Christianity and Environmentalists


Active Member
The Jan/Feb 2006 issue of the Plain Truth magazine was devoted to Christianity and the environment. I was quite shocked by what I read.

I have always believed that God created the earth and everything in it. I believe that God made us stewards. He gave us dominion over the earth and that we should care for it. I was shocked that many Christians say environmentalism is for not for them but for the political left-wingers or new age pagans. I repeat a quote from journalist Bill Moyers in his 2004 Global Environment Citizen Award acceptance speech:
"Why care about the earth when the droughts, floods, famine and pestilence brought by ecological collapse are signs of the apocalypse foretold in the Bible? Why care about gobal climate change when you and yours will be rescued in the Rapture?"

The National Association of Evangelicals have made a statement on the environment. The assoc. claims were are stewards of the earth and that we should care for it.

What do you believe as a Christian?
I agree. We should do our best to protect and care for what God has given us. Dsasters can be somewhat prevented sometimes (i.e. building dams and levees) but the Katrinas, etc. are out of our control. We need to be appreciative and grateful for what we've been given. If God chooses to unleash his fury, whether it be earthquake, tornado, hurricane, tsunami, typhoon, etc. then we should not question his wisdom (sometimes those can be the work of the devil too!) but do our best to serve him in all circumstances.
BabeinChrist said:
I agree. We should do our best to protect and care for what God has given us. Dsasters can be somewhat prevented sometimes (i.e. building dams and levees) but the Katrinas, etc. are out of our control. We need to be appreciative and grateful for what we've been given. If God chooses to unleash his fury, whether it be earthquake, tornado, hurricane, tsunami, typhoon, etc. then we should not question his wisdom (sometimes those can be the work of the devil too!) but do our best to serve him in all circumstances.
Exactly right.

"Why care about the earth when the droughts, floods, famine and pestilence brought by ecological collapse are signs of the apocalypse foretold in the Bible? Why care about gobal climate change when you and yours will be rescued in the Rapture?"

I mean, going back to the original statement, the same could be applied to our bodies, but do we not (most of us) strive to be in the best possibel condition? If we used that statement as an excuse for being lazy to care for what God gave us, why care for anything around us since it will all eventually be destroyed???

many Christians say environmentalism is for not for them but for the political left-wingers or new age pagans.

This is just another way people choke you with their ignorance. Pray for them. While I'm waiting for Jesus to come back, it'd be nice to have clean water air, and good food to eat.