*** Chlorella Users Update Thread ***


New Member
Info on Chlorella HERE
Testified hair growth HERE

How long have you been taking it:
How much do you take:
Health benefits achieved:
When do you take it:
Pill, powder, liquid:
Side effects:
How much hair growth if any:
Other growth:
If you stopped, why:

I like specifics :yep:
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Brand: Earthrise
How long have you been taking it: Jan 2009How much do you take: 12g
Health benefits achieved: Energy, Great Skin, Healthy Hair, Balanced Diet/Weight
When do you take it: 4g 3 times per day
Pill, powder, liquid: pills
Side effects: initially, basic detox symptomsHow much hair growth if any: not sure how much growth can be attributed to Chlorella alone.Other growth: nailsIf you stopped, why: (green for life)
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Brand: Source Naturals
How long have you been taking it: Had taken it for 1.5 months
How much do you take: 2g
Health benefits achieved: NONE
When do you take it: I took it in the mornings with breakfast
Pill, powder, liquid: Pill
Side effects: Constipation, acne, green poo (is that a side effect?)
How much hair growth if any: Didn't take it long enough. Trashed the remainder
Other growth: N/A
If you stopped, why: Had terrible facial acne with use. Could not cope with the pimples scarring my skin. Will never try again.
Brand: Source Naturals
How long have you been taking it: Had taken it for 1.5 months
How much do you take: 2g
Health benefits achieved: NONE
When do you take it: I took it in the mornings with breakfast
Pill, powder, liquid: Pill
Side effects: Constipation, acne, green poo (is that a side effect?)
How much hair growth if any: Didn't take it long enough. Trashed the remainder
Other growth: N/A
If you stopped, why: Had terrible facial acne with use. Could not cope with the pimples scarring my skin. Will never try again.

Nevermind..I was going to try it..I only had three pimple with maca..I don't need anymore.
Brand: Source Naturals
How long have you been taking it: January 2009- October 2009
How much do you take: 3-6 grams daily
Health benefits achieved: Internal health: regular movements, clear skin, energy
When do you take it: In the morning mixed with a small amount of water. Then drink lots of water
Pill, powder, liquid: Powder .. Pills for backup stash and vacationing
Side effects: While first taking.. I was backed up.. Magnesium citrate fixed that
How much hair growth if any: I was not measuring
Other growth: nails
If you stopped, why: I ran out and decided to repurchase in January 2010. I will take it for 10 months again and then take a break from it.
Brand: Source Naturals
How long have you been taking it: 2 months
How much do you take: I'm up to 8g per day
Health benefits achieved: Very regular (& green)
When do you take it: Whenever I think about it
Pill, powder, liquid: pills
Side effects: Before I started taking the WL shake, I was having some serious breakouts. The shake seemed to clear that up.
How much hair growth if any: 1st month 1 inch & it appears that I'm going to see another inch for this 2nd month.
Brand: KYO
How long have you been taking it: 1 month
How much do you take: 3g
Health benefits achieved: energy, longer hair, great skin and overall felt great
When do you take it: 4 morning 2 at lunch
Pill, powder, liquid: pill
Side effects: CONSTIPATION
How much hair growth if any: 1"
Other growth: Have to cut nail 3 times a week. Growing like crazy
If you stopped, why: CONSTIPATION.

With Spirulina I had mega growth too. LIKE MEGA GROWTH!!! 1.5" in one month. I went from hip to MBL to hip again within one month. But I was also exercising, dieting and eating sprouts (1 cup a day). I believe it was a comb of everything.

Just for reference I'm 5'7" tall.
Brand: Kyoto
How long have you been taking it: 3 weeks
How much do you take: 9 grams/day
Health benefits achieved: more energy, less bloating, more (you know) regular
When do you take it: breakfast, dinner
Pill, powder, liquid: pill
Side effects: fatique the first few days, but none after that
How much hair growth if any: too soon to tell
Other growth: n/a
If you stopped, why: still going
Brand: NOW Brand
How long have you been taking it: 3 weeks
How much do you take: 2-3 Grams
Health benefits achieved: More energy, regularity, clear skin..havent noticed the hair growth but I plan to continue taking it
When do you take it: before breakfast
Pill, powder, liquid: Pills, but plan to eventually start the powder
Side effects: Detox symptoms-runny nose, sneezing, itchy throat still feeling those
How much hair growth if any:
Other growth: n/a
If you stopped, why:
good thread OP... keep them coming.. i was on it for like 2 weeks and i got sooo nauseous, so i really cant answer these questions accurately. but, i'll stick around for more responses.. if it's worth it, i'll retry it at a smaller dose, and another form; BTW, i was on the source natural powder.
Brand: Jarrow Formulas Yaeyama Chlorella Powder
How long have you been taking it: at least 2 years
How much do you take: 1+ heaping teaspoons (not a measuring spoon)
Health benefits achieved: smooth, glowing skin and shiny hair
When do you take it: first thing in the morning
Pill, powder, liquid: powder
Side effects: none
How much hair growth if any: wasn't paying attention - stopped watching water boil
Other growth: probably, but I just take for overall health
If you stopped, why: seen my skin's glow wane when I'm not on anything green, so won't be doing that
Brand: Chlorella Powder Yaeyama Brand -Broken Cell from Organicspicetraders on Ebay
How long have you been taking it: about a month
How much do you take: 1/2 teaspoon per 8oz drink
Health benefits achieved: My skin looks great
When do you take it: In the morning in my vitamin drink
Pill, powder, liquid: powder
Side effects: one day I upped my dosage and experenced some umm major bathroom time
How much hair growth if any: I have noticed any yet but I just cut my hairm and now it's braided.
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I got no added growth from chlorella :(


I was way more regular, had more energy, and my digestive issues went bye bye!!
I was taking a gram a day in pill form, i think it was source naturals brand. I bought the powder, ick, wont be doing that ever again.
Brand: Source Naturals (Pills)

How long have you been taking it: Since Feb 2009

How much do you take: Up to 9g per day (I'm veggie, I would prob take less if still eating meat)

Health benefits achieved: More energy, noticeably clearer skin, better digestive function, shorter lighter less painful periods, diminished sugar cravings, less sweating, almost non-existent body odour

When do you take it: In the morning with my WL shake, and right after lunch

Side effects: Bloating and gassiness initially, can't remember if I had other detox side effects when I started

How much hair growth if any: Not been measuring accurately and other growth factors (and setbacks considered), any length changes can't be directly attributed to CHL alone anyway, but thickness of my hair dramatically increased when I first began taking CHL

Other growth: N/A

If you stopped, why: N/A - Fallen off a couple times but now going strong
Brand: Source Naturals Powder
How long have you been taking it: - consistently about 3 weeks
How much do you take: started out with 3g, went up to 6g
Health benefits achieved: Healthier, glowing skin (and I have bad skin), more "regular"
When do you take it: -in the morning added to my WL shake
Pill, powder, liquid: Powder
Side effects: None, I don't think, but I did have a breakout after I increased, but I also made a couple other changes in my regimen, so don't know if it was the CHL or not
How much hair growth if any: Well, not sure, but had tree braids in and today is 3 weeks and my edges are a HOT MESS! I will be taking out today...could be partially CHL
Other growth: Eyebrows growing back quicker
If you stopped, why: -stopped the shakes for now because on HCG diet, but still taking CHL in water...will resume CHL in shakes AS SOON as I'm finished with diet
When you say you're taking a gram... how does that translate in pills?

I ask because most pills state they are "500mg" per pill. How many would I take or should I split one pill in half...confused just a bit.

When you say you're taking a gram... how does that translate in pills?

I ask because most pills state they are "500mg" per pill. How many would I take or should I split one pill in half...confused just a bit.

Hi, 1000mg=1 gm. So if your pills are 500mg apiece, you would need 2 to equal 1 gram or 1000mg! HTH
When you say you're taking a gram... how does that translate in pills?

I ask because most pills state they are "500mg" per pill. How many would I take or should I split one pill in half...confused just a bit.


1000 mg = 1g
so you'd need 2 pills of 500 mgs to equal 1g

OOPS I realize this was answered already.....ah well... :)
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Brand: Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder/Pills
How long have you been taking it: Off/On since last year. Steady almostly daily since March 2010
How much do you take: Currently 6G (2tsp)
Health benefits achieved: Regular BM, some weight loss, energy, strong nails, whiter in the eyes - brightness
When do you take it: Day or Afternoon
Pill, powder, liquid: Originally pills, but higher dosage cheaper to start using powder
Side effects: None - slight detox 1-2 day of dull headache
How much hair growth if any: Nothing to contribute to alone
Other growth: Strong, strong, hard nails
If you stopped, why: not intentional. Usually no more than a 2 week break.
i would love to keep taking chlorella but everytime i start them the next day i have a period does this happen to anybody eles and is there a way around it??? TIA
i would love to keep taking chlorella but everytime i start them the next day i have a period does this happen to anybody eles and is there a way around it??? TIA
Sorry, tried to respond from my Itouch but I had tech. difficulties :lachen:

Anywho, this is a first. Do you think this just may be a coincidence of you getting your period and the day before taking the chlorella? How much are you taking? I've never experienced this - though I do have irregular periods. Hoepfully someone can chime in on that.

So...is that the only thing that keeps you from taking the Chlorella? How about you start taking chlorella the same day you get your period...that way, you won't feel as if it's the chlorella doing it :yep:
Brand: Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella 1000mg tablets
How long have you been taking it: Almost 3 months
How much do you take: For the first two months I took 2 pills 3x a day consistently and got about 1.5inches of growth from it. I haven't been as consistent this past month but when my mom blowdried my hair today she said its made a huge turn around
Health benefits achieved: thicker hair, helped clear up biotin acne, helped with bathroom issues i've had my whole live
When do you take it: Whenever I remember. I try to do morning, noon, night but if I forget I'll take 3 or 4 at a time
Pill, powder, liquid: pill
Side effects: none that I could tell. the pills are kind of big which sucks when taking alot at one time
How much hair growth if any: about 1.5 both times I measured
Other growth: hair growth everywhere else. I gave up trying to keep my legs and lady parts completely bare. id have to shave almost every day to do that. so a bit of stubble is my new best friend:yep:
If you stopped, why: never