Co-Washing vs. Deep Conditioning: Which do you do more?


Well-Known Member
I'd like to know which of the two: Co-Washing or Deep Conditioning does everyone seem to do the most. I find myself DC'ing about once/week and co-washing every other day. I DC w/ protein and Co-wash with a moisturizing conditioner...How do you all do it?
I deep condition with heat once a week. I don't co-wash.

When my hair was having a dry spell, I slapped conditioner on my dry hair to detangle and then rinse it out in the shower every night. Is that considered co-washing?
I don't co-wash really..I use conditioner, but I use shampoo too.
But I DC once a week religiously, and twice a week when I have the time. My hair does fine without co-washing, but the consistent DCing is a must.
I do both pretty much equally... whenever a wash comes.. weither it be cowash or shampoo.. there's a dc to follow.
I DC every week in winter, every other week in summer, and I don't really cowash, I *have* to detangle after every wash, and thats too much manipulation for me.
I like to DC or pre-poo more. For me it's relaxing and cathectic when I'm stress. I usually do it every 3 to 4 days
I deep condition with heat once a week. I don't co-wash.

When my hair was having a dry spell, I slapped conditioner on my dry hair to detangle and then rinse it out in the shower every night. Is that considered co-washing?

Yea, well this is usually what I do every other day but I wet my hair up first.
I dc at least once a week. Since it is rainy and cold out here in Cali I have not cowashed that often. Maybe once every two weeks.
As a 5 year lurker I pretty much did everything the forum said was good for your hair. I would co-wash all the time, most times daily as well as deep condition at least 1x weekly. hair does not need all of that. I have returned to shampooing 1-2x a week using Carols daughter (which is not harsh at all), and my form of DC'ing is slapping on some product for 3 minutes max.

My hair is fine and I had to realize what works for others does not necessarily work for me.

But to answer the question..probably DC most
In the colder months, I co-wash mid week and DC weekly with a moisturizing conditioner.
In the summer, I just DC weekly with a moisturizing conditioner.

I co-wash in the winter because that's when my hair is drier and I need the extra boost of moisture. In the summer, dryness is not an issue. I might co-wash mid week in the summer though cause I'll be working out a lot more (hopefully....*fingers crossed* lol)
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Co-washing hands down, every 2-5 days in the winter. I also shampoo occasionally. I'm just lazy when it comes to deep conditioning. Maybe if I had a steamer....