Church Cheating?


New Member
This might sound odd but I have to know.....
I love my church, but we recently moved to another city about 45 minutes away. I try to go as much as I can, but I drive a minivan and with these high gas prices I don't always have gas to get there and back. During the week I also do alot of driving....taking the kids to and from school, doctors appointments, groceries etc. Anyway, I really don't have the funds to get me there and back every Sunday let alone attend bible study like I would love to do. As many of you know I'm a single mother and my funds sometimes aren't enough.
There are times when I can't make it to church but I know I need to hear the word and when I miss church my soul feels weary..(I don't know if that makes since to you....It's kind of hard to explain) I read my bible and pray but it's not the same as attending church.
Which brings me to my question
There is a church around the corner and another about four blocks away. I was wondering......On the days that I can't make it to my church, could I go there....assuming it's the same kind of church.....Or is it considered church cheating. And if I do go should I pay tithes there?
What do you do on days you can't make it to your church?
Thanks Ladies
I think it is a good idea to go to that church close by you on days you can't go to your own regular church,if they preach the word of GOD in that church like they do in yours why not ? God is everywhere and in your heart.
That is so funny that you brought that up, because I was just talking about someone "Church Cheating" the other day, but unlike your situation, their motives for doing that were not exactly pure :nono:. I think that you have a valid concern in respects to your time and money, and you know what, God sees your heart in that. IMO, I think the basis of your decision should be this: "Is this church is where God would have me to be?" That's what it really all boils down to. Being at the RIGHT place with the RIGHT people, and DOING what YOU are supposed to be doing(basically being involved.) And "Right" doesn't mean perfect, but it means perfect for you (because its in God's will). If the church that's 45 min. away is where God would have you to be, then don't worry about the gas, and don't worry about the time. God cares for the lilies and the sparrows, and if he wants you to be somewhere, he'll make provision for you to be there, and it'll come from everywhere :yep:! If it's the church next door, then "heeeeeeeey" to that too! However it turns out, being in God's will is the safest place to be!

IMO pay your tithes to the church you should belong to so that they can keep doing what they do. As for me, sometimes I spread my offering out, but that's just something I personally do. On those days where you just can't make it to the church, I would do exactly what you've been doing-minus any negative feelings you may have, especially, if you had a heart to go, but simply there was no way u could be there. I know it might not feel the same, but you've got the same Holy Spirit that your pastor has, and He'll give you what you need! :yep:
Thankyou ladies so are both right God is in my heart and he has made some provisions for me in the past to get to church. I know this church is the right church for my kids and I. It's just sometimes I can't get there and I really need to hear the word, it warms my heart and soul to be around other believers and also learn about the Lord.

What do you ladies do on days you can't make it to church? Do you read your bible or just rest or.......
If I'm out of town, I just pray, study, and equally as important-ask somebody who went how did it go, lol