Cholesterol for condition washes?


New Member
My hair HATES condition washes with the cheap conditioners like V05 and Suave. Bottom line, I dont want to waste my Keracare Humecto on condition washes and Cholesterol seems to be the only cheap conditioner that works (I add a little honey and Jojoba to Dark and Lovely Cholesterol).

Does anyone else use cholesterol with success?

I rinse my hair with ACV and water, I apply the cholesterol and I let it sit for like 20-30 minutes. This really works for me as a wash during the middle of the week (For a while, I have only been washing/deep conditioning twice a week).
Hey Golden, i was meant to reply to you earlier. I have the Le Kair shea butter cholesterol just waiting to be opened, i've heard it has more moisturizing properties than the regular peach one ... which i had success with only when i used heat :confused: but back then i wasn't airdrying properly anyway, so basically i'm planning to c/w with this whilst i'm in jamaica (2 weeks time! :D ), i'm either gonna mix it with vatika oil, or evoo (most likely evoo) ;)
goldensensation said:
My hair HATES condition washes with the cheap conditioners like V05 and Suave. Bottom line, I dont want to waste my Keracare Humecto on condition washes and Cholesterol seems to be the only cheap conditioner that works (I add a little honey and Jojoba to Dark and Lovely Cholesterol).

Does anyone else use cholesterol with success?

I rinse my hair with ACV and water, I apply the cholesterol and I let it sit for like 20-30 minutes. This really works for me as a wash during the middle of the week (For a while, I have only been washing/deep conditioning twice a week).

Hey Goldensensation, I did that before if i wanted more moisture than vo5, i used to cowash at one point every 3 days with Lekair shea butter, even the peach one but i like shea butter better but both did elongate the hair and leave my hair with lots of moisture. (i did add some stuff in it at one point though and mix it) I had to stop when i started to use aloe vera gel for my twists it would leave my hair white but without aloe vera gel it was great
Candy and Ekomba, I googled the Lekair Shea Butter Cholesterol that you all are talking about and I am finding nothing. Is it discontinued? I never noticed it in the store AND I cant seem to locate it through a google search. :(
goldensensation said:
Candy and Ekomba, I googled the Lekair Shea Butter Cholesterol that you all are talking about and I am finding nothing. Is it discontinued? I never noticed it in the store AND I cant seem to locate it through a google search. :(

theres a thread on this board sommmeee where, let me find it 4 ya :p
Hey goldensensation! I remember starting a thread about using lekair cholesterol for co-washing about a year ago. Some said it would be too thick to use for co-washing. But there were a few that used it and liked it. ETA: Here it is

I find it hard myself to find a good cheapie conditioner for my hair. When I was relaxed and transitioning, I used suave coconut and suave humectant. My hair would feel so good with them in my hair, but after rinsing, it would leave a dry feeling.

As a natural, I've tried suave humectant, herbal essences fruit fusions hydrating, and v05 strawberries and cream and they had the same effect. I may try Lekair cholesterol, which I use for weekly deep conditioning, as a cowash tomorrow after I take down my current hairstyle.
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Poohbear said:
Hey goldensensation! I remember starting a thread about using lekair cholesterol for co-washing about a year ago. Some said it would be too thick to use for co-washing. But there were a few that used it and liked it. ETA: Here it is

I find it hard myself to find a good cheapie conditioner for my hair. When I was relaxed and transitioning, I used suave coconut and suave humectant. My hair would feel so good with them in my hair, but after rinsing, it would leave a dry feeling.

As a natural, I've tried suave humectant, herbal essences fruit fusions hydrating, and v05 strawberries and cream and they had the same effect. I may try Lekair cholesterol, which I use for weekly deep conditioning, as a cowash tomorrow after I take down my current hairstyle.

Hmmm... so they said that it was too thick.

The thing that I love about the dark and lovely cholesterol is that it is thick but still a looser consistency than Queen Helene (from what I remember). Maybe my adding the honey and jojoba made it that much looser too. I'll pick of up some Lekair and give it a try though. Let me know how the cholesterol works for you, Poohbear. If it doesnt work good, give Dark and Lovely a try. I will post my Lekair results.
I think it would be good for co washes. I used to add honey and evoo to the Lekair Cholesterol plus and use it for a pre-poo treatment. Some think it would be too thick to poo with but if you add water to it once you get it distributed through your hair it thins out and becomes more creamy.
I've had success with LeKair cholestrol condition washes. I got the idea from D Sylla, her hairs lovely. Anyway it only worked for me when I put it the microwave for about 10 seconds (melts the tangles away). It has protein in it, so I had to slow down with it though.
I tried this one time with my LeKair Cholesterol Plus and my hair felt different. This was a new jar I had bought weeks ago. Then I noticed that it's a different formula. There were more ingredients in it. They even added Mineral Oil and some parabens to it. So I returned it back to Wal-Mart and got me some Suave Humectant.
I've tried it and it left a film. So I went back to my normal V05 conditioner washes.
I'll try it again once I take out my braids.