Clairfying conditioners


New Member
I remember that one member here used v05 clarifying CONDITIONER. Does anyone else use clarifying conditioners instead of clarifying shampoos? How do they work? How do they compare to shampoos?
I don't really think that clarifying conditioners compare to clarifying shampoo's. Clarifing shampoo's are what you would use to get that super clean, somewhat stripped feeling.

Clarifying conditioners are basically light conditioners that contain acidic ingredients which help to cleanse the hair and remove build-up. They give my hair a clean feeling, but it's different than shampoo.

Are you interested in using them for your conditioner rinses or in place of regular shampoo?
I was interested in using them in place of a clarifying shampoo because the only clarifying shampoos that I have ever seen have sls or other harsh ingredients. And if they don't have them, they are too expensive for my budget. But maybe I'll go back to my suave daily clarifying. After all, I won't be using it too often.
Since I wash my hair once a week and use styling products... would clarifying conditioners be sufficient for weekly conditioner washes instead of regular light conditioners like Suave Humectant???????????
Is VO5 the only conditioners that have clarifying conditioners???

Just to let you know, I've checked out MotownGirl's site about the clarifying treatments and such. ;)