Christian Mentor Group


Well-Known Member
I haven't been in this section much but I should be more often and I'm going to start to. If this type of thread is already up let me know but if not I was thinking... Maybe some of the spiritually mature or older women might want to partner with some of the younger or new christians or just lend support when there's a rough time.
I thought we could post mentor or mentee depending on our need and tell a little about ourselves whatever we were comfortable with. Then we could look at who may be a good buddy and send them a pm. Maybe do bible studies, communicate through emails and im'ing, stuff like that. Having a lot of women on your side is great but sometimes one confidant helps a lot. I feel you're never to hold to have or become a mentor especially a christian mentor.

I'll let my entry be a blueprint of how it could go if anyone's interested.

I'm in my early 20's and never really had a female christian role model. I've done well without one but sometimes I'd really like a person to do bible studies with, get advice and prayer, and some direction. I'm really shy and the friends I do have only one is a christian. Yes, I'm grown but I know in Christ I'm not where I want to be maturity wise and maybe this post will be a step closer to where God wants me to be.

I also wouldn't mind being a mentor. I couldn't help as much as I'd like with bible advice but I'm available for prayer and I'm always willing to keep someone from making the same mistakes as I.
This is called woman to woman mentoring in my church. It has been a success and helped hundreds of women. :)
Titus 2:1-4
1You must teach what is in accord with sound doctrine. 2Teach the older men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, and sound in faith, in love and in endurance.
3Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. 4Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, 5to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.

And then there's that Proverbs 31 chick who does so much:rolleyes::giggle:

I think that is an excellent idea. This type of fellowship. We all need each other. Each age group of women can enhance each other b/c of our differences as long as the common thread we share is a love for God and a desire to allow him to have the final say in our lives.:yep:
Some others have not responded yet but I'm sure they will. So I'll be the first of the middle aged heads to rep my generation:grin:.

Honestly, at this point in life some days I feel like I have done everything but die.:blush: Never-the-less, I am very concerned when I see others about to make the same mistakes I have. I will not sit by and be idle.:yawn: So, I'll contribute through prayer and with God's guidance, to this thread or PMs, etc. I'm not what I will be, but thank God, I'm not what I used to be. As Joyce Meyer says, "I'm ok and I'm on my way!!"
I would like a mentor if she out there and can handle me..I have lost hope in the woman of God who is suppose to help the younger ones..
I'd be more than willing to lend a listening ear and support/encouragement when needed. I've always felt counseling/mentoring was a large part of my ministry and have done so, albeit informally, with high school/early college-aged young women.
I think that this is a fantastic idea. I wanted to do this for myself but it is hard knowing who to approach.

gonna go back and read the restr of this thread and see what the suggestions are
Ok so here are my stats.

I am 32 and I have been married coming up 6 years and have a 3 year old. I would like a mentor to help me in areas such as marital, being a mum and a wife and social growth. I was brought up never to talk about personal things with strangers or even just friends. I always rely on teachings from the bible to help me get through things but I feel that may not be enough. I have things I would like to ask people. I ask my DH questions but I need a woman's perspective. Part of the reason I have not spoken to friends is part of the things I need mentoring on.

I can mentor a new christian who needs to increase in their prayer life, bible study and just wants support in dealing with emotional areas where they are weak. Shame we can't talk on the phone.
But I'm on skype!!! If you feel like talking

If you can mentor me or want ot be mentored by me, or just want a friendly christian chat, mail me.

Hmm...... I feel like I'm filling in the lonely hearts section :lachen:

Diva, I'm sorry to hear you're still looking for a mentor, but please don't lose any hope or let anyone's actions/life discourage your desire to be the Woman of God you want to be. People will let you down, but God never will.
Does it matter where your mentor lives? or are do you prefer someone local? Have you ever heard of Pam Perry? She's an amazing woman of God who provides a wealth of resources for Young Women. Here's her site >> PAM PERRY. I follow her on Twitter/FB.

But she also has a great article on HOW to get a mentor and how to be one! I hope you find value in this article:

God bless you, Sis! :Rose:
I would like a mentor if she out there and can handle me..I have lost hope in the woman of God who is suppose to help the younger ones..
I try not to lose hope in ppl but that bc I have already lost hope in myself.I dont care about where they are even though I would love to have one that I could see hold and even do their makeup.Black women esp have burnt me from the when I was shacking this lady who was close to me said oh you can move in with me.Well when it came time she went MIA.When I was living at home was being abused I would reach out to this so caled women of God and what happend nothing..they would say I will pray for you...

Im a bit edgy now esp when ppl are getting done wrong bc I guess Im there for the underdog..I figured bc i was a dark fat kids who didnt have long good hair I wasnt seen as somone of importance or needed rescuring..when a certain 2 members sent me a gift esp this Joyce Meyer book I cried bc I havent had any woman take me under their wing like that and say I love you and here how.

I hope to help a woman young or old with being bold and strong..I know I have alot to deal with being a fired college student but I know that when all the smoke disappears I will still be standing

Diva, I'm sorry to hear you're still looking for a mentor, but please don't lose any hope or let anyone's actions/life discourage your desire to be the Woman of God you want to be. People will let you down, but God never will.
Does it matter where your mentor lives? or are do you prefer someone local? Have you ever heard of Pam Perry? She's an amazing woman of God who provides a wealth of resources for Young Women. Here's her site >> PAM PERRY. I follow her on Twitter/FB.

But she also has a great article on HOW to get a mentor and how to be one! I hope you find value in this article:

God bless you, Sis! :Rose:
Hey maybe coffee or nubiennze would be a good mentor for you. Maybe swing one or both of them a pm and go from there. Never loose hope there are many out who can and want to help I'm glad you posted and I know you'll link with a great mentor. I gotta find one too lol

I would like a mentor if she out there and can handle me..I have lost hope in the woman of God who is suppose to help the younger ones..
Thanks for posting, I'd like to be mentored by you :grin:. I need to improve my prayer life, bible study, and being engaged I could use some sound advice every now and then.

Also I liked your idea about the phone if anyone wants we can exchange im ids or any way of communication thats okay with the mentor and mentoree. I'm still kinda new to the boards but if its ok rule wise I think it would be great. Maybe I can even get us a conference call number and we all can meet once a week or month on the conference call to pray, study, or just talk, I don't know just thinkin.

Ok so here are my stats.

I am 32 and I have been married coming up 6 years and have a 3 year old. I would like a mentor to help me in areas such as marital, being a mum and a wife and social growth. I was brought up never to talk about personal things with strangers or even just friends. I always rely on teachings from the bible to help me get through things but I feel that may not be enough. I have things I would like to ask people. I ask my DH questions but I need a woman's perspective. Part of the reason I have not spoken to friends is part of the things I need mentoring on.

I can mentor a new christian who needs to increase in their prayer life, bible study and just wants support in dealing with emotional areas where they are weak. Shame we can't talk on the phone.
But I'm on skype!!! If you feel like talking

If you can mentor me or want ot be mentored by me, or just want a friendly christian chat, mail me.

Hmm...... I feel like I'm filling in the lonely hearts section :lachen:
I can understand what you mean here, sort of like using the word "love" loosely. Even prayer is considered a gift and sometimes that's all a person may have to offer.... if someone says they'll pray for you -- try to just take that for what it is and let God. If they don't earnestly pray for you, that's between them and God. :yep:

I try not to lose hope in ppl but that bc I have already lost hope in myself.I dont care about where they are even though I would love to have one that I could see hold and even do their makeup.Black women esp have burnt me from the when I was shacking this lady who was close to me said oh you can move in with me.Well when it came time she went MIA.When I was living at home was being abused I would reach out to this so caled women of God and what happend nothing..they would say I will pray for you...

Im a bit edgy now esp when ppl are getting done wrong bc I guess Im there for the underdog..I figured bc i was a dark fat kids who didnt have long good hair I wasnt seen as somone of importance or needed rescuring..when a certain 2 members sent me a gift esp this Joyce Meyer book I cried bc I havent had any woman take me under their wing like that and say I love you and here how.

I hope to help a woman young or old with being bold and strong..I know I have alot to deal with being a fired college student but I know that when all the smoke disappears I will still be standing