Cholestorol vs. Protein - Whats the difference.


Since I've been lurking around this board for the past 3 years I've been wondering what is the difference between protein conditioners and cholesterol conditioners. I was told that they both build strength in the hair but I've used both and never noticed any real difference between them. I've used protien for years, only buying cholesterol when I was younger and LeKair's $1.99 conditioners were all I could afford. Is it just a preference of which one you want to use, or does protein do something for the hair that cholesterol doesn't, and vice verse. Please enlighten me, or perhaps point me to a thread that might have already addressed this topic
Well I have only been on this site and an official member since Oct 06' so correct me if I am wrong ladies. I believe that Cholestrol is a hair treatment that contains fat/lipid, which may or may not contain protein. Cholestrols are usually used to add moisture to your hair. Protein is used to strengthen the hair and it may or may not add moisture depending on the type that you buy. I had to learn the difference the hard way.
deontaer said:
Since I've been lurking around this board for the past 3 years I've been wondering what is the difference between protein conditioners and cholesterol conditioners. I was told that they both build strength in the hair but I've used both and never noticed any real difference between them. I've used protien for years, only buying cholesterol when I was younger and LeKair's $1.99 conditioners were all I could afford. Is it just a preference of which one you want to use, or does protein do something for the hair that cholesterol doesn't, and vice verse. Please enlighten me, or perhaps point me to a thread that might have already addressed this topic
Both are good at strengthening the hair (albeit in different ways), but cholesterol and protein have different chemical makeups. Proteins are the building blocks of the hair. Cholesterol is derived from lipids and helps build and maintain the hair strands' cell membranes. Cholesterol and protein can bind together to form a lipoprotein complex, which can serve to keep the hair soft and shiny. But protein will strengthen your hair more because that's what your hair strands are initially made of. And keratin (protein in your hair) forms hard chains and too much added protein can of course, make your hair super hard even though it gives the most strength. Cholesterol can keep it soft.
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aloha_bef said:
is there such a thing as a condtioner that is considered a protein and cholesterol condtioner?

Probably...they have a little of everything on the market these days, you just have to be a bloodhound to find some of them :)...but if they don't, considering navsegda's post, it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to find a good choles. and protein conditioner that you like and mix them together. I pretty much mix all my shampoos and conditioners with something anyway.