Church people stretching crack jokes waaay too thin.


Well-Known Member
Personally i think crack jokes are played out. My pastor includes them in his sermon from time to time (comparing the intensity of a crackhead crawling on the floor mistaking sparkling carpet particles for rocks to the intensity of Christians seeking Christ) and my fellow pew mates laugh like they are in a comedy club. I was watching House of Payne and the ex-wife is a crackhead. Every episode that includes her they OVEREMPHASIZE just that. I had to turn the channel because it was sooo annoying. I rented a Christian comedy show from blockbuster not knowing what to expect and it was soooo corny that it pyhsically hurt me to watch it. The majority of their material was u guessed it and homosexuality. I know Christians may be limited on things to joke about but come on now. Can someone please explain this to me?
Oh my goodness at the pastor's comparison :nono:...thankfully, I've never experienced this.

But I'll agree with you that it's not really funny.
I love the House of Payne! I think there's a pretty good balance between reality and the "essence" of a sitcom...Funny to me tho...some folks do over-do jokes but at the same time folks try to laugh off the craziness....Lord knows I've had to kid around (I pray too) some to not feel so terrible knowing my father was an addict himself for majority of my life (if he's finally quit) only to be in and out of jail that whole time too (if he's not back in there)'s sad either way so I am neither here nor there for the idea. I suppose there is a time and place for some antics like this, but it hasn't ceased to continue. As things get worse I try to make my bonds with the Lord stronger- yeah it's that serious.