Claudie's Hair Products - This can't be serious

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Okay, I've been on the forum for a couple years. I like ordering products and trying new things. I will pretty much try anything that looks like it may work for my hair (within reason). You guys know that. I'm a product junkie. I have a lot of products and I frequently review products and post my feedback here. I have ordered from virtually every online "handmade" vendor mentioned on the board. I am the best kind of customer, I get my stuff and if I like it and the customer service is good.. I post my experience. If I get it and I don't like it and doesn't work for me for whatever reason, I post my experience. That's what the forum is designed for.

There is one vendor that I haven't ordered from, Claudie's. I can't remember who introduced this vendor to the forum and it doesn't matter. But I have been moved to speak on this vendor. The reason I stayed away from this vendor is because she does not have a professional website (as far as I know) and is not listed on etsy. In order to make a purchase from this vendor you need to visit her fotki page (a photo hosting site; not set up for e-commerce) in order to view the products and place an order.

Now, I would never do that to place an order. For me, at the very minimum, a vendor that wants to attract my business, has to at least be on etsy or have a website. That's how I choose who I want to try. The presentation and product packaging has to look aesthetically pleasing. This is what draws people in and why companies spend so much money and time "branding themselves". The ingredients can be fantastic; but I personally am not going to order anything that looks unprofessional. That's just me.

We provide our experiences here to share with eachother, that's how a lot of the handmades are advertised... by member reviews, raves, rants.. etc. And each member chooses to buy items based on a different set of criteria.

I have candidly commented in threads that there's no way I would go through fotki and buy anything because I think it's unprofessional. It's not personal to Claudie; I wouldn't purchase anything from ANYONE through fotki.

Well I guess she's a lurker in the U1B1 thread.. where I give most of my informal reviews. I got this PM'ed to me.. copied from Claudie's facebook page...

It is time I speak out. Denigrating remarks ARE on a forum about me. There is
NOTHING Fabulocity about her. It is NOT the first time she has done this. She is
NOT my customer. I
an NOT ghetto, my parents did an excellent job. I am NOT going to Etsy, etc. I
will open my website when it is fixed. I paid for my website, I pay $95.00
m...onthly to host it. I PAY for my Fotki, I can use it in whatever manner I

Claudie if you're out there.. this is my feedback.

1.. me choosing not to buy from you because you don't have a professional website and are not listed on Etsy is NOT "denigrating" you personally. It has nothing to do "with how your parents raised you" :look: If you're going to be a vendor around here; you need to understand that not everyone is going to like your business even if you had the BEST website and the BEST products. And that's ok. Hopefully the people that like you continue to support your efforts and your business will thrive. However, posting comments like this .. directed at posters (me) who haven't ordered from you.. and now never will.. professional website or not... is highly immature.

2.. Some additional constructive tidbits..

If you're going to be in business, you need to get a tougher skin. We discuss the good and bad of every vendor we interact with around here... good customer service, bad customer service... products that work and products that don't. Your job as a vendor is to reach your target market and expand your business. Making immature comments and being thin skinned will only shorten your business' life span.

With that being said. I wish you the best in your business endeavors and if you have any other comments that you want to direct to me personally; you can certainly PM me...I am happy to give you additional feedback that I think may assist the manner in which you conduct business..

In closing..

As a vendor once told me.. all publicity (good or bad) is good publicity.. so here is yours.


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In my Flava Flav voice......WooooooWWWW.......

Seriously though, I am so surprised at her reaction. I know of her from my BHM days where she was extremely helpful. She didn't need to take it "there" for crying out loud. Shoot in these tough times- it's just not good business practice.

You are the consumer and you have the right to express your opinions and spend your money the best way you see fit.
Hot mess. Actions like these will definitely keep me from ever purchasing from her. What type of business woman that's trying to make a professional name for themselves would do something like this??

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using Long Hair Care Forum App
It is time I speak out. Denigrating remarks ARE on a forum about me. There is
NOTHING Fabulocity about her. It is NOT the first time she has done this. She is
NOT my customer. I
an NOT ghetto, my parents did an excellent job. I am NOT going to Etsy, etc. I
will open my website when it is fixed. I paid for my website, I pay $95.00
m...onthly to host it. I PAY for my Fotki, I can use it in whatever manner I

God we need to do better. I have done negative reviews and given negative feedback on a variety of things, and no vendor has done ish like this to me! Yeah I didn't like your pomade, get over it. I can have my opinion.

I can't believe this mess Fab. Is everyone drinking the koolaid? I will NEVER order from this vendor out of a matter of principle. How can a business person talk trash about a customer? For real?
Fab you were very restrained (I doubt I could have held back) but an excellent response. How pathetically unprofessional of the vendor, very poor indeed. :nono:
Wow, how childish and unnecessary. Everyone isn't going to like her products, is she going to blast anyone who says anything negative about her. She should really work on getting her website up and running.
I'm glad we have Choices. We can purchase or choose not to purchase from whomever we please. For whatever reason we deem necessary.

It's our money and how we choose to spend it and with whom is our personal choice.

There are vendors/products I won't try/buy simply because I choose not to.

It's called Freedom of Choice.

I like Claudie. And I like her products. The manner you have to currently purchase them is a bit *cough* Unconventional but, for me, she's been a really reliable vendor.
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In my Flava Flav voice......WooooooWWWW.......

Seriously though, I am so surprised at her reaction. I know of her from my BHM days where she was extremely helpful. She didn't need to take it "there" for crying out loud. Shoot in these tough times- it's just not good business practice.

You are the consumer and you have the right to express your opinions and spend your money the best way you see fit.

Me too. I could see if I bought stuff from her and was ranting and raving? I just said I wouldn't buy from someone's fotki.

She needs to work on her grammar!!! that's appalling

:yep: for real

Hot mess. Actions like these will definitely keep me from ever purchasing from her. What type of business woman that's trying to make a professional name for themselves would do something like this??

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using Long Hair Care Forum App

I just don't see how this was necessary. If she wanted to say something.. she could just post it here... why go to facebook. This is one of the reasons I don't do social networking.

Fab, your comments and reviews always on point. thanks for posting!

I mean I'm okay if everyone doesn't like me. I can't please everyone. I am gonna always give it to people just how I see it. On the net and IRL. What you see is what you get.. even if you think it isn't fabulous..:lachen:

God we need to do better. I have done negative reviews and given negative feedback on a variety of things, and no vendor has done ish like this to me! Yeah I didn't like your pomade, get over it. I can have my opinion.

I can't believe this mess Fab. Is everyone drinking the koolaid? I will NEVER order from this vendor out of a matter of principle. How can a business person talk trash about a customer? For real?

Cosign x1000...
I mean why not take the constructive pieces of what people are saying and work towards DOING better??? I could possibly maybe .05% see if I took it to youtube or launched a fullscale attack of her or her line.. but all I did was mention that I wouldn't buy from there? Who I am? Nobody in the grand scheme of Claudie's.. why waste time and energy like that? I don't reach anybody through You Tube or FACEBOOK or twitter.. why even post something like that. Counterproductive.

Fab you were very restrained (I doubt I could have held back) but an excellent response. How pathetically unprofessional of the vendor, very poor indeed. :nono:

Believe me that wasn't my first inclination. But why go there..? It ain't worth it. But she wanted me to say something about her (or she never would've posted it)... and so I obliged her. I actually felt uncomfortable doing it. I never try to put folks on blast. I have my opinion and people who want to listen do..and those who don't want to.. don't.

you handled that so mature:grin:

Thank you. I can tell I'm getting older because the old *Fab* would've opened up a facebook account. I don't do facebook and I'm going to continue not to.

Well done Fab. Another one bites the dust.

Narrowing them down hershey... one by one.. I had already narrowed this one in my mind.

Wow, how childish and unnecessary. Everyone isn't going to like her products, is she going to blast anyone who says anything negative about her. She should really work on getting her website up and running.

Maybe so? It's not the first time I've heard of her contacting people to ask what they did or didn't like after they posted something.. which I think is absolutely ridiculous.
Seems like she's been working on getting her website up for 2 years now. What's taking so long?? I know she had been sick at some point, but that was before she ever put it out there that there would be an actual website. I wanted to try her products, but I was not going to do it without a website.

I don't think anyone should just haphazardly send their payment info in an email. If every business was set up that way, there would come a time when someone would take advantage of it and start taking customers' cc numbers and making online purchases.

It's almost like writing down your order on some college-ruled paper and sending cash in an envelope :nono:
Seems like she's been working on getting her website up for 2 years now. What's taking so long?? I know she had been sick at some point, but that was before she ever put it out there that there would be an actual website. I wanted to try her products, but I was not going to do it without a website.

I don't think anyone should just haphazardly send their payment info in an email. If every business was set up that way, there would come a time when someone would take advantage of it and start taking customers' cc numbers and making online purchases.

It's almost like writing down your order on some college-ruled paper and sending cash in an envelope :nono:
I friended her on FB 'round the time of Afrovedagate. She wailed and gnashed her teeth about how she might not go on and wanted to quit the business because people were associating her with what Afroveda had done. And her reputation was being disparaged and sullied. I scratched my head on that one. How did she make that stretch??!!

Most recently she wailed about her website not being ready 'cause of the people she hired. She said she was suing them.
Was all that necessary? I almost made a purchase from her during her recent 25% off sale but was jolted into reality when 2 CCs #s were stolen and I had to get new cards issued. I just don't feel safe emailing someone my info to purchase their products. Go on etsy, create a website. So when a member told me where to go to "view" her products and how to purchase them, I said "no thanks" and KIM. Once bitten, twice shy.

She is too thin-skinned and everything is about her. Those are the slings and arrows of doing business. Roll with it or go out of business. Personally, if I were in business, I would welcome both positive and negatives about my business. That is valuable feedback and I would use it to improve my business instead of wailing about it on FB.

And calling someone out on FB is as immature as it gets. WOW!
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