Co-Wash a HUGE BuSt!


Active Member

After all the recent threads about co-washing I just couldn’t resist. Last night I deep conditioned on dry hair with Nexxus Humectress for 30 minutes. Next I rinsed and co-washed with HE Long Term Relationship and rinsed thoroughly. Lastly I applied NTM and Megatek to my scalp. My hair didn't have the slip it normally did and this morning it didn't feel soft or moisturized. This evening when I moisturized and sealed my hair was dry and a bit tangled. :perplexed

Did I do something wrong or is this process just not for my hair?

:help3: Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
It could be that it's not for you but it also looks like you have quite a few steps.

If I DC I won't co-wash after it. That seems to be too much. Try the rinse out con by itself or even just the DC and see how it feels. Also maybe try another rinse out con like VO5, tressemme, etc.
I agree with Filmatic; I don't think most people co-wash after a DC. That step seems unnecessary.

Next time, why don't you try a co-wash, then moisturize and seal and see how your hair turns out? :yep:
You might need a different Conditioner. I like Suave Humentant, Tresseme, and pplare always talking about the VO5 milks i think.

Also isnt Megatek a protein or can be drying? That may have also had an effect.

Its seems to be the products/mix at least from my opinion. Cowashing shouldnt make your hair hard or dry.

Anyways Good Luck!
I DC then cowash and it works fine for me.

I wonder if the problem is you DC'd with a moisturising con, cowashed with a moisturising con and your leave in was moisturising. I know megatek has protein but maybe the moisture-protein balance was just off... or it could even be product buildup from previous days.

I think a good way to start again is by shampooing/clarifying because you might have had build up on your hair before your DC-> cowash. How often do you use Megatek? I don't know much about it but it probably causes build up.

Shampoo, DC - next wash. Then try cowashing again the wash day after that.

Good luck :)
If you didn't de-tangle before you added MegaTek that may be the reason your hair tangled.

When I co-wash I generally try to rinse my hair of the conditioner and the same direction that my hair grows. When my hair is semi-wet, I detangle with a shower comb. I let my hair dry some more than add me leave-in. When my hair is mostly dry I add my my moisturizer than I seal. I baggy before bed.

Try to co-wash again and see if that helps any. :)
I just wanted to add that just because something works well for several people doesn't mean that it's going to be the bees knees for you...CO Washes may not be it for you and that's cool too!!
I've successfully co-washed for many years and I always DC after not before. You are "washing out the moisture of the DC by co-washing afterwards IMO.

Good Luck!!
I just started to cowash and its working fine on my hair. I have a very simple cowashing routine that may you could try and see how it works for you.

I get in the shower and wet my hair. Then I add the conditioner to it. I work it around a little bit and then i continue with the bathroom duty. Then I just wash it out. Next I can do either of two things:

1. I spray my hair with aphogee keratin and green tea reconstructor and roller set.


2. Apply a small amount of leave in with a little olive oil and a dab of heat protectant then roller et.

My hair comes out soft every time. I hope that this helps you but in the end the decision is yours about whether to cowash or not. It just may not be for some people's hair.
It could be the HE LTR is the culprit. This was one of my cowash failures when I went through my newbie/PJ phase and it was disaster - made my wet hair tangled and knotted at the ends in some spots, then air dried into dry, hard straw. I went back to V05 Moisture Milks Strawberries and Cream.

Also, I'm cosigning with everyone else about not cowashing and DCing at the same time. I DC once a week, prepoo/poo/condition once a week, and cowash on the days in between to maintain the slip and moisture that I get from those two treatments.
I have been co-washing since last summer. It works really well for me. The only problem that I had in the beginning was itchy scalp, then I learned to add the conditioner to my hair only (not scalp). Also, I have always used trader joe's conditioners which have oils in them. One time I used Suave Humectant and another time I used some conditioner I got from Marshall's both of them left my hair feeling dry even when my hair was soaking wet in the shower - I quickly went back to the trader joes. So maybe it was the conditioner. Also, I have never co-washed after a DC. I co-wash Monday through Thursday (or any other day that I exercise) and DC on Sundays.
You might want to try another conditioner. It took me a while to figure out what my hair likes. A lot of people like VO5, but my hair hates it! You just have to find what works for you. Don't give up!!!!!

Are you manipulating your hair a lot in the shower? Are you detangling in the shower under running water? That could be the difference.
When I first tried co-washing it was a bust for me too. My hair would feel dry after wards and I couldn't figure out why. It seemed like everyone else was loving co-washing. I kept doing it and nothing. My hair seemed like it didn't like it. That was when the "Moisture, Moisture, Moisture" talk was everywhere. I quickly learned that my hair couldn't just live on moisture alone. I needed protein. As soon as I incorporated protein in my regimen, I had a new head of hair. My hair was able to hold onto moisture and didn't feel dry after co-washing. I then started using moisturizing conditioners as well as conditioners that had protein in them when co-washing.
You ladies are AWESOME!!! :clapping: Thanks sooo much 4 all the advice. I'm going to make another attempt tomorrow. My plan is to clarify co-wash first, deep condition and detangle in the shower this time. Also I'll let my hair air dry for about 30mins b4 moisturizing and sealing. If this doesn't work I'll clarify and try again. I'm gonna exhaust all possibilities b4 I give up...

:thankyou: all again 4 the great advice
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