Co Washes


New Member
Has anyone co washed everyday and had good results. My hair just stays so dry I think I need the moisture. I saw somewhere on the board where someone co washed for a year everyday and they had great progress pics. :bath:
I have not consistently co-washed everyday, but I have been doing it nearly everyday for a few months. I have noticed improvements in the way my hair feels.
Daily co washing is da bomb!!

I did it for an entire year and during that time my hair grew longer stronger and wash completely breakage free. Also the shedding had reduced itself to about ten hairs a day. My hair was always soft and supple and smell absolutely wonderful on daily basis. Why oh why did I get so lazy and give it up? Had I continued I may have been at brastrap already!!
I've only been doing this for maybe a month now, and my hair is thriving! I know it has something to do with the conditioner washes. I think of it as a mini deep condition in my shower everyday with the steam and stuff. Try it! You might like it :)
I did my first co wash today and I was just wondering how you all wear your hair. My hair is too thick to rollerset nightly, but I'm in the gym again and sweat profusely. I thought that I'd try co-washing...but don't know what to do with it.
I do. My scalp is finicky about stuff and really seems to enjoy being rinsed every day. I'm finally getting close to an inch per month of growth which is a big deal for me. My hair stays soft and moisturized without me having to use moisturizers. The key is to find the right conditioner. You want something that will condition well but not build up. Then you're all set! :yep: Oh, and try not to use too much extra moisturizers, etc since you're not using shampoo as often. A good leave-in and something to seal it with should suffice. Maybe a little something for the ends if you're relaxed.
I get good results when I co wash Daily need to start back.
Vo5 conditioners leave too much build up on my hair but DDTA works great and really detangles without build up.
LABETT said:
I get good results when I co wash Daily need to start back.
Vo5 conditioners leave too much build up on my hair but DDTA works great and really detangles without build up.
Now that you mention it, I have noticed buildup since I started using VO5 conditioners. I had to clarify twice with an ACV rinse to get rid of it. Too bad, because VO5 is one of my favorites, however I will stick to DDTA for a while and see how it goes. Depending on how I'm wearing my hair, I may or may not co-wash daily, but for the most part I do. I love having fresh clean hair every day or even every other day.
I do conditioner washes daily and it's been working great for my hair. I wash my hair once a week cause that's about the time my scalp starts itching. My hair is growing faster then it ever has. The only thing is that my huge volume of conditioners has gone down to just a few because I'm following the curly girl method so I don't use conditioners with silicones in them.
My hair's thriving. I started doing them daily a couple of months before I started transitioning, so I've been doing them a little over a year now. Plus I love how fresh and bouncy my curls get after doing a co wash!
I love too CO wash and my hair loves it. I did one this morning because it is so hot here in NYC that I didn't want my hair to become one big puff ball. I think I will do it atleast three times a week now that I'm five weeks post.
I CO washed for the whole month of March this year. I don't know that I will resume that because I will be beginning a new job at a bank and I'm not sure wet hair is professional in the mornings. When I wash at night, my hair is rarely dry by the morning. When I was CO washing daily, my hair was great. Now I just shampoo and condition like twice a week. Sometimes more often than that, or with one or two CO washes in between.
I've been considering doing this daily for a month. I have done a co wash everyday since the beginning of June. I just wear a bun or a ponytail tucked under. I do it at night so my hair is mostly dry in the morning. Its been almost 90 degrees every day so a bun is perfect for me in this weather. Waiting to see the benefits of this.
Jewell said:
I CO washed for the whole month of March this year. I don't know that I will resume that because I will be beginning a new job at a bank and I'm not sure wet hair is professional in the mornings. When I wash at night, my hair is rarely dry by the morning. When I was CO washing daily, my hair was great. Now I just shampoo and condition like twice a week. Sometimes more often than that, or with one or two CO washes in between.
Jewell, are you relaxed? If so, how did you wear your hair after a co-wash? (just trying to get some more ideas).
webby said:
Jewell, are you relaxed? If so, how did you wear your hair after a co-wash? (just trying to get some more ideas).

Yep, the majority of my hair is relaxed, although I am transitioning to natural. At the time I was daily CO washing, I had like 2-3 inches of new growth.
I would just braid my hair in one single braid and let it hang down, or pin it up. Sometimes I would let my hair air dry loose, and then put it into a loose bun. I have to say that the braid pinned up was the most common style I wore. I didn't have Hand in Hair when I did that style. :grin: Rarely I would twirl my hair into a bun and put some hair sticks in it to secure it. I only use hair sticks for my buns (wet and/or dry) because elastics either pull my hair too tight or are too loose and slip out. The hair sticks are damage free!
Jewell said:
Yep, the majority of my hair is relaxed, although I am transitioning to natural. At the time I was daily CO washing, I had like 2-3 inches of new growth.
I would just braid my hair in one single braid and let it hang down, or pin it up. Sometimes I would let my hair air dry loose, and then put it into a loose bun. I have to say that the braid pinned up was the most common style I wore. I didn't have Hand in Hair when I did that style. :grin: Rarely I would twirl my hair into a bun and put some hair sticks in it to secure it. I only use hair sticks for my buns (wet and/or dry) because elastics either pull my hair too tight or are too loose and slip out. The hair sticks are damage free!
Thanks Jewell. I am still relaxed, but I'm going to end up not relaxing this summer at all, because I'm going to try to the co-wash method.

My hair frizzes so much and since I don't have the length that you do, I have been wearing my hair in two braids on the side. I'll have to figure out what to do for work days :)
This is a wonderful "treat" for your hair. I really love the moisture and the way my hair feels and I get so many compliments on how healthy my hair looks! I love to Co Wash!
How do you guys wear your hair after the CW? My hair takes several hours to dry. I would be walking around with a wet head for half of the day, everyday.
MizAvalon said:
How do you guys wear your hair after the CW? My hair takes several hours to dry. I would be walking around with a wet head for half of the day, everyday.

I like to blowdry on cool or cool shot for a while sometimes until damp. I do the ponytail method (aka multiple ponytails with rollers on the ends to dry) or two buns. Many use scarves too.
ETA: You know I'm going to start another thread about styling after CWing and I hope everyone can respond.
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I just started co washing daily and my hair is loving it. I use KeraKare Humecto. I only shed 10 hairs last time i washed. (This is a big improvement for me). After I wash I put on KeraCare foam pull it into a ponytail then put a phonypony on top.