Brand: Source Naturals Powder
How long have you been taking it: - consistently about 3 weeks
How much do you take: started out with 3g, went up to 6g
Health benefits achieved: Healthier, glowing skin (and I have bad skin), more "regular"
When do you take it: -in the morning added to my WL shake
Pill, powder, liquid: Powder
Side effects: None, I don't think, but I did have a breakout after I increased, but I also made a couple other changes in my regimen, so don't know if it was the CHL or not
How much hair growth if any: Well, not sure, but had tree braids in and today is 3 weeks and my edges are a HOT MESS! I will be taking out today...could be partially CHL
Other growth: Eyebrows growing back quicker
If you stopped, why: -stopped the shakes for now because on HCG diet, but still taking CHL in water...will resume CHL in shakes AS SOON as I'm finished with diet