Choping for Health and Thickness - Fact or Fiction?


Well-Known Member
The conventional wisdom on here seems to be: dust/trim only to the minimal extent necessary. I am seriously wondering though if anyone has seen drastic improvement in hair health, thickness, growth, whatever after doing a major blunt cut or significant trim. (I'm talking beyond mere appearance and also, not in the context of transitioning where it is IMO kind of necessary depending on hair type.) I know you need to trim split ends in order to keep them from progressing, etc. But I am wondering about the old school, old wives tale about cutting in order to "make the roots stronger, etc." It might sound ridiculous but, at first, so did MN, horse mange spray, inversion, and a bunch of the other stuff a lot of us now do without a second thought. (Blame it on being housebound in these jacked-up weather conditions but the scissors are calling!)
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Some peoples hair will retain length no matter what. However in extreme cases of chewed up hair a serious chop is necessary :lachen:

Do you have split ends? If so, please dust/trim. If not, Put The Scissors Away!

Go clean out the fridge or linen closet! It will make you feel productive while you're housebound, :yep:
I don't think a major cut affects anything that's going on at the scalp/roots. Your growth rate is your growth rate, I just think cutting off the damaged ends allows you to retain your growth better. Unfortunately, many of us are just dusting infrequently because we value the length when a more significant cut is needed so we're not retaining as we should.
LOL -- okay, okay. I did a lil' laundry and organized junk in my sewing box. (Eyeing scissors the whole time!:look:)

Do you have split ends? If so, please dust/trim. If not, Put The Scissors Away!

Go clean out the fridge or linen closet! It will make you feel productive while you're housebound, :yep:
See now what you've said below is what I know intrinsically but something is just egging me on to do a bob and keep it moving. The problem is, the weakest part of my hair is my temples and hairline so a blunt bob across the back probably won't do a dang thing except make my pony tails and buns look ridiculous.
I don't think a major cut affects anything that's going on at the scalp/roots. Your growth rate is your growth rate, I just think cutting off the damaged ends allows you to retain your growth better. Unfortunately, many of us are just dusting infrequently because we value the length when a more significant cut is needed so we're not retaining as we should.
I just think I'm going through a hair moment -- love the way my hair feels, know that what I am doing (lot of oils) is good for it but hate not having hair out. Back is long and relatively healthy, front has been traumatized/suffocated by weaves, hate the way my hair looks (thin) when it's out, headbands make me look like a librarian (no offense to any of the librarians -- it's a great gig, probably w/ full benefits -- but y'all know what I mean). I REALLY wanted someone to reply and say, "yeah, I cut my hair off and it grew back thicker, stronger than ever."
@rawsilk im sure your ends are fine. Im a recovering trimmer myself. Sometimes I just have to hide my hair to avoid chopping it off.
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