Co Washing Cornrows?


New Member

I am currently wearing wigs and cornrow my hair underneath. I have never co washed before, but I want to include it in my regimen. So do you think I can co wash in cornrows, or is it just better to undo them?
I say go for it. You can mix your favorite conditioners, spray your braids and then rinse. You can undo them once a week on wash day. If cowashing works for you you'll be surprised at how juicy your hair feels when you take the braids out.
Iv done it works wonderfully. Even co washing in the shower and rinsing. I still moisturized daily also and my hair thrived when I took them out.
arent 't yall afraid to cowash that often and not have hard water residues ? I try to minimize wash(water touching hair's) moments cause my water can be drying (and where I live filters are exepensive) so cowashing hair doesn't "hurt" your hair?
I have co washed in cornrows without issue but I've been wearing mini braids all summer; I like co washing in the mini braids much better because I can feel more of my scalp and focus on moisturizing my ends. I wear a wig mon - fri too.

The water in my area isn't hard and I co wash or just rinse my hair in the shower just about every night. It's so relaxing.
I'm currently in cornrows and I co-wash daily. My braids are super soft. I plan on keeping these for the month of September, then redo for October. It's my personal growth challenge. I got the idea from the Lady Panilio deep moisture thread.

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I'm bumping this because my hair is short and when I cowashed my cornrows last night they unraveled so I ended up redoing them anyway which defeats the purpose of lower manipulation. I'm wigging it when I go out but wearing a scarf at home (stay at home mom) What should I do? I need the extra moisture even moreso that its cold outside.
Babygrowth you may want to get someone to do them tighter (but not too tight!) so that they don't unravel. Or if it is the texture of your hair that is making them unravel you may want to switch to medium/large individual braids with your natural hair until your hair gets long enough to stay in the cornrow.
Thank you sunrai_Naturals! Its a combo of texture and length. So I will try to make them smaller and if that doesn't work then I will do the braids.