Clean-Shaving your head. Is this true?

Have you heard of or used this method?

  • Yes, I've done it to myself or a loved one and it worked.

    Votes: 4 2.5%
  • Yes, I've heard of it working successfully.

    Votes: 17 10.6%
  • I have heard of it, but I don't believe it.

    Votes: 85 53.1%
  • No, I haven't heard of it.

    Votes: 54 33.8%

  • Total voters
that must mean that the hair was about to change over color when it was cut. because shaving hair can not change color . it is common that some coacasion children start off with blond hair, then as time goes on they develop the true color that they will have for the rest of the life. until it starts to gray or is bleached by the sun or otherwise colored.

It is the same way the "some" AA woman swear their child had "good hair" til (insert person) did something and now they got "bad hair" like their dad's side. It was gonna turn any way, folks

AA's want to keep the good hair and YT wants to keep the blond hair. LOL

Only hair changes that I have seen and believe is when someone's hair fell out from chemo it usually grows back a different texture.
It's not true. That's just like the age old myth that if you shave your legs the hair will come back thicker. It has been proven that it really doesn't, it's just cut at an angle when you shave and it appears thicker. I've had the hair in the back of my head shaved when I had a short hair cut and the texture did not change when it grew back.

Ya this is what I thought at first too. When my best friend told me this, I was like :rolleyes:...yall are :spinning:...

But she explained that most Indians do this with coconut oil. We've all heard the raves of coconut oil on this site, and it known to help grow the hair in thicker, faster, and a rich dark black color. It helps to prevent grays and maintain dark hair, and helps the hair maintain moisture and shine.
I've seen the reverse younger brother and cousin both had beautiful hair when they were younger...that got those first clean shaven hair cuts and the hair texture change extremely for both...:perplexed

This happened to my oldest son, poor baby, he's still mad w/ me about that. My middle son got his hair shaved and he retained his nice texture.

Salma H. said her mom or grandmother did this to her when she was younger.
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I don't believe it. What does shaving your head has to do with your hair texture. Maybe hormonal changes contributed to it.
I BELIEVE THIS TO BE TRUE. WHEN I WAS BACK IN 6TH GRADE I TOO K A BIC TO THE ENTIRE BACK OF MY HEAD LOOL. GAVE MYSELF A BALD FADE FROM EAR TO EAR!!! :blush: (oops on the CAPS) dont ask me why i just thought i would be cool lol. i have to say that all the hair from the point i shaved it is fabulous while from the crown up is a mess!!!! the texture is different, its more silky with more defined curls while the top just does whatever the frig it feels and needs ridiculous amounts of moisture :ohwell:
I know that many Dominican, Indian and Ethiopian mothers follow this practice. My Dominican hairstylist told me to do it to my daughter and that her hair would grow back thicker, longer and fuller...she had little patches of thinning hair on the sides...well, when my stylist told me, my daughter was 5 months old already, and i could not imagine shaving off her precious little curlie ponies, so I didn't do it. Had she mentioned it earlier, I probably would have. My daughter's hair is supa dupa thick and waistlength, now anyway....
I also don't know if this theory is valid or not, but I do know that out of 4 female siblings, my youngest sister is the only one who had to have her head shaved as a baby and now she is the only one who grows super long thick hair super fast (she want from chopping all but 1.5 inches off all over to mid way down her back in less than two years) and her hair has been down to her butt for most of her life.
I have heard of this.

Not exactly the same thing but, my sister had cancer and lost her hair to chemo, when it grew back, the texture was softer with looser coils then before.

However, Im not sure if the medicine she was on or chemo itself had any effect in her hair texture!!
It is true with cancer patients that at times their hair texture will change after chemo. I also think your diet has something to do with it. If a person where to cut all their hair off and in turn change their diet to something healthier, I think the texture would change.
Re: Clean-Shaving your head. Is this true?

I have had a close shaven Head Numerous Times. Once Clean shaven with a razor. The razor Baldie Is in my fotki. My hair is always The same...
I can understand chemo/radiation affecting the hair. After all, they are extremely powerful drugs. Radiation messes with the genes. I also wouldn't think that every person who gets this treatment experiences this.

Just shaving your head with a razor won't do anything.

Your genes are mostly responsible for your texture. Diet, lifestyle and hair regimen also have minor roles.

that must mean that the hair was about to change over color when it was cut. because shaving hair can not change color . it is common that some coacasion children start off with blond hair, then as time goes on they develop the true color that they will have for the rest of the life. until it starts to gray or is bleached by the sun or otherwise colored.

as far as texture is concerned. i have heard of a case having to do with wring worm were the person had it so long without knowing that the hair was permanantly damaged and would never grow again in that spot. similarly cancer survivors who have undergone a round or more of chemotheropy have different texured hair after recovering. this leads me to believe that there may be some truth to texture change if.............. and only if there was some kind of sickness or disturbance to the system of an individual. however i do not believe that shaving alone changes texture. it ight revive it................ so that you do not see any damaged hair leaving new healthy and seeming new textured hair. but actually changing it no.

I've had chemo twice. My hair only changed once, for a year and that was from a totally bald head.

After that year it went back to its royal nappyness:lachen:

Some medications can and do change hair texture while you're on them. My mom takes so many but she's taking one that really has changed her texture (and no less thicker) If she ever gets off, I'm sure she'll revert back.

I've only heard this myth as it applies to those who go through chemo and lose all their hair. My mom went through this and had the most beautiful hair ever! But I can't rally compare, because prior to, she had a relaxer....
my first chop was very short and my last one as well...yes my texturechanged slightly but I think its due to hormonal changes. My armpits just grows straight now ( no i dont let it grow I wax or shave it off)...all that is due to HORMONES...when I was younger my hair was totally different im talking about 4-5 yrs old it was barely wavy-curly. answer changes in hormones point blank
I've heard some Indian women do this.

I had several Indian Women tell me this when my daughter was younger, she had hardly any hair up til about a year and half ago, not the case now but they told me to shave her and her hair would come in faster and fuller, they pointed to their own beautiful haired daughters as proof, however my husband would not have it, not sure if I would have done it, and I didn't.
My armpit and leg hairs..and even my down there hairs come in straight now...When I think about it scientifically it doesn't make sense, but I've seen it happen to my sister's head and to my body hair...but when I try to figure it out it does not make much sense.
My hair has been shaved Bald several times and my hair comes back the same, so nothing different. My mom had cancer and her hair grew back soft, but after it was all over with and the chemo was out her system her hair was back to being the same.
My armpit and leg hairs..and even my down there hairs come in straight now...When I think about it scientifically it doesn't make sense, but I've seen it happen to my sister's head and to my body hair...but when I try to figure it out it does not make much sense.

It makes sense to me...

Just because you have kinky hair on your head doesn't mean you have the same texture of hair everywhere. Have you ever seen someone with kinky eyelashes?

Most of my body hair comes in straight, but if it gets long enough, it curls.
Although I wouldn't try it all over, after I cut my hair the shaved portion in the very back grew back healthier: meaning bigger, more defined curls and less frizz.

But I think that had more to do with the fact that I brushed and constantly gelled the front part down cause I was afraid of big hair.

I think the way you treat hair when you start from scratch is going to be a little different from how you treat your hair when you are just transitioning. IMHO
I think the new hair will be healthy and free from all the wear and tear of the older hair. That could give an illusion of different texture.

I have never heard that though. I could see why people would think it.

I agree... some Indian cultures do this...
but not for those reasons... I'm not sure
why, but yeah they do it.
I haven't heard of this and I don't believe it either.
The texture, colour etc of your hair is in your DNA-I don't see how shaving your head can change your genes.
The only thing I can think of that would make a difference is that it may grow back healthier because you're starting new.
I shaved my head. And it grew back thick and super soft. My mom told me after doing my hair that it grew back thicker after shaving; that's when I first started relaxing my hair because it was alot to handle...

Yes, yes ya'll! That's me around age 15 :drunk:

hey!! u look cool w. a shaved head!!
Actually, this is done all over the world w/ small children. Different cultures have "hair passages" in which kids are shaved bald and/or have very specific cuts for a given age. Muslims do it before/at the child being 21 days old. People here in the US used to do this often too when there was some sort of scalp issues. This was done to my grandmother as a child in the 20s....her hair is still beautiful and thick and grows super fast at 80+, so maybe there's something to it? shrug.

I don't know if it will make the hair grow in better (after all, hair grows from inside out and texture is genetically programmed) but it may make it easier to care for somehow. I haven't figured out the whys, but I don't dismiss it either.
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It is true with cancer patients that at times their hair texture will change after chemo. I also think your diet has something to do with it. If a person where to cut all their hair off and in turn change their diet to something healthier, I think the texture would change.

Diet has nothing to do w/ the texture of the hair...that's genetics. Diet/vitamins can help the hair be in better condition and therefore grow/look better but it won't change texture.

Chemo is a radical treatment that's trying to deal w/ genetic issues (ie stop cancer from growing and spreading), so you actually have interference w/ genetics, hence a change in texture (temporary or permanent).