Church Conferences: What's the Point?


New Member
Just putting this out here....

Seems like daily I get emails about this conference and that conference and usually it is the SAME ROSTER of (POPULAR) speakers on the church conference circuit. Honestly, they're starting to all look the same, say the same thing, but is there really any long-lasting change? And the topics are usually along the same vein:

praise and worship

Even when I hear about a conference now, I'm like "Ok, what's DIFFERENT about this one?"

Is it just me? What's wrong with me? (:look: :lol: :ohwell:) Am I officially jaded with all this church pomp and circumstance? What shall I do when it's my time to facilitate/participate in these types of conferences at more in-depth, e.g., conference speaker, etc. (Yeah, it's part of my destiny!)

Just venting a bit and believing that the Lord wants more out of us in doing these things for the Kingdom....
I feel ya on this one. I get so tired of cliche statements like "this is the year for financial blessings, etc."

It's easy to pump the people up with these types of topics. Sometimes I get irritated when attending a conference that's only watering the people. I'm the type of person who would prefer a seed. I get excited when a speaker can teach and reveal a life changing Word that has revelation.
I agree. I think at this point, everyone is talking about the same things. You have the same people going to different places only you hear what was said the previous month somewhere else.

I want to hear something new and fresh, something that will cause me to want to grow to even greater heights in my spiritual walk.

However, I do think there are some really great people who are empowered to speak a word in this season. I think that these same people are those who are the "unknown" so to speak. Those are the ones who are the "unsung heros" of our time. People who are on their faces before the Lord inquiring of Him to give them something fresh and new daily.

We are the women for the job...right? God gives us something everyday and so we should begin to speak out that fresh word He gives to us and share it with the world.

I know that God is going to continue to use me to speak His word and to do His work, and I'm ready for more!

ITA. We need a real authentic bonifide REVIVAL! Not conferences.

Recently I posted a thread about my bishops latest book "Reposition Yourself" and I really do love it but I really don't like the way he is marketing it. I have a few other complaints but I'll sit on them.

Also I noticed that some of the conferences are sponspor by secular industries and not to long ago the church frowned upon it. IDK.
Ahhh.... I just figured out the word that applies to this seemingly excessive presence of these church conferences: COMMERCIALIZATION.

I think that as the Lord has a message for the body of Christ, it would make sense for messages to be similar in order to reach the entire body, but some of this feels like a one-track record, a one trick pony, if you will.

I'm THOROUGHLY CONVINCED that there has been a lack of real, tangible application in these messages. They scratch the surface but they don't have the "meat" to impact lasting change....

(Oh my, Dear Lord, am I hearing my purpose/assignment coming a little bit more into focus, here?:look: :eek: :perplexed )
RelaxerRehab said:
Ahhh.... I just figured out the word that applies to this seemingly excessive presence of these church conferences: COMMERCIALIZATION.

I think that as the Lord has a message for the body of Christ, it would make sense for messages to be similar in order to reach the entire body, but some of this feels like a one-track record, a one trick pony, if you will.

I'm THOROUGHLY CONVINCED that there has been a lack of real, tangible application in these messages. They scratch the surface but they don't have the "meat" to impact lasting change....

(Oh my, Dear Lord, am I hearing my purpose/assignment coming a little bit more into focus, here?:look: :eek: :perplexed )


Because if it doesn't move you to change, you won't make any changes.

SO my sista you might be setup for a new assignment.
RelaxerRehab said:
Ahhh.... I just figured out the word that applies to this seemingly excessive presence of these church conferences: COMMERCIALIZATION.

I think that as the Lord has a message for the body of Christ, it would make sense for messages to be similar in order to reach the entire body, but some of this feels like a one-track record, a one trick pony, if you will.

I'm THOROUGHLY CONVINCED that there has been a lack of real, tangible application in these messages. They scratch the surface but they don't have the "meat" to impact lasting change....

(Oh my, Dear Lord, am I hearing my purpose/assignment coming a little bit more into focus, here[/QUOTE]?:look: :eek: :perplexed )

See, this is what I'm talking about;)
gn1g said:
ITA. We need a real authentic bonifide REVIVAL! Not conferences.

You're totally right about that. Ideally, that's the point of the ocnferences, but they are obviously not reaching the goal.

I've noticed that even when I watch TBN, WORD, TCC, Daystar, etc it seems like everyone has almost the same message. Either God is really trying to get a certain message across, or everyone is just copying one another. I especially turn it off when it seems like everyone is talking about first fruits and giving an exact amount of money. I'm like, I don't really believe that God is telling each and every person to give you $1500. That just can't be true. I think that God deals with everyone in their own way.

gn1g said:
Also I noticed that some of the conferences are sponspor by secular industries and not to long ago the church frowned upon it. IDK.

I think the church should still frown upon that. It seems like a slippery slope to me.

Also, I went to your church this past Sunday. I almost bought that book.
*going to find the post about it*
I think some of it has become the "traditional" thing to do every news weather season -Like the Fall Explosion, Spring Revival, Summer Renewal" etc. Also, some of it is about $$money$$ for the speakers and host church and competition on if a church can "pull in a big name".

I used to go and go to conferences -- I believe Christians can get "addicted" to them seeking a "new word". I have a friend that is still going and she still struggling with same issues over and over when the conference is billed as an chance at a "breakthrough". I mean for years...

Now I just go to church, read the word and pray and that is enough.
RelaxerRehab said:
Just putting this out here....

Seems like daily I get emails about this conference and that conference and usually it is the SAME ROSTER of (POPULAR) speakers on the church conference circuit. Honestly, they're starting to all look the same, say the same thing, but is there really any long-lasting change? And the topics are usually along the same vein:

praise and worship

Even when I hear about a conference now, I'm like "Ok, what's DIFFERENT about this one?"

Is it just me? What's wrong with me? (:look: :lol: :ohwell:) Am I officially jaded with all this church pomp and circumstance? What shall I do when it's my time to facilitate/participate in these types of conferences at more in-depth, e.g., conference speaker, etc. (Yeah, it's part of my destiny!)

Just venting a bit and believing that the Lord wants more out of us in doing these things for the Kingdom....

It's fundraising, for the most part.

What I'm struggling with is the fact that they market these things as having "life-changing revelation knowledge" or "a word from the Lord". I mean, everything we need to know is in the Bible. There is no more new revelation, or so I thought.

I would love to see a conference that is about getting back to the basics. Receiving salvation, the Great Commission, living like Christ, etc. Not "Your money's coming! Your husband is coming! This is your season!" Because really, what does that have to do with anything?:confused: