Clarifying Dilemna


New Member
Ok, thanks to the wonderful policy of my college, I cannot graduate unless I take a swimming class. This class requires me to be in the pool 3 days a week for class and practice outside of class in between days.I plan on getting a swim cap and wetting my hair and smothering it with conditionner and oil while im in the pool, BUUUUUUUUUUUUUT, I know I'll need a swimmers shampoo and this little bitty down doesnt have a Sally's or a place to buy Nexxus Aloe Rid and the class starts friday so no time to order..Would it be terrible for me to use like Pantene clarifying poo or the isoplus neutralizer or any other clarifying or neutralizing poo??
Does anyknow know a recipe for a shampoo for swimmers maybe??? HELP ME PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE!!!!
If that is all you have I think it will be okay to use. But I would order a clarifying shampoo made to remove chlorine. The last thing you want is clorine buildup.