Clear Rinses/hair enhancers?


Well-Known Member
I bought Jazzings clear rinse and wondered if anyone else has used this product or any other clear rinse. Did it deliver good shine?
I've used the clear rinse and my hair came out dry and did have an ounce of shine to it. But I love adore clear rinse, my hair comes out super shiny.
I use colourshines clear with 4 consecutive touchups, about once every 3 months, and it did deliver blinging shine! However, I THINK it started to make my hair thinner -- it was the only "different" variable in my routine -- so I stopped. Still got half a bottle and will use more sparing in future and save for special occassions, also will NOT apply on touchup day, but space it out a couple of weeks after. It's possible that the combo of relaxer AND colourshines was too much for my hair . . .
I use Wella color charm because its one of the few brands I can use without heat. They do have one in clear which is really good which I mix with color from time to time, depending on what Im after. You can use without the activator BUT its best to use the activator because it lasts much longer. In order to keep your hair from getting hard you have to use a really super moisterizing con. (I use ORS Paks) for about 20/25 minutes.

I mix that with a capful of porosity control (or nexxus ensure if thats all I got)right in tot he ORS pak and apply. Thats what keeps my hair *from* feeling hard afterwards.

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I am anti-Jazzing.

I think that it is a cheap and poorly made product. I have used the clear but the blue black rinse literally clogged the drain in my shower. I have not used it since. For shine and slight color I use Clairol radiance.
My stylist gave me a clear rinse after my shampoo (after my BC) last week. I think it was Sebastian (that's her usual brand). Don't know what it did, but it does seem that my hair has more shine than the sheen it would probably normally have, and it was soft after the rinse.
I used colourshines in clear and it did nothing for me. I still have 3/4 of a bottle left maybe I'll try it again.
I tried jazzing and adore, the adore had an odor to it, neither one of them did anything to make my hair shine.