
Well-Known Member
"Revered doctor bishop apostle prophet Willy JR." :ohsnap:

Here we go....

Do you all have/or use titles regularly at your church? Out of church? Do you agree with it? Is it part of church policy to address someone this way? Is it just a sign of respect? What does the Gods Word say?

By titles I mean like Bishop, Apostle, Prophet,...the list goes on...

Now before someone comes running up in here all frantic questioning my intent for about 10 pages LOL here it is:

I am asking because IMO I think titles in the church get blown way out of proportion these days...., while I understand respecting your pastor and calling them pastor so and so.., I think titles in general are more unnecessary then necessary.

What is your take???
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Wow you must be in my house and heard the converstation between my husband and I. We have been saying exactly what you are saying for the longest time. We live in a small town but there are more bishops in this town then a little bit. And someone answer this why is every apostle married to a Prophetess.

Last month I posted a thread asking what an establistian (sp) and an executive pastor was because I knew a couple who just started a church and these were their titles.

I'm a minister and husband is a Reverend (Pastor) no more no less
Wow you must be in my house and heard the converstation between my husband and I. We have been saying exactly what you are saying for the longest time. We live in a small town but there are more bishops in this town then a little bit. And someone answer this why is every apostle married to a Prophetess.

Last month I posted a thread asking what an establistian (sp) and an executive pastor was because I knew a couple who just started a church and these were their titles.

I'm a minister and husband is a Reverend (Pastor) no more no less

I have never heard of that one...LOL. What is that???
Netta1;8 462342 said:
I have never heard of that one...LOL. What is that???

You know if I know. I believe it just means someone who established the church but the title sounds good. It's all about the title isn't it??? :lachen:
Do you all have/or use titles regularly at your church?
First off, I'm a member of the Church of Christ so you'll know my views and standpoint on the subject. We don't use the titles of Bishop, Apostle, etc. and all of that. United Churches of Christ and the Church of Christ are two different doctrines so I'm not sure about the other church. However, we use minister/evangelists, Bro. So and so, Sis. So and So, elders and deacons.

Out of church?

Yes, if I see a member in the store I will often say, "How you doing Sis. So and So?" or "Hey Bro. So-So!"

Do you agree with it?


Is it part of church policy to address someone this way?

No, it's not required.

Is it just a sign of respect?

Yes, I believe so.

What does the Gods Word say?

Psalm 111:9 KJV
He sent redemption unto his people: he hath commanded his covenant for ever: holy and reverend is his name.

This reason why we don't call the preacher by the name of Reverend. Holy and Reverend is HIS it's a understanding that is indeed God's name. I was once a member in the Baptist church and I always wondered about that. Where did you get the name Reverend from & who authorized that? And once he couldn't find it and give me any scripture for it, besides the excuse of "it's a sign of respect" then I knew right then something wasn't right. Nonetheless, everyone has their own doctrine and they're beliefs. I only started reading the bible for myself instead of just going to church to just be a benchwarmer every Sunday. I came across this passage:

Ephesians 4:5
One Lord, one faith, one baptism.

That verse there is one of the main reasons why I left the Baptist Church. I couldn't find the Baptist faith, Methodist faith, etc. in the Bible.