CHI Silk Infusion Daily?


New Member
Hey ladies,

Does anyone here use Silk daily? Is it cool to do so?

I understand that it is some kind of protein and don't want to overdo it--but my hair seems to LOVE this stuff! I've been using it almost daily and i mix it into my conditioners all all types of stuff...

Oh yea---also, do u/can u use it as a sealing oil?

Thanks ladies!:)
It's a silicone based product, so watch out for cone build up. I wouldn't consider it a sealing oil though since it isn't really oil based. Though, silicones can seal moisture in. But they also keep moisture out.
I think it should be fine, but you may need to up your clarifying routine if you notice dryness because of the cones. I don't think you can protein overload with silk proteins, that's just my opinion, especially if you notice your hair is soft.
thanks--i didn't know it was a cone product and also did not know it wasn't an oil based product :blush: good info!

i'll be sure to clarify and find something else to seal.
I use CHI daily.

Just remember a little dab will do!

Also I seal with this after poos & my hair does great.

Makes my hair so soft & bouncy!

My hair loves this stuff too, so I have stocked up!