Chop off?


New Member
Hiiiiiii Ladies,

My hair needs some intervention!. advice much appreciated.. :)

My hair is not absorbing moisture, especially the back. It is breaking off daily!

I have done the porosity test (hair in glass of water) and my hair is floating on top= hair is not porous. So what’s the problem??

I've had hair issues for quite a while now, and ever since i joined the board, I’ve been giving it some TLC but d hair is not accepting my TLC. :(. I am thinking of cutting it all off in September, but that’s what iv been doing for the past 4 years!.. The hair just breaks off and remains at a certain length- 5 inches. and then i chop it off ...

Im hoping there is another way..

My routine typically consits of
- weekly deep conditioning :Aubrey Organic Honeysuckle, UBH Conditioner--for protein

CO-Wash- Aubrey Organic

Daily moisturiser- SCURL NO drip (when hair is ext dry) or UBH Moisturiser with shea butter.

Relaxer- Phyto (hair is under processed and even dryer after phyto:().

I need some help, i just feel like giving up on this hair!. All i want is healthy hair.. is that difficult to achieve?

goldensensation said:
Sorry to hear about your breakage and dryness issues.

But if phyto is making your hair hard and dry,why do you continue to use it?

[FONT=&quot] I just tried phyto for the first time last month... i won’t be using it again, as the hair breakage has been aggravated post phyto. [/FONT]
I don't know about you but there would be NO Way I could use the UBH conditioner 1 x per week!!:eek: That stuff is strong , I have only used my once and I will use that on a "as needed" basis. Maybe you should switch up on some of your products. I'd say give the UBH conditioner a break and deep conditioning with something more moisturizing, like Organics Hair Mayonnaisse. HTH.
Does the aubrey organic conditioner that you use for co-washes contain protein? How often do you co-wash? I would suggest using a clarifying shampoo and then using a very moisturizing conditioner after that does not contain protein in it or very little if any. Keracare humecto is a really good moisturizing conditioner. I would skip the scurl no drip, because that has protein in it as well and when I used to use it - it dryed out my hair over time. I heard that the water in the UK is extremely hard, so you might want to try using bottled water to wash your hair with or get some kind of water filter. When you use the UBH moisturizer try following it up with a light oil to seal it in.
Catina72 said:
I don't know about you but there would be NO Way I could use the UBH conditioner 1 x per week!!:eek: That stuff is strong , I have only used my once and I will use that on a "as needed" basis. Maybe you should switch up on some of your products. I'd say give the UBH conditioner a break and deep conditioning with something more moisturizing, like Organics Hair Mayonnaisse. HTH.

Yeah Catina, I was using ubh conditioner weekly, after locating this board, i minimise to once every forthnight or as needed. ive read sista's slick post on protein/moisture balance.. but its just finding a product that my hair doesnt swallow up :lachen:.

Thanks simone103,
i think the water might have something to do with it.. indeed water in the uk is hard.. ehmmm i might conider getting a water purifier... i hopes this is all worth it!.