Co Washing in the winter.. Yes or No?


Well-Known Member
So im thinking about co washing at night and braiding my wet hair (about 2x to 3x's a week and dc'ing once a week)and rocking a half wig all winter. Is anyone doing this because I mainly see that people co wash during the summer.

So I just wanted to know if winter co washing is a good idea?
YAY and NAH....

It will be brutal on your scalp and probably make you sick but....
Cold weather is brutal on your hair....dries out super quick.

Coldwashing really helps with the dryness. Co-washing at night is cool as long as you scalp is dry by the morning. Or just put your moisturizer to a heavier product like unrefined pure shea butter or something really thick.
Yep I do.

Ok so I need to just let this out..

COLD WEATHER DOES NOT MAKE YOU SICK!!! WET HAIR AND COLD WILL NOT MAKE YOU SICK!!! Phew sorry I had to shout that out because that is the biggest wives tale that ever existed. Viruses and bacteria make you sick (cold/flu). The only reason why people get sick in the winter is because a) cold air is drying and forced heat (electric heaters, radiators) are even MORE drying. When the air is dry it causes your air way passages to become dry. A dry airway passage is a breading ground for bactria. b) People are less likely to spend time outside during the winter so because people spend more time (in dry air) surrounded by other viruses are spread between people easily and quicker.

Sorry to go OT but this is such a huge misconception about cold weather and flu.

Having wet hair during the winter may be a little uncomfortable and make you feel colder but it WON'T make you sick. ;)
I am still going almost everyday. I also wash at night and it's usually 95 or me % dry. I've been doing it since Jan and I didn't get sick.
I work nights so I co-wash about every 3 days when I get in (morning) and sometimes I do blowdry but, when I dont' blowdry no matter what moisturizer I use the hair is sometimes hard. If I find a good moisturizer or moisturizing cond. I might do it consistently..even in winter.
I co wash every morning :grin:, my hair stays moisturized all day
btw am in braids done wit my own hair, dis makes cowashing really easy :lick:
I've had 'Wethead' all year long for years and years now

ETA it is true that you can be more chilled or not warm up as easy with wet hair, but you can compensate for that
I agree that having wet hair in the winter won't make you sick, germs do. I also agree that the cold makes you VERY uncomfortable with wet hair. If you don't want that wet, cold hair feeling- just change your cowashes from the morning to the evening. By morning, your hair will me dry or mostly dry and you can throw your wig on and go. I joke all the time (I wear wigs a lot during the winter) that my wig is my hairy hat- they are very warm :yep: cowash at night, throw that wig on in the morning and maybe a hat if you want and you'll be all good!
i do it! just not every day like i do in summer :yep:

also, i wash at night, or get up early to wash... and diffuse. i avoid leaving the house with a wet head if possible, simply because i already have bad circulation and i don't need to feel any colder! :nono:
I still cowash every day since I began transistioning in early 2007 and I havent gotten sick because of it yet.
i'm thinking about co-washing more in winter cause for the last week i have been co-washing more than 2x week and my hair is better for it.

i don't think i can co-wash everyday like in summer but frequent co-washing during winter still does me good.
Yep I do.

Ok so I need to just let this out..

COLD WEATHER DOES NOT MAKE YOU SICK!!! WET HAIR AND COLD WILL NOT MAKE YOU SICK!!! Phew sorry I had to shout that out because that is the biggest wives tale that ever existed. Viruses and bacteria make you sick (cold/flu). The only reason why people get sick in the winter is because a) cold air is drying and forced heat (electric heaters, radiators) are even MORE drying. When the air is dry it causes your air way passages to become dry. A dry airway passage is a breading ground for bactria. b) People are less likely to spend time outside during the winter so because people spend more time (in dry air) surrounded by other viruses are spread between people easily and quicker.

Sorry to go OT but this is such a huge misconception about cold weather and flu.

Having wet hair during the winter may be a little uncomfortable and make you feel colder but it WON'T make you sick. ;)

My logical mind tells me that you are correct & that is just a myth....except that it keeps happening to me.

When I was trying out wet bunning in the cold fall weather, I immediately fell ill (which is a HORRIBLE thing when you are in law school.)

There is always some truth to myths. For example, wet hair can lower your body temperature and make you feel colder which, in turn, can make you less resistant to cold viruses. (Thus the reason why you get very hot- a fever- to fight off infections and viruses A warm body has a more active immune system). :rolleyes: But, no, by itself wet hair does not automatically make you sick or we would be ill whenever we washed our hair.
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this winter no, but i have left the house with a wet head all year long for years, especially when my hair was short and relaxed.
Well today is my first day co-washing (last night) and walking around with partially wet hair in below freezing weather.....I didn't feel the difference. This could be b/c I'm wearing my hair in a bun, with my AO condish still in, and sealed with Alba UN-petroleum jelly. Either way, I feel fine.
I've been walking out with a wet head for more than 10 years. I have yet to get sick unless I'm in contact with someone that's sick.

And this is my first year in the south. Chicago's winter last year was brutal and long, still no wet head sickness. And I have a weak immune system, if me and 2 other people come in contact with someone with a cold I will be the first one sick and I'll stay sick for weeks. And I've been that way since before I started wearing my hair natural.
Yep I do.

Ok so I need to just let this out..

COLD WEATHER DOES NOT MAKE YOU SICK!!! WET HAIR AND COLD WILL NOT MAKE YOU SICK!!! Phew sorry I had to shout that out because that is the biggest wives tale that ever existed. Viruses and bacteria make you sick (cold/flu). The only reason why people get sick in the winter is because a) cold air is drying and forced heat (electric heaters, radiators) are even MORE drying. When the air is dry it causes your air way passages to become dry. A dry airway passage is a breading ground for bactria. b) People are less likely to spend time outside during the winter so because people spend more time (in dry air) surrounded by other viruses are spread between people easily and quicker.

Sorry to go OT but this is such a huge misconception about cold weather and flu.

Having wet hair during the winter may be a little uncomfortable and make you feel colder but it WON'T make you sick. ;)

Thanks Noir that was very helpful!!!
I agree that having wet hair in the winter won't make you sick, germs do. I also agree that the cold makes you VERY uncomfortable with wet hair. If you don't want that wet, cold hair feeling- just change your cowashes from the morning to the evening. By morning, your hair will me dry or mostly dry and you can throw your wig on and go. I joke all the time (I wear wigs a lot during the winter) that my wig is my hairy hat- they are very warm :yep: cowash at night, throw that wig on in the morning and maybe a hat if you want and you'll be all good!

Thanks girl this is exactly what I was gonna do:grin:
My logical mind tells me that you are correct & that is just a myth....except that it keeps happening to me.

When I was trying out wet bunning in the cold fall weather, I immediately fell ill (which is a HORRIBLE thing when you are in law school.)

There is always some truth to myths. For example, wet hair can lower your body temperature and make you feel colder which, in turn, can make you less resistant to cold viruses. (Thus the reason why you get very hot- a fever- to fight off infections and viruses A warm body has a more active immune system). :rolleyes: But, no, by itself wet hair does not automatically make you sick or we would be ill whenever we washed our hair.

I would say put on a hat or a half wig like I will be doing.. I think that would help in keep your body temperature up..
I really don't like wet hair, but I deal with it. I blowdry w/ a diffuser until my hair is about 70% dry, or I squeeze my hair out very well, apply product and put it in a bun. I am plannning on straightening a lot less in '09, soo I may just have to deal with some damp hair and cold weather, but I'll survive.
I live in the South. It was 40 degrees this morning, and yes I co-washed.

Totally understand. It's just for me....I grew up in the south (Houston) and it was never 40 degrees for more than 1 random day, so the shock of the cold here in DC was a lot for me. Didn't mean to offend.

Current temp in Houston= 65
Current temp in DC=35

So....I guess, just for me, that's a no.
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Yes, but only at night for me. I'm still not completely dry buy good enough by morning. The max I can go now is 3 days w/o washing or cwing, bec my hair starts to dry out. I love the soft, silky feel my hair gets from constant moisture. :yep:
I do, will, am. It's as good as winter here now anyways. If concerned - do it at night like you said. Me, I do it whenever. Like today, I did it this a.m. - got things to do later. :yep: