Clear rinse over color rinse?


New Member
I put a color rinse in my hair Saturday (Beautiful Browns) and I love it. It came to my mind that maybe I could put a clear rinse over it to "seal" the color and give more shine...what a thought! Has anyone done this? Any suggestions?!! Is this a weird thought?! Thanks!!
I don't think it's a weird question :)

I have never done a rinse though, but I dont think you can use a clear rinse to "seal" in the rinse done before that, I am not sure, but I don't think it would do anything, maybe give shine. I really don't know for sure.. I hope someone else will come in here and give a better response :)
I'm not sure. But next time, maybe you should mix the two. (Provided they are the same brands). I've never tried it personally, but I've seen posters state that they've mixed colored rinses with clear to get that extra 'bling.'
yes it can be done. Ive done it plenty of times. It kinda makes the color more shinier if its done right. I massage the color on first, then i pour the clear on top, then sit under dryer.....imo the clear rinse isnt gonna seal in any more than the color rinse. Its the same. Itll still come out during ur washes. I see no difference in the amount of time the color stays in my hair when i mix them or not. rinses in general can help seal the cuticle. The key to holding the color more is ur application,...and cuticles, & porosity......eta: i do mix different brands
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I'm thinking of doing that. I have reddish brown hair... no matter how much I apply blue black or something, it always washes out in one wash--- and that's PERMANENT color. I'm going to mix blue black dye with shine happy by clairol and see if it helps before I BKT