Chickening out of transitioning


New Member
Yep, I think I may have to change my mind. It looks like we may be moving to Texas sooner than I anticipated
and that leaves me with a big concern. I know how my hair reacts with humid weather(I'm originally from FL)- curls right up. And I prefer a straight look. Well I'm worried that I'll have problems maintaining my flat ironed look for my natural hair and will want to have it relaxed again but I don't trust just anyone to relax that much hair.

I think I'm just going to have to continue with my relaxers just to be on the safe side. Here in MI I don't have to worry about humidity and I've been able to go 5mths without a relaxer. Does anyone with 3c hair have trouble being totally natural and keeping your hair straight in the warmer climates?
I don't have 3C hair but my thoughts are if you prefer a really straight look all the time you're probably better off maintaining a relaxer than trying to keep your hair straight by pressing/ironing.
But there's no guarentee that your relaxed hair will keep super straight in high humidity either. I took a trip to Mexico a few years back when I was relaxed and my hair was a puffball within an hour of curling it with a curling iron. I finally gave up and got my hair braided by those ladies who braid hair on the beach (boy to they have a profitable niche!) My hair is fine and very suceptible to moisture in the air. If you have thicker strands you may not have such a problem with reverting as I did.
I have 3C 4A 'fine' hair that frizzes when it's humid even when it was relaxed. The only time my hair didn't frizz alot(there was very little) was when my hair was all one length(a bob)because I kept the ends clipped. I will say that as long as I wear my natural hair in curls I don't have as big a problem...but if I try to wear my natural hair's a big frizz ball in a matter of minutes. If it was relaxed it would still frizz...but not as quickly. I would have a couple of hours before it was a big 'puff'.
I would have a couple of hours before it was a big 'puff'.

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Ah, yes... "the window". LOL

I knew exactly how long I had to handle my business before my hair tripled in size!

I knew exactly how long I had to handle my business before my hair tripled in size!

[/ QUOTE ]

I am transitioning now and I recently got my hair pressed straight (really straight), people were asking me if I had gone back to getting a relaxer, that was how straight it was.


My hair stayed that straight for about 3 hours after I left my house. My hair started to puff at the roots. To combat the frizzyness, I would use an anti-humetcant pomade on my hair and wrap it at night.

It stayed straight for about a week. However, my relaxed hair when would stay straight for about the same amount of time with a roller wrap (doobie).