Cleaning the Inside Man


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies! God has been dealing with me on those inward things. The things that people can't see. I dont want to be one content that I dont drink, curse, or fight, but I want those inward things to be revealed in me as well, so I can get them right. I want to post this article, but it was very helpful in me examining myself. It may help you all as well.

Overcoming the Works of the Flesh

Each Christian wages a war against carnality. Understanding each element of your carnal nature will help you fight this lifelong battle.

By Kevin D. Denee

Looking at himself in the mirror, the old man had come to understand his deeds and what he truly was. He understood that he was corrupt and carnal, and that he was cut off from God without access to His Holy Spirit. Even more, this old man understood that he had to repent of his past sins, to which he had been enslaved his entire life. If the old man died, he knew that he would be free from sin.
This old man was crucified for his sins.
But, this man lived again and became a new man, through his Savior. He now had to put on righteousness and true holiness. He was required to mortify—destroy—those things within him that were part of his carnal nature, and in turn, build true character.
Do you recognize this person? This person—the old man who became a new man—is every Christian! This old man is specifically mentioned in three separate places in the New Testament. (See Romans 6:6; Ephesians 4:22; Colossians 3:9. Note the context surrounding each scripture.)
While this man was replaced by a new man at baptism, each of these passages explains a process of mortifying—putting to death—aspects of our nature such as “fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness…” (Col. 3:5). They also speak of putting off “anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication (Col. 3:8) and also “the former conversation [way of life]…which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts” (Eph. 4:22).
The apostle Paul understood the battle against our old carnal self. Even as a great servant of God, he struggled against his flesh. Read his statements in Romans 7:14-23.
Paul, like every Christian today, was battling carnality—warring after the flesh. Our entire Christian lives deal with battling three enemies: Satan, ourselves and society. In this article, we will focus on one-third of that battle—the battle against ourselves.
After baptism, we were still 99.9 percent carnal. The rest of that carnality does not disappear in a week, month, or year. Throughout our physical lives, we must overcome—get rid of—our carnal nature and replace it with true, godly character.
It has been said that terrorism is a very difficult war to wage because it is hard to figure out who the enemy is. You cannot win a war without knowing who you are fighting. Similarly, in order to battle against carnality, we must understand who and what we are up against. God does not leave us hanging—He does not require us to fight and overcome our carnal nature without showing us exactly what we have to fight.

At baptism, we were required to prove that God exists, that His Word—the Bible—carries authority, and the location of His Church. Also, during counseling, we went through a list of scriptures that contained term after term for the many elements of carnal nature.
Notice: Adultery, an evil eye, anger, backbiter, blasphemer, boaster, covenant breaker, covetous, debater, deceiver, despiser of those that are good, despiteful, disobedient, disobedient to parents, drunks, emulations, envious, evil concupiscence, evil thoughts, false accuser, fierce, filthy communication, foolish, fornications, hater of God, hating one another, heady, heresies, highminded, idolaters, implacable, incontinent, inordinate affection, inventors of evil things, lasciviousness, lovers of pleasures, lovers of their own selves, maliciousness, malignity, murder, proud, revellings, seditions, serving various lusts and pleasures, sorcerers, strife, thefts, traitors, trucebreakers, unclean, unholy, unmerciful, unrighteousness, unthankful, variance, whisperers, wickedness, witchcraft, without natural affection, without understanding, and finally, wrath.
If you look at all the scriptures combined (Mark 7:21-23; Rom. 1:29-31; Gal. 5:19-21; Col. 3:5-8), there are a great many words that describe carnal, human nature.
When was the last time you truly studied these scriptures? Are they just for those who are not yet baptized? Certainly, not! Ironically, when we read these scriptures containing lists of carnal nature, our own human nature often causes us to just breeze right through them, because we have “heard it all before.”
But we continually battle carnal nature. Christianity is an all-out war. We are required to fight the good fight and battle the flesh.
How many times have we looked at these lists in the Bible and asked ourselves which of these carnal elements are still alive and well, and working within us?
Recall when Christ magnified and fulfilled the Law, at the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5:17). He took the time to expand the commandments “Thou shall not kill” (vs. 21-22) and “Thou shall not commit adultery” (vs. 27-28). We should be able to follow Christ's example and apply it to every work of the flesh. Do not just look at the word “adultery” and tell yourself that you certainly are not doing it. Rather, ask yourself, “How, in the slightest form, might this work of the flesh still be present within me?”
This article will only serve as a brief overview of most of the works of the flesh. Each one could form its own article. You can use this overview as a foundation for a more thorough Bible study on self-examination prior to the Passover season.
The works of the flesh can be categorized as either attitudes or actions. Attitudes, of course, inevitably turn into actions.
The Attitudes

The attitudes will be examined first. Remember, this is not an exhaustive list; there are more, but, for lack of space, not all are addressed. Each work of the flesh will be followed by Strong’s Greek number.
Anger (3709): Defined as anger, temper, agitation, and indignation. Often, people lose control when they get angry. Remember, this is an attitude, therefore, you should be aware of the anger you might feel, but not necessarily show.
Covetousness (4124): Found in three different lists, covetousness is something that was repeated for emphasis because it is prevalent in human nature. It is defined as “a greedy desire to have more.”
The word covetous is also found in II Timothy 3:2, but is a different Greek word (Strong’s: 5366), which literally means “lover of money.” The love of money is a “root of all evil” (I Tim. 6:10).
Deceit (1388): Defined by Matthew Henry as: “wickedness covered and disguised, that it may be the more securely and effectually committed.” In the Laodicean age, deceit abounds among God’s people. To be deceived about yourself may be the worst work of the flesh because you are unable to see any other elements of your nature: “The heart is deceitful above all things” (Jer. 17:9).
Emulations (2205): The Greek word here is zelos, which often means “zeal.” Yet, in this context, it has the meaning of jealousy: “an envious and contentious rivalry.” This is a focus on self and an attempt to lower others.
Envy (5355): Defined by Webster’s Dictionary as “Pain, uneasiness, mortification, or discontent, excited by another’s prosperity, accompanied with some degree of hatred or malignity, and often with a desire or an effort to depreciate the person, and with pleasure in seeing him depressed.”
Foolish, foolishness (453, 877): Two different Greeks words, but with very similar—and blunt—meanings. Defined as, “foolishness, folly, senselessness, thoughtlessness, recklessness, not understanding, unwise and unintelligent.” God’s Word is sometimes painfully clear. Are there times when these words describe your actions?
Hateful, hatred (4767, 2189): Hate is on almost every list of the works of the flesh in one form or another. This word is defined as enmity, hostile and detestable. Hatred can be expressed as “the feeling or expression of deep-seated ill will.” Romans 8:7 sums up this attribute of carnal nature: “the carnal mind is enmity against God.” This hatred is magnified to “haters of God” (Rom. 1:30) and “hating one another” (Titus 3:3).
Incontinent (193): Means powerless, without strength and lacking self-control.
Lasciviousness (766): More easily understood as lust. The full definition is broader and includes “unbridled lust, excess, licentiousness, lasciviousness, wantonness, outrageousness, shamelessness and insolence.”
Lovers of their own selves, lovers of pleasures (5369, 5367): The world continues its relentless pursuit of pleasure and certainly continues in its selfish ways, but Christians are to overcome these characteristics. Adam Clarke’s Commentary sums up the meaning of “lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God” (II Tim. 3:4): “Pleasure, sensual gratification, is their god; and this they love and serve; God they do not.”
Malice (2549): The English word is defined as “A desire to harm others or to see others suffer; extreme ill will or spite.” A malicious person desires to injure and show deliberate ill will to others.
Proud (5244): Certainly a great tendency in human nature, pride is simply viewing oneself as above others and “a self-assured estimate of one’s means or merits.” Other closely related words are arrogance and haughtiness. Vincent’s Word Studies explains: “The picture in the word is that of a man with his head held high above others. It is the sin of an uplifted heart against God and man.”
Uncleanness (167): Beyond the physical, this word means “impure motives, unclean in a moral sense: unclean in thought and life.”
The Actions

Following is a list of some of the actions that flow from attitudes of the works of the flesh. This section may be even easier, humanly, to just “give it a once over lightly,” believing you would never be capable of such things. But again, these are things that we must be aware of, understand, and overcome.
Adultery (3430): This work is simply and literally defined as adultery—unlawful sexual relations involving at least one married individual.
Blasphemy (988): Defined as “speaking evil, slanderous, reproachful, railing and abusive,” the English word comes from the Greek word blasphemia. This “speaking evil” is done against both man and God. How often do we find ourselves doing this?
Boasters (213): This is a fruit of pride and is simply proclaiming one’s own goodness, when that should be left to others (Prov. 20:6). A boaster can be defined as an “empty pretender,” which also is founded on vanity, another dangerous attitude.
Debate, variance (2054): Strife, debate, contention, variance, wrangling. As Clarke’s Commentary puts it, “where the principle of hatred proceeds to open acts.” Debating and arguing is directly related to contention and strife, often connected with anger.
Fierce (434): The opposite of mild and gentle. Defined as “not tame, savage, fierce.”
Filthy communication (148): Filthy or vile communication, also defined as “foul speaking and low and obscene speech.” The root of this word is defined as “filthy, baseness, dishonorable.” Within certain contexts, it could also be considered “abusive language.”
Fornication (4202): Translated from the Greek word porneia, from which modern-day pornography derives its name. This word is a much broader term than adultery. It includes any sexual misuse: Adultery, fornication, homosexuality and bestiality. In today’s society, illicit sex is becoming more and more prevalent, causing the temptation and danger of fornication to increase.
Heresies (139): In the Laodicean age, in which the people rule, this is a great test and weakness among God’s people. Heresy is any wrong teaching or false doctrine. One of the definitions of heresy is “disagreement arising from diversity of opinions and aims.” As the age grows darker, there is an ever increasing need for God’s people to be unified in truth.
Idolatry (1495): Defined as the worship of false gods, idolatry is when people ignore Matthew 6:33, and seek and esteem anything more than “the kingdom of God, and His righteousness.”
Seditions (1370): Means “divisions, seditions and dissension.” Notice Paul’s admonition to the Corinthians: “For you are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are you not carnal, and walk as men?” (I Cor. 3:3). Clarke comments on this divisiveness: “divisions, refers to their conduct; as they could not agree, they contended till they separated from each other, and thus rent the Church of Christ.” Does this sound familiar to today’s situation among God’s people?
Traitors (4273): Those who betray a brother. This was prophesied to happen within God’s Church at the end of the age (Matt. 24:10). Within man’s governments, treason has been considered one of the worst crimes one can commit. God’s people must strive to do the opposite—to be loyal!
Unmerciful (415): Literally means “not merciful, merciless, and destitute of compassion.” God is full of mercy (Psa. 145:8), while mankind—with carnal nature—is the opposite.
Unthankful (884): Defined as “thankless, ungrateful, unthankful, and ungracious.” Regarding this attribute, Clarke’s Commentary states, “Persons without grace, or gracefulness; who think they have a right to the services of all men, yet feel no obligation, and consequently no gratitude.”
Wickedness (4189): At the conclusion of the actions, this word overarches the works of the flesh. It is iniquity (lawlessness), active wickedness, and is personified by evil purposes and desires. Recall, Satan is called the wicked one. Matthew Henry’s Commentary sums it up: “Wickedness is…malice, hatred, and ill-will, a desire to do mischief, and a delight in mischief done.”
"And nothing unclean and no one who practices abomination and lying, shall ever come into it (the holy city, new Jerusalem - J.Q.), but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life." (REVELATION 21:27). Paul had given a list of things which, by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, he termed "unrighteous" and said that those who practice such things "shall not inherit the kingdom of God." According to I CORINTHIANS 6:9-11:
(1) Fornicators shall not inherit the kingdom of God. This term refers to those who engage in sexual activity which God has declared sinful. He has not declared all sexual activity. In fact, He condones and even encourages lawful sexual activity according to His design and purpose (I CORINTHIANS 7:2-4; HEBREWS 13:4). Fornication refers to sexual activity outside of the marriage relationship between a man and a woman. It would include premarital as well as extramarital sexual relationships of whatever duration from a one night stand to an ongoing affair. Such activity was rampant in first century Corinth. It is rampant today in our own society. But it matters not how commonly it is practiced, it is still unrighteous and it will keep one from entering heaven.
(2) Idolaters shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Those who offer to others what belongs unto God are idolaters. A person's idol might be a huge, grotesque image carved out of stone before which he bows. Or it might be his own desires. It is anything that a person adores more than God. Idolatry will keep one from entering heaven.
(3) Adulterers shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Adultery seems to be more specific a term than fornication. It is usually limited to sexual unfaithfulness to a marriage partner. Adultery will keep one from entering heaven.
(4) The effeminate shall not enter the kingdom of God. . It refers to one who is soft, specifically, to the passive partner in a homosexual relationship. Being effeminate will keep one from entering heaven.
(5) Homosexuals shall not enter the kingdom of God. This word is used twice in the New Testament; in the text we are examining as well as I TIMOTHY 1:10. It denotes one who would take the leading role in a homosexual relationship. It is not fashionable today to suggest that such activity is unrighteous and will keep one out of the kingdom of God, but that is what the Covenant of Jesus Christ says. Practicing homosexuality will keep one from entering heaven.
(6) Thieves shall not enter the kingdom of God. There is no excuse for taking that which rightfully belongs to another. Whether its shoplifting, pilfering, short-changing or armed robbery, fraud and extortion, it is thievery. Whether the person doing the stealing is rich or poor it will still keep one from entering heaven.
(7). The covetous will not enter the kingdom of God. This has to do with having an uncontrollable desire to possess a certain thing. It motivates one into committing sin in order to satisfy greed. Coveting that which belongs to another will keep one from entering heaven.
(8) Drunkards shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Children of God have no need to cloud their perspectives nor dull their senses. We must be able to think and reason clearly. Drunkenness causes one to lose focus and rationality. Those who give themselves over to intoxication will find that it keeps them from entering heaven.
(9) Revilers shall not inherit the kingdom of God. There are many to speak boldly about things that they know little about. Many men and women of God have had to endure reproach for their faith. Not even the Son of God escaped verbal abuse. But they will not have to endure it forever because there will be no revilers in heaven.
(10) Swindlers shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Seducers and smooth talkers of all kinds are included here. The religious con-man belongs to this group as well as the secular. Those who prey on others by trying to take advantage of their misfortune would also be included. Swindlers cannot take their ill-gotten goods with them when they leave this world, nor will they enter heaven.​
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Recall when Christ magnified and fulfilled the Law, at the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5:17). He took the time to expand the commandments “Thou shall not kill” (vs. 21-22) and “Thou shall not commit adultery” (vs. 27-28). We should be able to follow Christ's example and apply it to every work of the flesh. Do not just look at the word “adultery” and tell yourself that you certainly are not doing it. Rather, ask yourself, “How, in the slightest form, might this work of the flesh still be present within me?”
This article will only serve as a brief overview of most of the works of the flesh. Each one could form its own article. You can use this overview as a foundation for a more thorough Bible study on self-examination prior to the Passover season.
The works of the flesh can be categorized as either attitudes or actions. Attitudes, of course, inevitably turn into actions.

@Alicialynn86 get out of my head, I was going to post a thread about this later today as it pertains to the law and our hearts! Yes, a lot of believers will not be murdering anyone or committing adultery according to the old law...but God has put a MAGNIFYING glass on that old law...and he's all about the hearts right now. We will be judged according to our hearts. So no...nobody is murdering anyone...but hatred is now magnified to the level of murder. We may not be committing adultery...but there is some spiritual adultery going on in hearts of believers...God is looking for some clean hearts. We have to pray that God gives us a clean heart and a new spirit! I was thinking about this the other day when I found this scripture.

Jeremiah 17:10
"I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward a man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve."

He is searching hearts and testing minds! It doesn't matter how good we "look" on the outside, this is a heart and mind thing! Let's get them clean!
See, this right here......helps me so much!!!:yep:

Thank you for sharing this because Lord knows I need to read it and get it in my spirit.

What could happen if we all allowed our inner-man to be cleaned out? The devil would be running for sure!!!
Good word. Are we really dying to self, our own motives, and issues by allowing Christ to crucify those seen and unseen things? I am just thankful for all the good words that have been coming lately.

Thanks for sharing.

I don't want the "form" of godliness, I want it in my heart. Sometimes it hurts when you see these ugly things in your heart, but my hope is in Jesus! He who started the work will finish it! I believe it. :yep:

Just means my flesh will have to die even the more. I want to be free in all areas of my life and I will be. I'm determined!!

@Alicialynn86 get out of my head, I was going to post a thread about this later today as it pertains to the law and our hearts! Yes, a lot of believers will not be murdering anyone or committing adultery according to the old law...but God has put a MAGNIFYING glass on that old law...and he's all about the hearts right now. We will be judged according to our hearts. So no...nobody is murdering anyone...but hatred is now magnified to the level of murder. We may not be committing adultery...but there is some spiritual adultery going on in hearts of believers...God is looking for some clean hearts. We have to pray that God gives us a clean heart and a new spirit! I was thinking about this the other day when I found this scripture.

Jeremiah 17:10
"I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward a man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve."

He is searching hearts and testing minds! It doesn't matter how good we "look" on the outside, this is a heart and mind thing! Let's get them clean!
Amen...thanks for posting!

I came across this scripture this weekend.

Psalm 19:12-13
12 But who can discern their own errors?
Forgive my hidden faults.
13 Keep your servant also from willful sins;
may they not rule over me.
Then I will be blameless,
innocent of great transgression.
yesterday one of the women in my church brought a word, "this flesh must die" ..everyday so that we can truly we like Jesus...

Good word. Are we really dying to self, our own motives, and issues by allowing Christ to crucify those seen and unseen things? I am just thankful for all the good words that have been coming lately.

Thanks for sharing.
This has me speechless.. and is for me. Dying to self daily is no walk in the park... walk the walk. Thank you, Father, for your timely Word through Sister Alicialynn. Amein~
A very timely message indeed. The Lord has been dealing with me about the little foxes... Sometimes it's the little things...that are destructive and/or hinders our walk in Christ.

Thank you Alicialynn86 for this enlightening article.

"Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes." Sgs 2:15
Thanks ALICIALYNN. Thank God for grace, but it is obvious that too many are using grace as a reason to sin and expect no consequence. My prayer is that God indeed keep me sensitive to the conviction of the Holy Spirit when I'm in disobedience to God.

We often think of the Kingdom of God with respect to that which is to come but I believe that carnal attittudes and actions seperate us from the day to day aspects of the Kindom such as found in

Romans 14:17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

When I'm out of line I sure don't have peace and joy no matter how I pretend. I'll be examining myself, better yet I'll be praying that God uses His Spirit to bring to my mind what I may not be seeing in me.
This thread is soo on time. Some scriptures that came to mind after reading responses.

No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize. 1 Corinthians 9:27

Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates? 2 Corinthians 13:5
Thanks @ALICIALYNN. Thank God for grace, but it is obvious that too many are using grace as a reason to sin and expect no consequence. My prayer is that God indeed keep me sensitive to the conviction of the Holy Spirit when I'm in disobedience to God.

We often think of the Kingdom of God with respect to that which is to come but I believe that carnal attittudes and actions seperate us from the day to day aspects of the Kindom such as found in

Romans 14:17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

When I'm out of line I sure don't have peace and joy no matter how I pretend. I'll be examining myself, better yet I'll be praying that God uses His Spirit to bring to my mind what I may not be seeing in me.

MSee I believe the message preached in many pulpits about grace is misintrepreted!

God's grace is a blessing and it's for all believers...grace enables us to do things that we can't do in our own strength. Grace empowers us to walk in God's anointance, to perservere. That's why Paul said "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." Paul is talking about God's grace.

I created a thread about God's Supernatural Grace b/c I believe many believers think it's only for those who have sinned...but that's only half of the truth :grin:.
"... that which I do not see, teach thou me; where I have sinned I will do no more..." Job 34:32
^^prayed about this last night, many of our efforts are wasted as we are only moved to repent in 'crisis' and only 'stirred' when we are in church, God know that our lips are speaking but our hearts is still not broken otherwise we wouldn't return to our sin ...

Lord Jesus help us ...
cleaning the inside man ...

we are busy cleaning the outside of the cup..that's what we want the world to see, it's time to clean from the inside out...

Matthew 23:26
Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.
cleaning the inside man ...

we are busy cleaning the outside of the cup..that's what we want the world to see, it's time to clean from the inside out...

Matthew 23:26
Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.

:yep::yep:This is where true repentance and liberty takes place. This is where God has me. It is not about how faithful we are to religion and traditions because He desires Truth in the inward parts.

Behold, you desire truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part you shall make me to know wisdom. Psalm 51:6
Psalm 139 v23-24

"...Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me ,
and lead me in the way everlasting..."

Amen, Amen, Amen.
@MSee I believe the message preached in many pulpits about grace is misintrepreted!

God's grace is a blessing and it's for all believers...grace enables us to do things that we can't do in our own strength. Grace empowers us to walk in God's anointance, to perservere. That's why Paul said "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." Paul is talking about God's grace.

I created a thread about God's Supernatural Grace b/c I believe many believers think it's only for those who have sinned...but that's only half of the truth :grin:.

Totally agree. This is the grace I was referring too.