Choose My Next Hairstyle Please!


Well-Known Member
OK Here's what I posted on my blog, but would you please look and let me know what style you vote for. There's a poll HERE

Whatever style "wins" on the poll on the blog by 12/31/13 is what I'll be doing to my hair in the first week of January! *excited!*:grin:

but if you don't wanna go click that would you please cast your vote here in the thread....

Thanks in advance.


1. The halley boy cut (I love this, but the only way to keep it easy to handle/style would be to perm it, otherwise it would take forever to do my hair again….)

2. Keeping it similar to what I have now, but more dramatic. Fading the sides again but this time up to a defined line and keepin the top long enough to (kindasorta) play with:

3. Growing it out from where it is to a slightly longer short cut like these:

or finally
4: Cutting it super low (on new year’s day) and just letting it grow out from there, and document the journey over the year.

I like #3 but the one on the right. Not feeling the part. If you were relaxed, I would say #1. You could do it as a natural if your hair was a loose curl or wavy and just gel and lay it down.

If you start with #3 you can always go backwards to the others if it gets to be too much work.

I'm voting for #5: Hiplength with long layers :lachen:

Yeah, I'm still a lil' upset about that chop.

But seriously, I like #3 (without the part) - looks like it offers lots of versatility. Short enough to be cute and edgy, but also long enough to wear different ways.
Thank you guys for the input!! Seems like #2 is just outta the running lol and nobody wants #4 either.

On the blog the poll is for #3 as well.....