Chicago AREA?HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


New Member
Im new around here and I live in the Chicago area! I was wondering if anyone knew of a healthy hair beautician in the area or could reccomend a regimen that they follow for nice long thick healthy hair. The weather in Chicago is a trip! Hot and MUGGY in the summer COLD as all believe it in the WINTER and super windy all year 'round. HELP!!
Did you check the salon review board? Someone may have posted chicago specific reviews there already.

One thing I'd say for windy weather is simple: put it up, put it up, put it up. Protective styles are a great way to protect the hair from "weather".


I live in Chicago too, and I know first hand about the weather situation-LOL!

I just started going to this woman name Nuzhet. She's really good and my hair has never looked better! I highly reccomend her! Here is her info:

Parto Naderi Salon
507 N. Wells

Wash & Blow Dry- $50-$65
(expect to pay more if you need a cut)

The prices are higher than the salons on the south side but I swear it's worth every penny!
See problem is, Im used to the wash and blow dry people! THey are all around Chicago! That is like the all time favorite in the Chi! Im looking for a salon that can whip up a sharp set or wrap without acting like Im speaking a foreign language when Im asking for that!
I feel your pain!
I can't think of anybody who actually doesn't use a blow dryer nowadays. One thing I like about my stylist is even though she uses heat, she uses alot of protectants on my hair before she uses the dryer & the flat iron. I'll ask my friends who does their hair and if their stylists uses heat or not & I'll get back to you.
Thanks everybody! I really appreciate the help? Anybody here familiar with either Dezi's or Ella y el? Holla back!
Blow dryers! You're kidding right? I plan on moving to Chicago within the next 18 months (well, out in the suburbs)
and I would NEVER let a stylist put a blow dryer to my precious strands. Roller sets, wraps, french rolls, twists, etc are styles that I like to wear which require some time under the dryer.