Co-washing with Aussie Moist Conditioner


New Member
How do you feel about using Aussie Moist conditioner as a co-wash conditioner? Do you suppose that it might work well for that purpose?
Why or why not?

It's good stuff. Used it a few years ago, only stopped using cause I got tired of the smell lol. I used it in warm months.
I concur with what everyone else has said. It is my go to conditioner when it's warmer out and I don't need anything extra. I may grab it if I'm in the shower and need a little extra help finger detangling.

LOL, I never thought about the smell until you all said something. So true it can become annoying.
I loved the smell in the beginning lol. I kinda feel like buying it again now .... the DC, I used religiously every week.
I used this for my natural and relaxed hair. I love it and I think it smells awesome! I love this stuff and need to buy more.
Lol, I actually like the smell. It's a good cowash conditioner, I used it a lot when I first big chopped and it worked quite well.
I've been using Aussie moist since I've been natural and that's going on a little past 3 years. I LOVE this stuff. When I bc'd it was my go-to cowash. Now that my hair is longer, it's still my number one for cowashing and now that I use shampoo it's a good dc and detangler as well
It's quick, cheap, available everwhere and my hair loves it. I use as an overnight pre-poo with hemp oil and EVCO. I use it as a co-wash by itself or with other conditioners. I've even added olive oil or safflower oil to it for a DC.
Are you ladies talking about the 3 minute deep conditioning treatment or just regular rinse out conditioner? I use the deep treatment and LOOVE it! I cowash with it, DC with it under my steamer and also use it to braid up my hair in the deep moisture method. I actually like the smell, but I can see how after a while the smell could start to get on ones nerves. I've been using it since August though and have no complaints.