") it got worse. They kept saying you're not white, you're not indian, you're black our texture and hair is not the same as theirs...blah blah blah. ignorance cannot possibly be bliss.
yesterday i gave my mother some mega tek and told her how it worked for my two bald spots and she asked me why i told her not to share this info with anyone else. i told her that i don't really believe in miracle products and that people need to still practices good hair care to see results. people don't want to take the time and effort to do what it takes to achieve healthy hair that will promote growth in the long run. i keep telling her about different things she needs to do with her hair and she doesn't listen. so i don't share and tell people nothing anymore. and i am going to get my bottle back from her. if she can't keep a scarf on or moisturize her hair daily, then there is no need to mess with that stuff.
First let me say your hair looks gorgeous in your siggy! The curls are beautiful!:grin:

Second, I only give people who genuinely want to know info my regimen, telling them how I got my hair a certain way, etc. Some ladies ask a question when they truly don't care/want to know. They just wanna know to be nosy and if they're extremely close-minded you can forget that convo... You just have to be extremely selective in who you tell hair care info too or get ready to school each and every person who asks you a question.:yep:
And another thing...some so-called licensed stylists' don't even know what they're talking about half the time....:rolleyes:
First let me say your hair looks gorgeous in your siggy! The curls are beautiful!:grin:

Second, I only give people who genuinely want to know info my regimen, telling them how I got my hair a certain way, etc. Some ladies ask a question when they truly don't care/want to know. They just wanna know to be nosy and if they're extremely close-minded you can forget that convo... You just have to be extremely selective in who you tell hair care info too or get ready to school each and every person who asks you a question.:yep:

:hug3: Thank you. :yep: :hug3:

It was a little upsetting b/c these same ppl have seen me go from BC length (too short even for a pony or puff) to what I have now. The whole time they saw my products come in (I had em sent to the office b/c I knew I'd get them & I was too excited to wait till I got home LOL) and always asked me "what'd you get this time"? or if I had a really good hair day or a particular style came out well, "how'd you do that"? or "what'd you use"?

Now that I have a bona fide regimen that works for me and I'm being complimented daily and I tell them, they had to go and say some dumb mess. I think I was more offended by the "you ain't white" comments more than anything.

Plus, if you like my hair and you ask, then I must be doing something right. ROFL.

I've been silent on hair forums and such until today. I used to just tell them, I got some shampoo or a new brush or something. I'm going back to being silent and they can just watch it grow.

poor baby:nono: some people can be so rude. It's your hair and no one should scold you about how to take care of you hair.:nono: whatever your doing must be working because your hair looks nice, enough said.
I agree. I never understood how people can compliment you on your hair health/style and in the next breath down you for how you achieved it. It's ludicrous I tell you! :ohwell:
At least one of them became enlightened by what you said, but I bet that was frustrating. Good for you for trying to spread the wealth. Even if they didn't believe you, I bet they are still wondering how your hair looks so good.
How rude and ignorant. I hate when people tell you that you're not white like that's some kind of revelation. :rolleyes:Telling you your hair was dirty was uncalled for. This is why I only tell certain people what I do to my hair.
some folks are stupid..................
some of them hate on folks that can do whatever they want to their hair,

keep going to work smelling good lol!!!

I even saw one hair video where a white stylist was saying all women should wash their hair with conditioner at one time or another or period.

The hell with them :) and it is ignorant of them, some of us still are stuck in the cotton frame of mind, I guess i would've explained it to them too, since they are ignorant they need to be educated on the matter. but that would be the last time i'd explain it to them.

**nah i'm not angry lol!
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I'm mad they claimed your hair was dirty when you wash yours more than they do theirs. smh.
I had the same problem from my friends actually, and yes, proof is in the pudding when years later they still have short, broken off hair.
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Your hair is gorgeous but that is way too much energy and time you used up explaining stuff to people who probably don't really care. Let you hair speak for itself. "Yup I wash my hair with conditioner everyday, works for me!". End of.
Keep doing what you are doing:yep:
:hug3: Thank you. :yep: :hug3:

It was a little upsetting b/c these same ppl have seen me go from BC length (too short even for a pony or puff) to what I have now. The whole time they saw my products come in (I had em sent to the office b/c I knew I'd get them & I was too excited to wait till I got home LOL) and always asked me "what'd you get this time"? or if I had a really good hair day or a particular style came out well, "how'd you do that"? or "what'd you use"?

Now that I have a bona fide regimen that works for me and I'm being complimented daily and I tell them, they had to go and say some dumb mess. I think I was more offended by the "you ain't white" comments more than anything.

Plus, if you like my hair and you ask, then I must be doing something right. ROFL.

I've been silent on hair forums and such until today. I used to just tell them, I got some shampoo or a new brush or something. I'm going back to being silent and they can just watch it grow.

I feel you...fortunately that "you ain't white" stuff hasn't happened to me (yet). That would offend me though. Maybe I should start thinking of a comeback for that now:lachen: because I do have a smart mouth. When people ask me what i did to my hair i always give them a quick summary. I don't give details unless like I said they genuinely are interested and also open-minded to ideas "outside of the norm" on hair care.

And you got that right! You must be doing something right if they're all up in your face!:grin::grin::grin:
I feel you...fortunately that "you ain't white" stuff hasn't happened to me (yet). That would offend me though. Maybe I should start thinking of a comeback for that now:lachen: because I do have a smart mouth. When people ask me what i did to my hair i always give them a quick summary. I don't give details unless like I said they genuinely are interested and also open-minded to ideas "outside of the norm" on hair care.

And you got that right! You must be doing something right if they're all up in your face!:grin::grin::grin:
LOL That was the 1st time I ever went into detail w/ dem folx. I don't even give them a quick rundown. That day was different b/c that "your hair is dirty" comment was what did it. LOL

some folks are stupid..................
some of them hate on folks that can do whatever they want to their hair,

keep going to work smelling good lol!!!

I even saw one hair video where a white stylist was saying all women should wash their hair with conditioner at one time or another or period.

The hell with them :) and it is ignorant of them, some of us still are stuck in the cotton frame of mind, I guess i would've explained it to them too, since they are ignorant they need to be educated on the matter. but that would be the last time i'd explain it to them.

**nah i'm not angry lol!
That was the 1st & last time I will discuss anything about my hair in detail w/ them. I was just thrown for a loop with their borderline attacks on my intelligence and my hair's cleanliness and health.

Trust me, I won't fall in that trap again. Man I can't wait till summer gets here. I'll be going back to 2 strand twists and twistouts. I can't wait till then. *rubs hands together w/ evil grin*

:hug3: Thank you. :yep: :hug3:

It was a little upsetting b/c these same ppl have seen me go from BC length (too short even for a pony or puff) to what I have now. The whole time they saw my products come in (I had em sent to the office b/c I knew I'd get them & I was too excited to wait till I got home LOL) and always asked me "what'd you get this time"? or if I had a really good hair day or a particular style came out well, "how'd you do that"? or "what'd you use"?

Now that I have a bona fide regimen that works for me and I'm being complimented daily and I tell them, they had to go and say some dumb mess. I think I was more offended by the "you ain't white" comments more than anything.

Plus, if you like my hair and you ask, then I must be doing something right. ROFL.

I've been silent on hair forums and such until today. I used to just tell them, I got some shampoo or a new brush or something. I'm going back to being silent and they can just watch it grow.

I'm cosigning to bolded. I think your hair growth will speak louder than anything you can say. :yep:
next time tell them you deep condition with spritz, flat iron, and then use brown gel as a leave in/moisturizer and i swear to god they will be on it like white on rice :rolleyes:
Lol. That's why I keep my mouth shut too! Girl, it's all good. Your hair is beautiful and of course they are just........HATERS!

once, my mom told me I shouldn't wet my hair with water (I keep a spray bottle with water handy when I let her braid my hair) b/c it will dry my hair out! :blush::drunk:
On my journey, I get ridiculed by family members all the time. My boyfriend tells me I am using too much water on my hair...its going to fall out. My cousins tell me I am doing too much, plus I am too old (I am 30) to want long and healthy hair. Now, I just keep whatever I do to myself. Once I reach full APL, jaws are going to drop and when they do finally ask me how I did it (and, they of course, will)., that's when I will REALLY keep my mouth shut. Y'all weren't hearning me before, so you wont be hearing me now.