Chrisitans and Finances... We don't get a pass...

I was compelled to share this with you all...
My coworker got his car repossessed right off the church parking lot. He was really sad about it.
It was somewhat funny, I'm not gonna lie, but I really felt bad for the guy and here is why...

He is 31 years old.
He makes 35,000 per year, which works out to about $1,200 biweekly
He rents a condo for $1250 per month
His car payment was $450 per month
His insurance was $200
He started grad school but didn't finish, and is paying those loans off and the ones from his bachelor's
Oh lets not forget the cell phone bill and food...

Now, This brother is very handsome. We are side by side for the most of the day b/c I am his T.A. I always listen to him talk about how he doesn't understand why he hasn't found a wife yet... about how he's gonna keep praying... about who is more Christian than who... whatever...
Afterwards he was like... They sent me a notice, but it was a bully tactic...
No... That was God telling you to get your money right!!!

I'm just going to say this. God does NOT bless irresponsibility. I personally think it disgusts him, because it is a sin.
If your finances are not in check, why would God bless your irresponsibility with the responsibility of a family????

There is NO reason as Christians for us not to be as prepared as possible whether it be saving, investing, etc.
Spending frivolously is a sin! We are supposed to live within our means, save, and tithe! The end!

Prov. 21:5 is one of my favorites about this:
The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenty, but the thoughts of the hasty lead to poverty.

After seeing his condo (I helped him take his life out of the car and gave him a ride home), I was really disappointed. It was a way nicer condo than he could afford. Master bedroom, 2 dens (one of which was turned to a bedrom), large kitchen, dining room, wash room... It was just a lovely condo. The kind that I have been praying about.

I then realized, if I can't afford it, it is time for me to suck it up. If you are not diligent with the money that God has blessed you with, He will punish your irresponsibility. From Friday, I decided I will not take this lightly.

And about our jobs? My pastor says that we are to be like SLAVES and do as our master says. Some people I know out of a job are rude, incompetent, etc. Now I'm not saying that everyone without a job is like that, but some people get fired for their irresponsibility, and then get mad at God.

Also, as women, we should be EXTREMELY careful not to feed into the fallacy that a man should completely take care of us. Where is your money ladies? Are you lounging around in financial stagnancy because you believe Mr. Right is gonna charge in on a white horse with a cross in his hand and sweep you off your feet while proposing with a 2 carat princess cut ring of your dreams? Lets get real. My SO makes plenty of money and a lady I know asked me why I was getting a 2nd job... "You make enough to buy your car and look nice... let him do the rest" Um.... I don't know what the future holds. Nobody does except God. He wants us to be responsible and use the tools He gives us!!! Yes a man should take care of us, but we should be able to come up right beside him and make him better, not be a burden...

My prayer in the future is that I can be a shining example for those around me on how to work hard, save my money, and prepare my future family for stability. I hope all of us can do the same :yep:

And please, pray for my coworker... He is too old and too spiritually sound for this type of foolishness... And aside from this he would make a great daddy and husband. :ohwell:
He is 31 years old.
He makes 35,000 per year, which works out to about $1,200 biweekly
He rents a condo for $1250 per month
His car payment was $450 per month
His insurance was $200
He started grad school but didn't finish, and is paying those loans off and the ones from his bachelor's
Oh lets not forget the cell phone bill and food...

Before you even wrote the rest of your post, this part was a CLEAR red flag.

I'm the same age as that dude and OWN my condo... and I pay about that a month. But I get tax credits each year as an owner that renters don't get.

I also make about $25,000 more though, so my house payments aren't eating up most of my salary... :look:

My car payment is cheaper, my insurance is cheaper, I only have a grad school loan that I'm paying off... and I'm still working off debt in a MUCH better situation than he is.

Also, I'm sure he's NOT taking home $1200 biweekly. You didn't mention taxes, so with those included, his take-home pay is probably closer to $800 or so.

Does his church offer financial planning classes or services? Of course, prayer is wonderful, but the Lord wants to see us taking responsibility for our actions, as you said. The Lord will bless someone who's showing a willingness to change one's situation.

Finances are no joke... and yes, God wants us to be responsible stewards of our finances.
Before you even wrote the rest of your post, this part was a CLEAR red flag.

I'm the same age as that dude and OWN my condo... and I pay about that a month. But I get tax credits each year as an owner that renters don't get.

I also make about $25,000 more though, so my house payments aren't eating up most of my salary... :look:

My car payment is cheaper, my insurance is cheaper, I only have a grad school loan that I'm paying off... and I'm still working off debt in a MUCH better situation than he is.

Also, I'm sure he's NOT taking home $1200 biweekly. You didn't mention taxes, so with those included, his take-home pay is probably closer to $800 or so.

Does his church offer financial planning classes or services? Of course, prayer is wonderful, but the Lord wants to see us taking responsibility for our actions, as you said. The Lord will bless someone who's showing a willingness to change one's situation.

Finances are no joke... and yes, God wants us to be responsible stewards of our finances.

I saw his pay stub thats the exact amount... and I make less than him but DEFINITELY make more than $800 per check :lol:
and don't worry girl I don't need any red flags I'm not tryin to date him LOL

But I am just soooo disappointed in him because he is NOT a baby Christian... I don't understand how ppl skip over finances when it comes to their walk...

I am so much younger than him (23, and also in my faith) and I would've NEVER put myself in this situation... I just don't get it

Then after it happened he was like I thank God its Friday and that I have good friends like you to give me a ride :blush: I was like uhhhh :look:....
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I saw his pay stub thats the exact amount... and I make less than him but DEFINITELY make more than $800 per check :lol:
and don't worry girl I don't need any red flags I'm not tryin to date him LOL

But I am just soooo disappointed in him because he is NOT a baby Christian... I don't understand how ppl skip over finances when it comes to their walk...

I am so much younger than him (23, and also in my faith) and I would've NEVER put myself in this situation... I just don't get it

Then after it happened he was like I thank God its Friday and that I have good friends like you to give me a ride :blush: I was like uhhhh :look:....

Yeah girl, I knew you weren't trying to date him. :lol: I meant "red flag" just in a financial sense... that if I just saw how much he made and how much he's spending, it would be a red flag in the sense that anyone could see financial disaster in his future.

Maybe he, like a whole lot of folks, doesn't realize that proper handling of one's finances is among the things that the Lord wants us to do. I think a LOT of churches, period, should recognize this... won't go there right now, lol.

And it's clear he doesn't get it if he's making statements like "thank God I have friends like you to give me a ride..." Okay man, sure.

What kind of car did he drive anyway that was $450 a month?

(Oh yeah, and I say biweekly too when I mean bimonthly!!!!)
Before you even wrote the rest of your post, this part was a CLEAR red flag.

I'm the same age as that dude and OWN my condo... and I pay about that a month. But I get tax credits each year as an owner that renters don't get.

I also make about $25,000 more though, so my house payments aren't eating up most of my salary... :look:

My car payment is cheaper, my insurance is cheaper, I only have a grad school loan that I'm paying off... and I'm still working off debt in a MUCH better situation than he is.

Also, I'm sure he's NOT taking home $1200 biweekly. You didn't mention taxes, so with those included, his take-home pay is probably closer to $800 or so.

Does his church offer financial planning classes or services? Of course, prayer is wonderful, but the Lord wants to see us taking responsibility for our actions, as you said. The Lord will bless someone who's showing a willingness to change one's situation.

Finances are no joke... and yes, God wants us to be responsible stewards of our finances.

Good thread, OP :yep:

Your post is very inspirational, Bunny.....
on so many levels :)
Good thread, OP :yep:

Your post is very inspirational, Bunny.....
on so many levels :)

Thank you Kayte!

Actually, I was worried about coming off as a braggart... I'm really not! And there are still things that I could do to reduce my expenses even more... definitely working on that! :)
on the contrary..... very healing and uplifting
and affirmation....
we all need that... :)

I agree w/the sentiments of the OP's

great thread..hope others chime in
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Thanks kayte :grin:... He was driving a 06 jeep thingy... A sorento I believe? It was NOT a luxury car and he got it from eastern motors no money down (if u been to dc u know about ghetto hood rat eastern motors lol)
But anyways... He just texted me that his friend told him to buy another car before the other one goes on his credit... :thud: I just told him to be careful... I know if he couldn't pay the first off then he really doesn't have a down payment... I'm just SMH... And then he wants to be the first to offer spiritual advice... Sigh
Thanks for this thread music. I have have heard both sound financial teaching and bad in the church, by whites and blacks. I get really disturbed when I see people not trying to do for themselves or take responsibility for their actions, but just say how God will provide. Yes, He does provide, but some use that as an excuse to be lazy and "wait on the check in the mail". I have had church people even talk down about people who want an education, because all they need is Jesus. A little OT, but some people seem to wear their poverty and "uneducation" like a badge or status symbol of spirituality. That makes me so mad because it is usually black people on welfare or a similar situation that I see saying this.

Then there are those who speak wisely and teach that we should be good stewards, and even on our jobs, do the work as unto the Lord. If you go on that job representing God, and have a desire to please God in how well you do your work, then it will likely follow that your boss will also be pleased with you and you will less likely be out of work.

A pastor I used to know would always tell us, that if you can't be responsible with what you have, don't expect God to give you more. I think this saying also encourages us to live within our means.
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Thanks for this thread music. I have have heard both sound financial teaching and bad in the church, by whites and blacks. I get really disturbed when I see people not trying to do for themselves or take responsibility for their actions, but just say how God will provide. Yes, He does provide, but some use that as an excuse to be lazy and "wait on the check in the mail". I have had church people even talk down about people who want an education, because all they need is Jesus. A little OT, but some people seem to wear their poverty and "uneducation" like a badge or status symbol of spirituality. That makes me so mad because it is usually black people on welfare or a similar situation that I see saying this.

Then there are those who speak wisely and teach that we should be good stewarts, and even on our jobs, do the work as unto the Lord. If you go on that job representing God, and have a desire to please God in how well you do your work, then it will likely follow that your boss will also be pleased with you and you will less likely be out of work.

A pastor I used to know would always tell us, that if you can't be responsible with what you have, don't expect God to give you more. I think this saying also encourages us to live within our means.

WOOOOWEEEE I know what ur talkin about... SO's church is the opposite of mine (mine being very bourgeois, his more of a refuge for the hood :giggle: ) and they made me seem crazy when I asked for prayer about getting my 2nd degree/ going to grad school/ or buyin a house... They were lookin at me like :perplexed
I know exactly what you're talking about and I really don't get it... And then they talk bad about rich Christians... and say that they are secretly sinning etc... I'm like all sin is bad, and all blessings are different... yeah we don't know what goes down in a "rich" person's household, but God blessed whatever financial diligence they had... thats how I see it... I kno exactly what ur talkin about:lachen:
That's it's right there.. Faith without Works: a hoping and a wishing and a praying won't get a Christian anywhere in any aspect of life, including finances, if they don't take corresponding action. :nono:
Creflo teaches on this principle every time. :laugh:

If I want to lose weight from poor eating habits, just praying about it won't get me anywhere. The Holy Spirit will convict, helping me to start eating right, to change my diet and exercise whille I BELIEVE in my heart that I have lost the weight. My faith will be manifested through my action.
Great scripture to back that up on finances. :yep:

God grants us wisdom to be good stewards over the little things and if we can't even do that, we can't be stewards over bigger things.

On the slave thing, I believe your pastor is hinting that God is our master/employer and not man, so when he blesses us with jobs, we ought not be slack, rude, contentious, etc. on our jobs because we are his sheep and represent Christ, even on the job. So when we behave this way, God cannot bless us and we risk losing that job that HE gave us.

No... That was God telling you to get your money right!!!

I'm just going to say this. God does NOT bless irresponsibility. I personally think it disgusts him, because it is a sin.
If your finances are not in check, why would God bless your irresponsibility with the responsibility of a family????

There is NO reason as Christians for us not to be as prepared as possible whether it be saving, investing, etc.
Spending frivolously is a sin! We are supposed to live within our means, save, and tithe! The end!

Prov. 21:5 is one of my favorites about this:
The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenty, but the thoughts of the hasty lead to poverty.

After seeing his condo (I helped him take his life out of the car and gave him a ride home), I was really disappointed. It was a way nicer condo than he could afford. Master bedroom, 2 dens (one of which was turned to a bedrom), large kitchen, dining room, wash room... It was just a lovely condo. The kind that I have been praying about.

I then realized, if I can't afford it, it is time for me to suck it up. If you are not diligent with the money that God has blessed you with, He will punish your irresponsibility. From Friday, I decided I will not take this lightly.

And about our jobs? My pastor says that we are to be like SLAVES and do as our master says. Some people I know out of a job are rude, incompetent, etc. Now I'm not saying that everyone without a job is like that, but some people get fired for their irresponsibility, and then get mad at God.

You betta PREACH! :laugh:

Also, as women, we should be EXTREMELY careful not to feed into the fallacy that a man should completely take care of us. Where is your money ladies? Are you lounging around in financial stagnancy because you believe Mr. Right is gonna charge in on a white horse with a cross in his hand and sweep you off your feet while proposing with a 2 carat princess cut ring of your dreams? Lets get real. My SO makes plenty of money and a lady I know asked me why I was getting a 2nd job... "You make enough to buy your car and look nice... let him do the rest" Um.... I don't know what the future holds. Nobody does except God. He wants us to be responsible and use the tools He gives us!!! Yes a man should take care of us, but we should be able to come up right beside him and make him better, not be a burden...

My prayer in the future is that I can be a shining example for those around me on how to work hard, save my money, and prepare my future family for stability. I hope all of us can do the same :yep:

You can only pray that God changes his mindset concerning finances...that his habits are put under the control of Christ. This, to the enemy, is your friend's weakness.

And please, pray for my coworker... He is too old and too spiritually sound for this type of foolishness... And aside from this he would make a great daddy and husband. :ohwell:
I'm just going to say this. God does NOT bless irresponsibility. I personally think it disgusts him, because it is a sin.
If your finances are not in check, why would God bless your irresponsibility with the responsibility of a family????

This is something I just cannot comprehend. Okay, anyone can go through financial failure. G-d can heal anything...but we also have to heal outselves. There are events that are out of our control, even ones we've had some control of but allowed to wreak havoc on us. Still, G-d can help us if we ask Him. But this is different in the sense that, why some people think that they have the right to a spouse when they are going to make them miserable with their irresponsibility?

I'm going to bring up the race card. When a Black woman says she wants a man with bank, someone who has it together and can actually provide very well for a family, people call her a golddigger and other nonsense. Yet, I don't see Jewish women, Hindu women, Muslim women...etc. rushing to be married off with Mr. Nobody. :nono: If G-d desires His daughters to be well off and having all the support they need to raise a family well, why on earth are there so many jack-jiving conniving men who believe they are the catch of the century...then suck their teeth when they see a Black woman on the arms of somebody of another race who ...actually has it together?
I have been saying this for the past few years now. People look at me like I have 2 heads. Accuse me of being unrealistic, you name it. That's ok. I 'll be debt free soon enough. :yep: Thing is I'm more than willing to share everything I've learned b/c I would love to see others prosper!! The bible is full of scripture on how we are expected to handle finances. Here is one of my favorite passages.
Thanks so much for posting this!!

Prov 22:7
7 The rich rule over the poor,
and the borrower is servant to the lender.
Great post music.

Financial literacy is so desperately needed in our churches. You would be surprised at the number of people who don't know how to set up a budget. I know of too many Christians that have declared bankruptcy and are struggling from paycheck to paycheck (I am strictly talking self-inflicted through overspending and running up credit cards, and living a lifestyle they couldn't afford).

Unfortunately, when we have the financial literacy classes (we have used Crown Financial Ministries and Christian financial planners) at our church, the ones who need it most don't show up.
Our church does crown... I am thinking of doing it next cycle... Our church does "commercials" on it for 2 months before it starts and its still a smaller class during sunday school...

I have been praying so hard for my own place, and I walked into my folks home and looked around... My parents have given me a nice place to live for cheap. Maybe I should just chill out and stack my chips :rolleyes:

I really gotta pray on that.
I've always wanted to be on my own, but I don't want to leave before God wants me to, and I think this poor gentleman could've been God's wake-up call to me... who knows

Great post music.

Financial literacy is so desperately needed in our churches. You would be surprised at the number of people who don't know how to set up a budget. I know of too many Christians that have declared bankruptcy and are struggling from paycheck to paycheck (I am strictly talking self-inflicted through overspending and running up credit cards, and living a lifestyle they couldn't afford).

Unfortunately, when we have the financial literacy classes (we have used Crown Financial Ministries and Christian financial planners) at our church, the ones who need it most don't show up.
Thanks kayte :grin:... He was driving a 06 jeep thingy... A sorento I believe? It was NOT a luxury car and he got it from eastern motors no money down (if u been to dc u know about ghetto hood rat eastern motors lol)
But anyways... He just texted me that his friend told him to buy another car before the other one goes on his credit... :thud: I just told him to be careful... I know if he couldn't pay the first off then he really doesn't have a down payment... I'm just SMH... And then he wants to be the first to offer spiritual advice... Sigh

LOL... that wont work. Its already on his credit hence the repossesion. It will show that he hasnt been paying on his loan for months. His friend isnt very smart.
He needs to save some cash and buy a bucket. :look:
its interesting to me the amount of views this thread has but the amount of posters is so small :look:... It just shows that this is truly a tender topic amongst Christians...
Responsibility, or irresponsibility for that matter is always a tough thing to deal with...
its interesting to me the amount of views this thread has but the amount of posters is so small :look:... It just shows that this is truly a tender topic amongst Christians...
Responsibility, or irresponsibility for that matter is always a tough thing to deal with...
You took the words right out of my mouth. We AA tend to have a 'keep it to ourselves' mentality anyway but that is especially true when it comes to money. :look: Money can be a touchy subject for all ethnic groups.:rolleyes: I was going to say more earlier in your post but decided not to for the very reason of not wanting to hear the "Why you all in my business?" comments. :lachen:
its interesting to me the amount of views this thread has but the amount of posters is so small :look:... It just shows that this is truly a tender topic amongst Christians...
Responsibility, or irresponsibility for that matter is always a tough thing to deal with...

I don't that's necessarily why there's so many views and so few responses. Threads in the CF are usually filled with the same people posting over and over... not a variety. It is very likely that the same people are viewing the thread over and over. Also lurkers hang out in the CF. i get pms from time to time. :yep:
Our church does crown... I am thinking of doing it next cycle... Our church does "commercials" on it for 2 months before it starts and its still a smaller class during sunday school...

I have been praying so hard for my own place, and I walked into my folks home and looked around... My parents have given me a nice place to live for cheap. Maybe I should just chill out and stack my chips :rolleyes:

I really gotta pray on that.
I've always wanted to be on my own, but I don't want to leave before God wants me to, and I think this poor gentleman could've been God's wake-up call to me... who knows

If you have the opportunity to do Crown, I would highly suggest it! It is a VERY good class.
its interesting to me the amount of views this thread has but the amount of posters is so small :look:... It just shows that this is truly a tender topic amongst Christians...
Responsibility, or irresponsibility for that matter is always a tough thing to deal with...

Don't take it to heart too much. A lot of times people are at work and can only read. But yes, finances are touchy. :)
Oh that sounds like a really sad situation. I'm also really trying to get my finances in order as well. I hope things work out for him eventually.