cleaning hair with witch hazel

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I am a nineties girl, Bell Biv Devoe, Brandy, black lipstick and a ton of eyeliner. Call it my version of a Goth phase but I really experimented with makeup back then and even though I had not a clue about what I was doing I knew to have a bottle of witch hazel and some cotton balls on deck as my toner, pimple corrector and cleaning agent.

Since that time technology and new discoveries have brought about much sophistication when it comes to beauty products. So much so that sometimes the good old stuff gets shoved to the back of the cabinet.
The thing is, even though we have come a long way sometimes we have to look to some of our old faithful staples for some routine ‘back in the day’ kind of results.

Now that we are in the middle of a protective styling challenge it makes sense to highlight this one unique way to clean your scalp without actually washing your hair.
Cleaning your scalp with witch hazel can be used if you are wearing twists, braids, synthetic hair or if you are relaxed or natural. Use this method to avoid flakes, an itchy scalp and build up.

Now hurry up, crawl back there and fish out your bottle of witch hazel, make sure you check for an expiration date because your are about to get a whole lotta use out of this bottle of clear liquid.
First Things First, What’s In It?

Since we are in the habit of reading labels around here and we don’t just put anything on our scalp it would be beneficial to know just what witch hazel is and what makes it ideal for scalp cleaning.
Witch hazel is a plant, the leaf, bark and twigs of the plant are generally used to make medicine and its properties makes for one of the best natural astringents around.

When taken by mouth the distilled version of the plant or the Hazel water can be used to treat diarrhea, tuberculosis and fever just to name a few. It can also be applied directly to the skin to prevent inflammation or if you have any sort of skin injury or insect bite.

Obviously there are some manufacturing differences between brands. Some companies might choose to add preservatives or other things to enhance the product but for the most part witch hazel is an all natural extract great for cleansing, skin repair and fighting bacteria.

We cannot go any further without saying, please consult a physician before you decide to use witch hazel as medicine, it would be highly inappropriate for you to take a shot of Hazel if you have a tummy ache. All jokes aside, always see the doctor first!.

What You Will Need For Scalp Cleaning
Now that we know what’s in it, we can start the process. The first step is to gather your tools; here is what you will need:
► Witch hazel – Dickinsons is a great brand but choose whichever brand you like.
► Cotton balls or cotton rounds – again, choose the best brand for you but make sure your rounds are sturdy enough to withstand gentle rubbing and moisture. No one likes to have little white fibres in their hair after just cleaning it!
► A squirt bottle – Find an old bottle with a squirt nozzle that you are not using, make sure it is completely clean, this will be used to apply the hazel directly to the cotton ball. This might be optional for some, squirting however is a little easier and more precise than pouring.
► Clips - You will need clips to keep your hair separated and organized.
Let’s Get Started
Pour the witch hazel in your squirt bottle estimating how much your think you will need and set it aside. It is important to organize your hair before you start so that you do not miss any areas, so at this point separate the hair into small workable sections and clip away any sections you are not working on.

Pick a section that works best for you, we recommend starting from the nape and working your way up so that you can keep track of what area you have already cleaned.
Squirt or pour some witch hazel on to the cotton ball trying not to soak the cotton ball too much to avoid frizzing your hair at the root. Separate each section of hair and rub the cotton along the scalp area cleaning it thoroughly moving though each area of your scalp methodically.

It is a lot easier to follow your part lines if you are in braids or twists, but if not just ensure you are getting the entire scalp.
After you are done cleaning, it might be a good idea to finish things off with a little oil if you are that way inclined. For example tea tree oil, olive oil or coconut oil can be applied to the same sections just for all around scalp health and further fungus protection.

The video below demonstrates exactly what we have described. It’s a very simple but effective technique of avoiding an itchy scalp especially when wearing a style that does not take well to weekly washing.

Note: This technique does not take the place of a full shampoo and deep conditioning session in your normal regimen and should only be used when you want to extend the time between washes by a week or two. It is perhaps best used during protective styling.

A Few Other Uses For Witch Hazel
We thought it might be interesting to include a few other uses of witch hazel in case you are planning to become a bit of a superfan of the stuff.
1. Soothe razor burn – You know those annoying little bumps that come up after a shave sometimes caused by a dull razor? Well witch hazel can heal things up for you and reduces the inflammation pretty quickly.
2. Great for babies bottom – Baby suffering from diaper rash? Apply a little witch hazel to the area healing up that little bum in no time.
3. Temporary relief for varicose veins – Get a few rags soaked with witch hazel and apply them directly to the affected area causing temporary pain relief from the constriction of the veins.
4. Make your own deodorant – Yes, if you are into the idea of giving up the chemical laden anti-perspirant deodorants available in stores then just mix up a batch of your own.

►1 tsp high proof vodka
►10 drops geranium
►10 drops cypress
►8 drops bergamot
►5 drops neroli
►4 drops lavender
►3 drops black pepper
►4 tb sp (40 ml) witch hazel
►2 tb sp (25 ml) cornflower water
►2 tb sp (25 ml) orange flower water
Measure the vodka into a 4 oz (100 ml) glass bottle with a spray attachment, add your essential oils, one at a time and shake the bottle to dissolve the oils and mix.
Pour the witch hazel into the bottle and then add the two flower waters, shaking again and label your bottle to prevent any confusion. Before you use your new deodorant shake it to ensure everything is well mixed.You can adjust the mix of essential oils to suit your own taste.
Bear in mind that this recipe creates a deodorant and not an anti-perspirant so it won’t stop you from sweating, it will just stop the sweat odor. Try it, we wont tell Sean P Diddy Combs that you are using his favorite tipple CIROC on your armpits!
That’s all folks, happy cleansing!
i have a friend who does this. she's a straight haired natural APL. She straightens her hair and then instead of washing it (to avoid losing the straightness) get this---she goes 5-6 weeks without her hair touching water by cleaning her new growth with witch hazel.

i thought it was crazy gross but i guess everyone has their own way of doing things. her hair is pretty long but i have no idea how healthy it is considering she doesn't condition or clarify it ever.