Christians Against AOL


New Member

Besides paying an average of 9.00 a month (108.00 a year) too much for internet service, you might as well be tithing to the Devil if you're using AOL for your ISP (internet service provider).
CNN founder Ted Turner is Vice Chairman of AOL Time Warner. Yes, the same Ted Turner that divorced his wife Jane Fonda for becoming a Believer in the Messiah. Yes, this is the same Ted Turner who paraded around in a Nazi uniform spray painting swastikas on the lockers when a student at Brown University. And yes, the same Ted Turner who has made repeated anti-Semitic remarks on his anti-Semitic news channel CNN.
CNN the Clinton News Network or maybe it's the Communist News Network, has to be the most biased News Channel. So biased that Israel threatened to pull the plug on CNN after Ted Turner had made repeated negative comments toward Israel. Just two days after publicly giving sympathy toward the suicide bombing effort, one of those 'poor Palestinians' blew up another twenty or so Israeli children in another suicide bombing. Israeli Spokesperson Avi Lipkin has plenty to say about CNN, You may notice the CNN LIES bumper sticker on his vehicles.
Before the merger with Time Warner AOL had bought Netscape both of which were caught in unethical business practices like selling your personal information such as your name, home address and phone number to third parties for marketing. It seems that birds of the same feather flock together. Netscape used their browser to spy on your browsing habits. AOL software engineers were a bit more creative when they made cookies that they could use to look at your personal files (only for educational purposes of course).
All believers, Christians and Jews alike need to stop using AOL. Everyone should be outraged at the anti-Christian anti-Jewish pro-suicide bombing Ted Turner and his anti-Semitic news channel CNN. We need to all stand up together and stop putting money into the Devils pocket.
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Thanks for sharing I do not have AOL but I will committ this situation to the Lord in prayer.
:lol: Well because I have AOL Time Warner(they run the are where I live) I get free internet access. I couldn't imagine using ...THE DISH :lol: