Chopping my hair off this week :(


Due to damage from a stylist overprocessing a few months ago (I'm relaxed.. used to be APL inching quickly twd BSL, but am barely grazing SL and hair is still breaking off)

Any advice for growing out a REALLY short cut (I will probably have it less than an inch in the back and maybe the sides.. the front will likely also be very short. no longer than 3 inches)?

I will mostly be PSing with wigs at work (military).. But aside from that, ANY advice would be helpful.

I don't want to post pics of my hair right now, bc it's so horrible looking :( No amount of protein or moisture DCs are helping.:sad:
This will be the first time I've had short hair in my life :nono:
Would it be unrealistic to think I can keep my damaged length and get it trimmed a .25" per month? I think my hair grows that amt monthly. Any advice/comments are welcome.
I wouldn't be able to do it but if its breaking you mind as well chop it to make it look healthy again instead of continuing to break and look more and more of mess
I wouldn't be able to do it but if its breaking you mind as well chop it to make it look healthy again instead of continuing to break and look more and more of mess

Thanks for replying :)
With super short (pixie) relaxed hair, would I end up looking a mess if I tried to stretch as long as i do now (12 weeks)? I'm worried that short relaxed hair will be more expensive (i've tried self relaxing... never again) and will lead to me being in the salon more often :/
Hi dear,
Sorry about the over processing. Have you considered hiding your hair in braids or a cute weave while the damaged hair is being trimmed. On the other hand, if you take the time to find a short hair style that you have always wanted it could be fun to grow your hair out.

I recently had to big chop and it is tough to adjust to short hair if it is not what you want. Now that my hair has been short for a few months, I am enjoying it. Take a look inside the TWA thread, to see what we short haired ladies are going thru. Most of us are natural, but it is the only thread I know of for super short pixie length hair.

The ladies I know that wear a pixie go to the shop more often to get relaxers, but they are maintaining their short styles, so it might be different if you are growing it out.
[USER=113397 said:
siick[/USER];16807025]Thanks for replying :)
With super short (pixie) relaxed hair, would I end up looking a mess if I tried to stretch as long as i do now (12 weeks)? I'm worried that short relaxed hair will be more expensive (i've tried self relaxing... never again) and will lead to me being in the salon more often :/

Check out the Komaza Analysis thread and read what some of the recommendations were for the ladies with damage. You don't necessarily have to cut it all off at once. But you do need a protein treatment and not a protein DC to fill in the holes while you are growing it out.

I don't do protein at all so can't help you with what type to use. But I think it may be helpful. It is worth a try.
Don't cut it all off!!! Not if you aren't going to be comfortable! Start with a good protein treatment -Aphogee 2-Step is a good hard treatment - then use good moisturizers. That way you can trim a little at a time.

Give it a good try before you cut. Once you cut you can't change your mind.
Sorry you are having to go through this. I don't have any advice but before you make a rash decision listen to the ladies and get some good advice from them and try what they say! Hope you get the info what's you are looking for and post pics whatever you decide to do! Good luck ma'am!
I just went through a similar situation. I was grazing full APL with thick healthy hair and one bad trip to the salon changed all that. I did get my hair cut. The sides were chin length and the back was in a tapered bob. I hated it!!! Mainly because I don't like short hair and the stylist didn't do what I wanted with the cut. In hind sight I would have gotten a little trimmed each month and just continued to take care of my hair. You CAN stop the breakage. It just takes time to find the right products for your hair. I would not get a drastic cut if I were you. I did it and it made bad matters worse. Just my 2 cents. It's been 7 months since my horrific hair cut and my hair is finally back to what I'm accustomed. Again, I wish I had waited it out longer and done small trims instead of the cut. It will be a full year before my hair is back to the pre cut length.
thank you all :) got busy yesterday and forgot to check back for replies :p

I'm going to check out the threads you've recommended and report back :D
Don't cut all at once, but sounds like the damaged hair will have to go. I recently cut my hair from BSL to APL and my hair is so much better!

Do a light protein dc and repeat bi-weekly until breakage stops, then you can do this monthly. Trim 1/4" or so every month. You won't notice the missing length as much.

Lastly, fire your stylist and find a new one. :look:

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