Christian Youtube Movie - Too Saved

I'm about to jump into the screen and slap her in her

ETA: It was a good movie...thanks for sharing!
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Ok why they say I have to buy it to view it? Maybe cause I'm trying to view from my phone?!


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I watched it yesterday loolalooh, it's pretty good... love the conflict that brought the change for both of them, in the end.
hey this film could be a learning tool for singles ...especially on what they (we) should not be doing, all that kissing and touching can can lead to other things like it did in their case. I wish they had addressed that a little more especially when she went into deaconess office and was adamantly saying that Bobby doesn't want to do 'nothing' no more...

I started tearing up when he was talking to his momma, very touching...
I enjoyed it! Great message. This movie reminds me of a friend in college, who lived a worldly life, got saved and then became a "radical" Christian. I like how it brought to light how some Christians are more lukewarm than they claim to be. They want the title of followers of Christ but they don't want the lifestyle.
That scene was something else... so intense. The only one doing all the fighting was Lisa... lol Fiance was confused, the deaconness was amused

I've heard similiar testimonies before of women who DID NOTwant to be minister's or pastor's wives and fought it, only to marry anyway.
God had a plan for both of them, and because one of them was obedient and waited, God prepared the other one. Took two more years, but she got refined...

On a technical note, the acting wasn't too bad, either :yep:

hey this film could be a learning tool for singles ...especially on what they (we) should not be doing, all that kissing and touching can can lead to other things like it did in their case. I wish they had addressed that a little more especially when she went into deaconess office and was adamantly saying that Bobby doesn't want to do 'nothing' no more...
So goood. Now I'm off to watch other videos! I knew I never wanted to be a pastor's wife. It's not my choice however!

Thanks OP!
Ok finished this movie today - it deserves some serious discussion!

Edited: looking up thread for discussion points
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