Church: Attending/Not Attending


Well-Known Member
**I don't mean to offend anyone with this question**

What do you ladies think about someone who doesn't attend church? They're strong in their faith and worship in others ways but not in church. This person feels she has a stronger connection to Him when alone vs in a room with others.

She asked my opinion but I honestly didn't know what to say other than, it's her personal choice on where to worship.
I don't know what to say about that since I'm like that at times also. Church is a place to join others and praise & worship together. However, I do believe that you don't have to be in church to be close to God. I say to each his/her own.
I can personally relate. I haven't gone to church in a while and I feel like something is missing. The church I was attending I tend to feel lost in. No form of direction and feel overwhelmed. It's too big for me. I grew up in a church with close to 300 at service but this church has that on just Wednesday nights ( -Jimmy Swaggart). Even after getting saved, there was benediction and nothing else. As a new member I never felt like I was welcomed into the church family or learned anything great about the church. I felt unfulfilled after the sermons and not like I had learned anything. I've been getting recommendations from other people and will start to look into those churches. My faith is still strong but I have to find a church home.

I honestly can't say that I oppose of people not going to church and choosing to worship/commune with God on their own. I do however believe that being a part of a church family is a major piece of the puzzle. Being able to meet people with the same beliefs/views is wonderful. It's just like a family. It's a family reunion at every church service/function/bible study you attend. It feels your heart with such warmness that you can't wait for the next one.
I live in Colorado and although there are churches a plenty here. Now of them, are like Willow Creek back in Chicago (or the churches are too far).

So I have to go to church online and continue to read my bible/pray.
**I don't mean to offend anyone with this question**

What do you ladies think about someone who doesn't attend church? They're strong in their faith and worship in others ways but not in church. This person feels she has a stronger connection to Him when alone vs in a room with others.

She asked my opinion but I honestly didn't know what to say other than, it's her personal choice on where to worship.

No offense taken.

Answer to the bolded

I do not think, I just pray for them and Trust that the Lord will lead them to where they need to be! I use be that way about 5 years ago just like you written, now 5 years later I am in a church home, family, evolved and involved in church. For me being in that situation. I just kept on praying that God will place me in a church home. Kept on reading studying givin my tithes to other churches, I kept helping build other churches in other states.

Until I prayed this simple prayer "Lord please send me to a church home where I can tithe and send offerings to LOCALLY! That I can also help this church build a new building and learn more about you! God has answered my prayers!:yep:

BTW The Lord answered my prayers- I am truly blessed at my new church and everything I prayed for regarding this church has come to pass.
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At one point in my life I thought that it wasn't a big deal to attend church regularly. However, life experiences taught me otherwise. I began to realize that faith comes by hearing the word of God.

Life experiences taught me that I could no longer operate in an independent spirit. At times you need people to speak encouraging words into your life. Pray about a situation that you no longer have the strength to pray about. Also, the more I surround myself around believers in the faith I grow spiritually and forever learning.
**I don't mean to offend anyone with this question**

What do you ladies think about someone who doesn't attend church? They're strong in their faith and worship in others ways but not in church. This person feels she has a stronger connection to Him when alone vs in a room with others.

She asked my opinion but I honestly didn't know what to say other than, it's her personal choice on where to worship.

Good question LHCF2009,
There are lots of reasons why someone may not be attending church or have a church home at the present time. Some are legit some are not. I will quote a passage I'm sure you are very familiar with and then follow up with a few comments on some things God has shown me concerning church fellowship.
Hebrews 10:25

25Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Romans 10:14

14How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?

1 Corinthians 14:40

40But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way.

I have a good friend who asked me the very question you stated in your post. He is an athlete. When Jesus was here he often used examples his audience could relate to to help them understand kingdom concepts. Because he is the same yesterday, today, and forever he still uses illustrations (parables) today that we can relate to. What he had me explain to my friend was this, a kid with natural athletic abilities and a certain amount of intelligence could read books on how to play a sport. They could study plays. They could go through drills and invest in equipment for personal use. It would be safe to assume they would learn basics about the sport this way. If however, that same kid suited up and hit the courts and started to play in an active game without ever having interacted with a coach he is probably in for the shock of a lifetime. :eek2: God is like a head coach. He has the game plans. The pastor is God's assistant but functions like the top assistant coach instructing and training us on our roles in this life. Likewise, an intelligent child let's say a 10 year old, who read books on driving cars is not ready to put the book down and get behind the wheel. In both scenarios there are smart people involved but there are important aspects of being prepared missing. Aspects like time and teachers. You get my point. When it comes to a soul and where it will spend eternity God has carefully, specifically laid out a master plan. :yep: Unfortunately, people have mixed in their own ideas and or allowed someone else to dictate to them what 'thus saith the Lord' and haven't bothered to pray and ask God what he said or study the word.
2 Timothy 2:15

15Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

You see, my pastor loves God. He teaches us. Challenges us. I can see growth all around me. Then I get before God and read for myself what has been said. God by his spirit shows me if what I've been told is consistent with what is in the bible. God's word does not change.
Mark 13:31

31Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

1 John 4
1Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

So, if we are not evangelists or apostles or some other person in a form of ministry where God has instructed us to be outside the physical church busy doing his work- we need to get there. We have a responsibility to 'test the spirit by the Holy spirit to make sure we are in a good bible based church but we need to get there. You can be saved and make it into heaven but you will not fulfill the call on your life nor will you have many victories b/c you will be weak spiritually :ill:. Fellowship is our spiritual food. :lick:

Keep in mind church first and foremost but it is also vital in your spiritual walk to assemble in small groups outside of the church. Yet under the authority of the church for growth and accountability. Women's groups, parenting groups, marital groups, singles group, whatever composed of spiritually diverse people is essential for growth. This is important fellowship too but should come after the order of regular church attendance. :yep: It is your friend's personal choice but the question is does she want to be in obedience to God? Does she want to experience the abundant life now and in the next life? :look:

Know this, there is tremendous strength and wisdom in numbers and unified praise.

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The question is : what is the meaning of Church? Like there is house and home, there is church (building) and Church (the body of Christ), big or small.
Two or Three meeting in the name of Jesus Christ is a part of the body, the Church.

Mat. 16 : 18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Mat. 18 : 20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

1Cor 16 : 19 The churches of Asia salute you. Aquila and Priscilla salute you much in the Lord, with the church that is in their house.

Col 1 : 24 Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his body's sake, which is the church:…

Col 4 : 15 Salute the brethren which are in Laodicea, and Nymphas, and the church which is in his house.

Phi 1 : 2 And to our beloved Apphia, and Archippus our fellowsoldier, and to the church in thy house:…
I pray and talk to God every day. I dont go to church. My church is an hour and thirty minutes away. Before I got an suv and gas prices went up it wasn't a problem.
I have went to SEVERAL churches in my area, and I have yet to find one that I like, so I'll continue tithing to my church and staying in the word. I do do Bible study every single day with my hubby on the phone along with prayer. Does that count as church? Mat. 18 : 20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them
I think that God looks at your relationship with him more so than if you are an attendee of church. I know people who go to church every Sunday and dont talk to God every day, dont have a relationship with him and dont even open up their Bibles till Sunday.
I feel like church is where you hear the word and communicate with other believers...
my church posts the message online, and i seriously debate just listening to it there, since i usually show up when it starts and leave after...
i am a serious hermit when it comes to church folk...
they just make me feel... meh... sometimes
i know thats not everyone, and i know that people aren't perfect, but knowing that most ppl there are sick (since church is a hospital) and are afraid to admit it... it kinda makes me want to just avoid interaction, especially since I have been "sick" for a very long time and I know it and am very comfortable with sharing that and being transparent...
I pray and talk to God every day. I dont go to church. My church is an hour and thirty minutes away. Before I got an suv and gas prices went up it wasn't a problem.
I have went to SEVERAL churches in my area, and I have yet to find one that I like, so I'll continue tithing to my church and staying in the word. I do do Bible study every single day with my hubby on the phone along with prayer. Does that count as church? Mat. 18 : 20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them
I think that God looks at your relationship with him more so than if you are an attendee of church. I know people who go to church every Sunday and dont talk to God every day, dont have a relationship with him and dont even open up their Bibles till Sunday.

Your fellowship most definitely counts as church. We are the church, not the building as someone else here pointed out. The best case scenario is that we have found bible based churches where the sick (as musicbnaturalsmile so accurately put it) can come to receive their healing and be instructed on how to go out and compel other (Luke 14:23) sick people to come in and get what they need. This cycle should never end. i believe we should infect those around us with the God in us. You have looked for a local church. You have not stopped tithing and staying in the word. Some ppl are looking for any reason to not go to church. Based on what you said that doesn't apply to you... It seems when your circumstances turn around you will be back at your church again.

I dont go to church either I would really love to have that fellowship in my life again church and SU was a safe haven for me but I dont have that haven anymore I left my country 6 yrs ago and I have not been able to find the place where I feel at home. Anyway I remember this saying 'Going to church doesn't make you a Christian anymore than standing in a garage makes you a car' so your friend should be fine because going to church does not determine your relationship with God
Well, I don't really judge people who don't go to church. I DO believe that there are various reasons for not going.

There've been plenty of times when I refused to go: didn't like feeling guilty, playing the fence with God and the devil, didn't feel like dealing with gossipers.

I believe, though, WHOLEHEARTEDLY that every believer NEEDS a church home. We need the fellowship. The body of Christ is to be united, and we need a "shepherd" to guide us regularly lest satan distracts us while we're alone.

I'll never forget the winter of 2007 when I finally decided to go back to church and began looking for a new one.

The very next weekend, I fell back into temptation and started partying again to cope w/ the fact that my family was scattered during the holidays. Two days before Christmas on Sunday, December 23, 2007, I got hit and dragged by a drunk driver's car. SMH I swore I'd never lose sight of the LORD again.
Well, I don't really judge people who don't go to church. I DO believe that there are various reasons for not going.

There've been plenty of times when I refused to go: didn't like feeling guilty, playing the fence with God and the devil, didn't feel like dealing with gossipers.

I believe, though, WHOLEHEARTEDLY that every believer NEEDS a church home. We need the fellowship. The body of Christ is to be united, and we need a "shepherd" to guide us regularly lest satan distracts us while we're alone.

I'll never forget the winter of 2007 when I finally decided to go back to church and began looking for a new one.

The very next weekend, I fell back into temptation and started partying again to cope w/ the fact that my family was scattered during the holidays. Two days before Christmas on Sunday, December 23, 2007, I got hit and dragged by a drunk driver's car. SMH I swore I'd never lose sight of the LORD again.

Im glad you got thru the accident and I agree with u everyone needs a church home my faith was more vibrant and active when I had pple I could trust around me to worship with.

So glad to hear you're ok after going through something like that. It is strange how we have to go through something horrible to realize we need Him in the end. I had something happen to me also (not a car accident) that made me lose sight of Him but it took me awhile to realize I truly need/want Him in my life. I can't tell you how many times I yelled at Him for having this done to me but my life has a purpose. And He is the only one that knows what it is. Once again, thanks for sharing your story.