co-washing without product build up???


New Member
How do you do it? I am still trying to co-wash but this is week 2 and my hair feels weighed down (from product build up)... for the ladies who co-wash how do you avoid this?
I actually cowash with V05 Clarifying conditioner. This works better for me than the Moisture Milks. My hair (4a) and my daughter's hair (3b), love it!!!
I use shampoo once a week. You could try to poo every couple weeks to remove the product. I normally chelate or clarify once a month as well, but not at a scheduled time, just when I feel my hair needs it.
If your hair is feeling weighed down, I would mix some conditioner and a little baking soda with water in a color applicator bottle and apply to the scalp and hair for about 20 minutes of so before co-washing. This is a pre-poo treatment that I do about 1-2 a month, It makes my a feel so nice and light!
I need help with that too! but I had a lot of build up on my scalp, i would just scratch my scalp and have lots of build up under my nails! YUCK! That's another reason I stopped cowashing. but i do miss it
I put Shikakai powder in my conditioner (among other things). This helps keep the build up from happening so quickly (it is a natural "shampoo").

I also shampoo with a clarifying shampoo as needed.
if u r getting buildup quickly then maybe its ur product choice. u run the risk of getting buildup easy if ur using products with a high amount of cones..or products on which cone is high on the ingredient list.
I use apple cider vinegar as a pre-poo. Mix with 1/2 water and spray into hair and scalp. I leave it on for 1/2 hour before rinsing and co-washing. My scalp and hair feel much lighter afterwards.
Every time I co-wash I make sure to thoroughly rinse out the conditioner, I concentrate on my scalp especially, by doing this I haven’t experience any product build up from co-washing.
If your conditioner has too many silicones in it them, some folks will get build-up, like me. Clarifying, then using conditioners with low-or no silicones will help you. I use Suave naturals because they are virtually silicone free, they smell great and they are cheap:grin:. They are kinda watery, so they wash out really easily.