Co-Wash Tonight & Perm Tomorrow?


New Member
Can I co-wash tonight, which is Wednesday (I used MTG last night and need to attempt to wash it out) and perm on Thursday. My last perm was 01/28/07 and I can't stretch another second? Has anyone ever done this or something similar or am I asking for trouble :confused: ?
Yep, I do it every time. I've never waited 24 or 48 hours or whatever they tell you to wait. I just make sure I'm very gentle near my scalp and I don't use shampoo.
It it likely you'll burn because you will be washing away all on your natural protective oils. I never wash the day before a relaxer, its to much manipulation/agitation on the scalp. I would atleast try to wait until Fri. Just CW tonight and then oil your scalp with cator oil tonight & tomorrow, then relax.
I did this one time, and NEVER again. My scalp burned like crazy, and I've never had a problem with scalp burning before.I actually had tears coming down my eyes from the pain. I would advise not doing it. Just wait another day to be safe.
I washed on Monday and relaxed today and I burned a bit in the back. I didn't base though, I just lightly oiled my scalp. If you decide to do it, don't rub your scalp when you co-wash, don't scratch, and base well.
I totally forgot that relaxers burn. I haven't been burned since I started using Phyto. Yeah, make sure you base.
You could try to base your scalp well, but there's still a chance that you may experience severe burning, because the pores on your scalp wouldn't be fully closed in just a day's time. Waiting at least another day or two would be your best and safest option IMO.
That sounds like a recipe for a burnt scalp!!! I guess it depends on how sensitive your scalp is. I couldn't do that to my head, my whole city would hear me scream with pain.

Maybe it will work. But if you've been holding on since January, a couple of more days won't be that bad.