Request Christian Financial Breakthrough Thread


New Member
Hello Mods:drunk:!

Hope your day is well and blessed. I wanted to ask if my Financial Breakthrough Thread in the Christianity Forum can become a sticky. I am a client of Christian financial adviser that has a PHD in Economics. I have been working on this thread for more than 3 months and other ladies have joined me to help educate, inspire and uplift others on the joys of giving and blessing others in a godly way. It also has suggestions for business owners as well concerning placing God at the head of their businesses. At first I thought it would be a "fad" but surprisingly, the thread is always bumped with new ladies happy about the reading suggestions and scriptures on giving. The thread isn't circled around the infamous "prosperity" gospel but it gives a wide range of practical ideals for everyday living/budgeting along with testimonies and biblical principles including prayers to help believers during this current economic climate of turbulence. The thread also covers the well-being and wholeness of believers in the mind, body and spirit. God bless you all:yep:!
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