Christina magic Scarves?


New Member
I bought a bunch of these scarves a while ago.

NOT because I thought that they would repair my splits, moisturize or make my hair grow faster :rolleyes:

but because I needed some silky textured scarves for my hair. That was all that they had im my local bss...

I've washed them and just kept using them as regular scarves. Is the material that they are made out of drying to my hair?

Now that I've thought of that, I stopped using all of them and borrowed one of my mom's dressy silk scarves. I don't like it because it just slides off of my hair, but before I think about switching, I'd have to know for sure that the other scarves are good.

Does anyone know?

:drunk: :drunk: :drunk: :drunk: :spinning: :drunk: :drunk: :drunk:
I don't know if they are good or not. I just saw some yesterday at Sally's when I was looking for another 30" satin scarf. I didn't like the idea of a product I don't know about in my hair so I put it back. and bought my usual, trusty satin scarf.
You know, I've never really thought of it like that... like it is a product coating them. I'm happy that I washed them.
I use their satin bonnets and I won't use any other brand because they're the only brand that won't slip off of my head. I don't wash them and haven't found any film or mystery product coating my hair at all and I've been using them for years.

Nothing comes off on your hair and I'm not convinced that there's a product in a large enough quantity to do anything at all to the hair. It simply smells fragrant. Nothing comes off on my hand when I rub it or when it's against the pillow case and sheets.

I bought the scarf but didn't like it because it will fall of my head in the middle of the night. While the bonnet says it's only good for two months, I've used it until the elastic became too loose and then went out and bought another.
I have been using these scarves for over 2 years.when they first came out i loved them.sometimes when my ends would be dry i would wrap my hair with this scarf and no other product.My hair would come out so shiny!I would use all the different brands they had.
Then they came out with a different scarf.It was the same company but the scarf was not as shiny and a little more rectanglar in appearence.This scarf kept slipping off my head.when i finally secured it ,it would leave my hair dry.
I have combed beauty supply stores searching for the original scarves,and bought them out when i can find them(yes they were that good)turn a bad hair day into a good one!!
Now that i cant locate them i'm back to the original scarf. :perplexed
I use the magic bonnets and I love them. They stay on all night and my hair is really moisturized. I don't really feel any product when I rub it. However, the new bonnets have a nice scent.
I like them because they are big and they don't slide off my head at night. Some are slippery and some are made out of a pantyhose type fabric. You have to stick your finger in the pack and feel it before you buy it. :sekret:

But I treat them like any other scarf. I wash them before I put them anywhere near my hair and skin.
I have used the bonnets for some time now and my hair thanks me for it. I use them when I don't feel like wrapping my hair at night. When I wake up in the morning, I'm left with very soft and slightly fragrant hair. It is a winner in my book especially since it stays on my head all night long. :)
I have the scarf and I love it. I don't believe that it will make your hair grow, but it's big and stay in place all night. But the huge plus is my hair is not dry the next day. I've only had it for 2 weeks, so I don't know about long term benefits.
I just bought 1 today, I needed another satin scarf. I didn't even think to wash it before wearing it and I just put it on my head now. Eww I hope I don't get a skin disease :look: It's staying put so far but the real test will come tonite when I go to sleep....
I bought the satin bonnet about 2 weeks ago and have been wearing it. I bought it mainly because I wanted a bonnet and that was all that walmart had at the time. The directions say NOT to wash them as it loses it's effect (whatever effect that is).
I have these scarves too and yes mine fall off during the middle of the night sometime. I don't believe they have anything in them to make them any more special than an ordinary satin scarf. The fact that they have ingredients that will make your hair grow or not break is nothing but some gimmick from the company. I wash mine even though they tell you not too. Who want's a funky smelling scarft after a weeks worth of wearing?