child-hood hair cabinet

Blue Magic or Royal Crown Grease for pressing. Cream of Nature for shampoo. I cant remember much else! Lots of pink oil and that darn Brown Gel!!!! For some reason, I cant figure out, I still had SO much hair back then! LOL
My mom washed my hair with Prell or Optimum shampoo. She conditioned with Optimum, too. She would press my hair every 2 weeks with Royal Crown grease and when I got older Palmer's Hair Success. I also remember when I got to middle and high school she used hot oil treatments and those follicure vials, aphogee and cholesterol for deep conditioning.

My hair was in much better shape then than it is now! :lol:
The p[roducts my mom used on me as a child were: Hair -Rep in the black and white can,Ultra Shee(blue hair oil),Indian Herbal hair oil,Wella Balsom shampoo,VO-5 products,and Hot olive oil for deep conditioning treatments. As the rest of you say I was sent to Miss. Hallie's every 2 weeks for a wash,condition and press(A lady who lived in the neighborhood who worked her salon from her basement as us lil girls watched Donahue and Dinah Shore talk show)I know some of you older gals can relate to My hair was so long and thick back in the day!! I beleive alot of the healthiness we all talk about when we wer kids was due to proper care by our mothers hands and grandmas as well. And also the the healthier cooking. My mom always had a huge pot of greens simmering,beans,cabbage,stews etc. She always made me eat the nasty liver which she swore was good for me. That always managed to come back up and in the toilet when she wasn't eyeing me at the!!! Sorry so long and somewhat off the subject .
Sta-So-Fro, ultra sheen grease and the fist pick on my natural hair until I began 7th grade.My style was afro puffs most of the time. As for washing I figure it had to be about every 1.5 to 2 weeks. I don't remember my mom washing my hair frequently. The only conditioner that stood out was mayo and that was occasionally.
Shampoo and condition with VO5 once a week.
Royal Crown Hairdressing.
Light press and braids, cornrows, or plaits.
No pressing dirty hair or hair that had already been pressed before without rewashing. Only light press cause my hair was 'soft' and couldn't take a lot of heat. My hair was so healthy until I started messing with it. Why didn't I listen to my mama? :(

Psst - Candygirl, The lady that did the neightborhood hair was named 'Coot.' I felt so grown up to be allowed to walk up to her house and get my hair done at her place on Sunday evenings. I still remember sitting in her living room with her elderly mother and other neighborhood girls waiting their turn gossiping and watching TV.

Good times, good times.
Hmmm..not sure which shampoos my mom used....I know that my dad came home with Prell once day and my mo was just " I know I can't send you to get shampoo". In a pinch she used hair was HAIR and smelled like straight-up hot dogs!!!

But the ole' stand by AFRO SHEEN (black spray bottle with the orange zigzags)-made it better. This was the only thing that my mom used-otherwise ther was no way she could get the comb halfway through my thick hair!
I dont remember about shampoo or conditioner much.I know she used to use cream of nature at one time, and maybe a lustrasilk shampoo.

On my hair she just used vaseline hairtonic. The doctor had told her not to use heavy greases or pomades on her kids hairs as the block the pores of the scalp. Ironically, I found it in the store as an adult and vaseline hair tonic is light mineral oil and fragrance. I LOVED the smell tho, and I did have long hair when I was little. I remember Lusters pink lotion around, but I didnt like it. She pressed my sisters hair and I think she used it with her. She also used to use glovers mange and sulfer 8. ETA: I also remember cholesterol conditioner and vitapointe.
I remember Blue magic, Tar grease, and then when we discovered greased caused her to have to use Head-n-Shoulders for dandruff, e switched to Come Back Hair by Liz&Daughters, and it never let me down. Don't remember the poo's or cond. I did go to the Beauty parlor on a regular once I turned about 10, Oh yeah and Care free curl during my Jeri curl days,LOL, but I remember only spraying it every other day because I wanted pple to think it was my natural texture, :lachen: , and of course if it was dripping all the time everyone would no it wasn't:lachen: .
grease. My aunts and my grandma did my hair a lot. I don't recall too many times my mom doing my hair since she was hair challenged. I do remember her complimenting me on my hair so I never felt bad about my hair type.
Pink Oil Mosturizer
Blue Magic

I didn't get a relaxer until my sophomore year of high school and my mom couldn't press, so I was always in braids of some sort (mainly cornrows).