Christian Woman Stops Robbery with Faith


A True Soldier Never Dies

Held up at gunpoint, a store clerk invoked her faith to turn the desperate thief into a repentant gunman.

When a man tried to rob a MetroPCS cell phone store at gunpoint in Pompano Beach, Fla., store manager Nayara Goncalves, 20, calmly talked to the man about Jesus and her faith until he left without taking any money.

Goncalves said she doesn't know why she began to talk to him about Jesus.

"I believe it was the Holy Spirit of God that really made me want to tell him about Jesus," Goncalves told

"I would never be able to do that myself. I would never think that God could use me the way that he did," she said. "[God] impressed me."
I heard about that. It was ALL God. I really believe that man didn't want to rob her he was just down and out on his luck and didn't know what to do.