Close-to-Bra Strap Blues


New Member
This is more of a rant in my quest for long hair, but had to share. My hair is so close to bra strap, but since it’s texturized I can’t tell exactly how far I have to go, or how long it will take. I flatironed a piece in the nape area a couple of weeks ago, and it still looked to be about an inch away. I’ve been wearing my hair up for the past month, mostly in buns. Last week I did my own highlights in the front that aren’t light enough to see. Long story short, I’m bored! The longest my hair has ever been is maybe an inch from where it is now (back in 1999). Honestly, I don’t remember it actually being bra strap length. But since I never wore it straight it was hard to tell.

I’m so determined to get there that I’m willing to forego trims and touchups until January. My last trim was June 2, and touchup was April 6 (front)/July 3 (back). Also considering wearing hats and scarves to provide extra protection from cold, dry air. Please share similar humps that you’ve experienced. I need more encouragement! So many posters here have past bra-strap hair, so I’m wondering how long it took to grow out, did you need some type of “booster” and what did you do to keep it thick and healthy once it got to mid-back length? Anything different? At this point I’m contemplating yoga headstands.

Ideally I’d like to have my hair blown out when I’ve comfortably reached my hair goal (not 6 strands touching) and still have enough left for a trim. But how long will that take?? Sadly I would have been there by now but I messed up my hair by trying to trim it myself last year.

Thanks for listening and keep me inspired!
You'll get there, be patient, just don't scimp. Get a relaxer if you need it, b/c that could cause breakage if you don't. And by all means, look after your ends. If you need a trim, get a trim.
Thanks. The longest my beautician would go between trims was 8 months. And my hair was in great condition. I didn't ask her to stretch them out, she just believed in it.

I usually wait 6 months for touchups unless there are underprocessed areas. Since I have nothing going on during the holidays, I'm thinking this is a great time to keep it moisturized and tucked away.
Caramela said:
You'll get there, be patient, just don't scimp. Get a relaxer if you need it, b/c that could cause breakage if you don't. And by all means, look after your ends. If you need a trim, get a trim.

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Yea, keep it tucked away. Did you think of trying to just braid it up with your own hair and stray it with an activator daily. Maybe you can keep it under a scarf or a wig. I have found that when I just leave my hair alone and dont touch it at I tends to grow out or preserve the growth much more.

Go for a radical change. Wear a wig and keep it braided under. Easily you should see that inch plus by December.
I agree, if you need a trim, get it otherwise, you could end up with uneven hair - or the 6 strands touching which is not what you want!

As far as keeping it healthy once you get there, for me what worked was actually getting regular trims as needed.

I think with time and patience, you'll definitely get there. By wearing your hair up, it sounds like you are protecting your ends that that you won't need too many trims. Don't give up!

And by the way, I love your yahoo album...where has it gone??
Congratualations on the length you do have! One inch away is a great accomplishment!
Isis said:
Congratualations on the length you do have! One inch away is a great accomplishment!

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Yup, keep on doing what you're doing and you'll be brastrap length by Thanksgiving day.
Thanks for the responses!

JazzAngel thanks I will try the scarf and braids idea. I don't like wigs for me.

I guess I've been pretty unlucky in the trim department, which has me concerned about losing too much. You all are right, I'll get a trim in December. Now my ends aren't that bad. I usually wait until I see knots. Since my hair fell out 3 years ago I have been determined to get it as luscious as possible LOL.

Hairlove, I'm not sure but Yahoo is acting weird. My albums went to private viewing status and were renamed with the main folder prefix. Strange.
You definitely should not be in a rut about your hair. I love your hair! I think it is absolutely gorgeous. It seems like you have no problem with growing hair, I bet if you got a little protein working or even use protein conditioners on your hair, I bet it will be at the desired length in no time. I like to use Fantasia products because they usually contain biotin and now I am using Nexxus Biotin Shampoo. You might be using all these things, but maybe you can max it out for a few weeks just to get the additional inches, I know you can do it!

I'm glad your photos are back!

What happened to your hair 3 years ago? The reason I ask is that I'm suffering from breakage myself and am looking forward to having it "all better" again. Your hair looks really great now, I would never guess you had any hair issues!
Anikalia, I just wanted to offer a word of encourgement. I think that at one time or another everyone reaches that point where they believe they are not making any progress. Just keep giving your hair the TLC that you have been giving it and your hair will certainly respond to all the love and care that it is getting. The length will come. Just try to not stress about it and don't go looking in the mirror to often cause remember a watched pot never boils. You probably won't notice the length but others will and one day you will look up and say wow, I have finally gotten past that point. Please Don't Speak Defeat over this hair hump, you will be there sooner than you think! BTW, your hair is gorgeous. HHG
I just saw your photos. Your hair is beautiful! You'll reach your goal by December easily!
Wow thank you!

What is the Nexxus biotin shampoo like? I used to have a Jheri Rheding biotin shampoo and leave-in, purchased from Sally's back in the day. When I've taken biotin in the past I haven't noticed any extra growth. Silica and a multi do the best for me, so I just keep taking those. However, I did just add B-1 and garlic tablets to the roster. I'm going on vacation soon and need a natural mosquito repellant.

Hairlove, in 2000 I wanted to go honey blonde due to boredom(sigh, I know)
. My beautician at the time said that he'd need to gradually lighten my hair over 6 months. By the time my hair was light enough, I got a touchup a couple of weeks later. Hair came out in clumps at the shampoo bowl. Beautician had nerve to blame me since I brought in my own relaxer. But he should have told me what I should have used. Oh well. The color and relaxer left my hair so thin and brittle; there was nothing I could do to save it.

So I switched beauticians and gradually cut out light ends. That's when I started going on hair boards and learning more about what was good for my hair. For breakage it has helped to keep hair moisturized and use good reconstructor treatements with heat. But I'm sure you already knew that.

DSD Thanks for the words of encouragement!
I notice that my bun has gotten a little bigger so that is a good sign.

DJD! Thanks but I think my skin looks better in photos. I have combination, super sensitive skin so it is very sometimey. The best thing I've done for my skin is take Ortho-Tricyclen bc pills, which has helped to normalize it as well as allows blemishes to heal faster (really). In the summer I use Nutrogena fragrance free bar soap or Jergens Pure & Natural bar soap and a sea sponge. In the cooler months, Oil of Olay sensitive skin foaming facial wash. I have used vaseline all my life for dry areas, but very recently (this week) have started using jojoba oil with great results. It is excellent on skin!!! Also I keep hair away from my face because it often causes breakout problems from fragrance, cones and wax in products.

I'm going to update album soon with up with protective styles. Gotta take some pics...
Anikalia and Hairlove,

Both of you have VERY beautiful hair! I'm really motivated now to reach my next goal of waist length hopefully by next summer. In April 2002, my hair was shoulder length (I'm gonna have to post some pics soon). To reach bra strap, it took me approximately 1year and 1month. I'm currently still at bra strap because I've been keeping it trimmed until I feel comfortable enough with moving on. When I say comfortable enough, I mean to keep it even and healthy. I'll take health over length any day! So, after my next touchup at the end of this month, I will then continue to grow my hair to waist length. Don't get discouraged, your hair will be there in no time!
The Suave Awaphui has almost stopped all of my breakage. But just keep your hair braided up. Wearing cornrows misted with Ginsing Miracle 8 Oil and a satin scarf for about 2 months got me almost 4 inches of growth.
GrowthSpurt said:
The Suave Awaphui has almost stopped all of my breakage. But just keep your hair braided up. Wearing cornrows misted with Ginsing Miracle 8 Oil and a satin scarf for about 2 months got me almost 4 inches of growth.

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I love the Miracle 8 oil! What color do you use? I like the green one. Too bad I can't cornrow well.
Anikalia Girrrrrrrl- your hair is so pretty!!!
It's people like you that make me want to texturize my hair! You know, matches natural hair texture without being as 'bushy'/frizzy.
This is off the topic but, do you always have it professionally texturized? Or have you done it yourself?

As for those close to bra-strap blues, is it your goal to be there by the end of the year or sooner? Or are you just hoping you're there now?
Cami...thanks for the compliment!

Anikalia - regarding the protein treatments for damaged hair. Believe it or not, but that is THE one thing that I haven't done for my hair! I had been so "afraid" of the protein causing more damage. Thanks for posting what happened to you b/c I have been thinking of adding a protein treatment to regimen and now I feel more confident doing so!

I can't believe how healthy your hair looks now. You got a lot of growth in 3 years! It's such an inspiration to hear!

Don't worry - I am sure you'll reach your goal in no time. You probably just haven't "noticed" the changes!
Cami with my trim mishaps and cutting light ends off, I've spent nearly 2 years at shoulder length. You are lucky and I hope that I can reach my goal by December. If not, I'll just stop worrying about it. Good luck with your hair goal! That's a lot of hair!

BahamaMama thanks, I started texturizing my own hair about a year and a half ago. I got a lot of help to get me started from boards. I started practicing in the front, then would have a friend do the back. Now I can do the whole head, but the key is doing one section at a time so you make sure you aren't overprocessing anything.

Yes Hairlove give protein treatments a try. It's a good rebuilder. Thanks again!
Re: Close-to-Bra Strap Blues--Update

I finally made it! Nape has reached bra strap!!
My hair is really thriving from these protective styles. Now I'm sure I'll reach my goal of healthy bra-strap length by Christmas, after I get a much-needed trim. I will still wait on touch-up until January though.

Thanks for all the support, insight and pictures!