Clarify/Shampoo/Henna/Condition in THAT order?


Genius never dies!

After my underprocessing ordeal, I wonder if I could try something different?

Instead of the conventional methods of washing/conditioning, etc. I've decided to clarify and shampoo my hair on Friday night, add a little oil or leave in, then tie with a scarf. Then, mix up my henna and leave it overnight.

The next day (Saturday), I apply the henna, leave it on for the allotted time, then wash using CONDITIONER rather than shampoo. Do a deep condition afterwards...

What do ya'll think of this procedure?
I find that condtioner does not clean it out well enough for me, but maybe a thinner conditioner may work. I think I was just trying conditioners that were too thick.
I poo, clarify, henna, use cheaper conditioner to help rinse the henna, poo, condition, steamed oil treatment. Dang! I never realized it was so involved. I have that whole procedure down to about 1.25 hours now. :yep:

ETA: That's my procedure for after takedown. Normally I just henna semi-clean, dry hair and skip the first poo and the clarifying; I'm not crazy about henna'g wet hair. :nono:
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I think I got better color deposit when I clarified before henna-ing. I;ve tried it on dry semi-clean hair and it didn't come out as bright as I expected.

Also, like HoneyDew said, I find that conditioner washing isn't enough to get all the henna out. I also do a light shampoo after the CW to make sure all the henna is out. Then I DC and style as normal.
Wildchild453 said:
why do u clarify and shampoo? doesn't your hair get clean enough clarifying?

I meant to ask that earlier, too. I just clarify and henna or deep condition. No extra shampoo in-between.
I'm going to henna tonight. I will clarify first because I haven't clarified in a while.

I normally shampoo and then henna for about 2 hours (1 hour under dryer, 1 hour not under the dryer).

I usually don't have any problems with my henna rinsing completely clear. I only do a final rinse with NTM because my hair feels just that much more silky. I never have to shampoo to get the henna out.
Cayenne0622 said:
I'm going to henna tonight. I will clarify first because I haven't clarified in a while.

I normally shampoo and then henna for about 2 hours (1 hour under dryer, 1 hour not under the dryer).

I usually don't have any problems with my henna rinsing completely clear. I only do a final rinse with NTM because my hair feels just that much more silky. I never have to shampoo to get the henna out.

Tonight's my henna night too. I think I'm going to follow it w/ indigo. It's getting a little too red for my liking.
sareca said:
Tonight's my henna night too. I think I'm going to follow it w/ indigo. It's getting a little too red for my liking.

Oh yeah, I always add indigo to balance out the red. Good luck, girl! I usually try to save my henna treatment for the weekend but I'm ready tonight!

To the other poster. A lot of people will clarify first but since clarifying is kind of drying, they will follow up with a moisturizing shampoo.
preciousjewel76 said:
I think I got better color deposit when I clarified before henna-ing. I;ve tried it on dry semi-clean hair and it didn't come out as bright as I expected.

Coincidentially I was speaking with an Indian colleague just this morning, telling her about the coloring process. She doesn't clarify before, but she does shampoo, then apply the henna (adding Alma powder to the mixture and some EVOO), and then rinsing well. She told me that she doesn't shampoo after application. She only rinses with conditioner. She told me that adding some oils to the henna mixture helps get it out as much as possible. The slip from the conditioner helps as well...;)
Wildchild453 said:
why do u clarify and shampoo? doesn't your hair get clean enough clarifying?

I thought about this, too, but my hair gets really dried out if I don't follow up with some kind of moisturizing shampoo and/or conditioner. I suppose I could just clarify, the follow with a moisturizing conditioner. What do others think about this?
sareca said:
I poo, clarify, henna, use cheaper conditioner to help rinse the henna, poo, condition, steamed oil treatment. Dang! I never realized it was so involved. I have that whole procedure down to about 1.25 hours now. :yep:

ETA: That's my procedure for after takedown. Normally I just henna semi-clean, dry hair and skip the first poo and the clarifying; I'm not crazy about henna'g wet hair. :nono:

Sareca, what is a steamed oil treatment. I normally nuke my oil in the microwave, apply, wear a cap OR apply oil, wear a cap, and sit under a dryer. What is a steam treatment?