Chemical reaction from tea rinses and relaxers


Active Member
I just read that the caffeine from tea or coffee rinse enters the blood stream.

Just a thought...If caffeine enters the blood stream from a simple 5-10 minute tea rinse, how damaging are the chemicals from a relaxer entering our blood stream every time we relax?

The very thought of the caustic chemicals entering the blood stream from a relaxer gives me shivers. I remember reading about how Krystal K'temye( sp?) from the show In Living Color said she went natural because she didn't think chemicals should be that close to her brain.

Want are your thoughts about this?
Lemme tell you how this thread is going to go...

relaxed head: The chemicals can't enter the scalp so you have nothing to worry about and there's no research to show that it does. And it doesn't even touch my scalp anyway because I base my hair and I only put it on the newgrowth. I don't know why natural nazis are always talking about relaxers are bad for you. It's MY head and I'm going to relax it.

natural head: Of course the chemicals are getting on your scalp and in your blood stream. You're stupid for putting that draino on your head and that's why you're going to have cancer and your brain is going to shrivel up. At least I'm smart enough to stop using chemicals and love myself.

relaxed head: nappy head ho!

natural head: brainwashed b****!

Relaxed head: I'm thinking more along the lines that anything we put on our scalps can enter our blood stream. I don't relax frequently, but any poo, con, tea, oils, protein, etc ALL will be entering my blood stream. Of course, my skin is porous so anything I put on my skin is ALSO entering my blood stream, as well as any cleaning supplies that I use around the house.... where is the cutoff?
I am transitioning now. I can't say YEA or NAY as to whether it is bad. I am just tired of the chemical dependence. I am getting rid of my relaxed hair. I think 22 years relaxing is long enough. I heard horror stories about relaxers causing a film on the brain. I haven't really done the research about it. I know that lye PERIOD is no good. Also, to find out that no-lye relaxers are that way until you add the lye into it to activate it was a shocker for me. How the hell can you call it that if you have to add the damn lye to activate the relaxer? That was heartbreaking, reality for me. I am trying to do this that are better for my body, so I try to cut back on the carcinogens where ever I can.
Lemme tell you how this thread is going to go...

relaxed head: The chemicals can't enter the scalp so you have nothing to worry about and there's no research to show that it does. And it doesn't even touch my scalp anyway because I base my hair and I only put it on the newgrowth. I don't know why natural nazis are always talking about relaxers are bad for you. It's MY head and I'm going to relax it.

natural head: Of course the chemicals are getting on your scalp and in your blood stream. You're stupid for putting that draino on your head and that's why you're going to have cancer and your brain is going to shrivel up. At least I'm smart enough to stop using chemicals and love myself.

relaxed head: nappy head ho!

natural head: brainwashed b****!


Hi DLove, just curious, do you use all organic, all natural, all 100% paraben free products in your home? Do you never eat out, don't take your clothes to the dry cleaners, and never use plastic containers? Even if you do, honestly there is no way to completely avoid being exposed to toxic chemicals because EVERYTHING we do, the air we breathe, the water we bathe in, the computers we use, the tvs we watch, the microwaves we use to heat our food, the cars we drive, etc expose us to some level of radiaton, pollutant, foreign chemical, toxic substance.

During pregnancy, the chemicals stored in a woman's body have the ability to cross the placenta where they may cause harm. Some chemicals from a mother's body are also mobilized and transferred to the breasts as she produces breast milk. These chemicals are then transferred to the baby during breastfeeding.
These changes can cause changes in DNA that are then passed on from generation to generation. I guarantee that none of us came in this world with a "clean slate."

Because many chemicals have the ability to attach to dust particles and/or catch air and water currents and travel far from where they are produced or used, the globe is bathed in a chemical soup. Our bodies have no alternative but to absorb these chemicals and sometimes store them for long periods of time.
Chlorinated pesticides, i.e DDT, can remain in the body for 50 years! I'm sure DDT was around when all our mothers were younger so it's possible the effects could have affected us.

Scientists estimate that everyone alive today carries within her or his body at least 700 contaminants, most of which have not been well studied.
Toxic chemicals are even natural occuring so there is really no way to get around it. This is 365 X how ever many years you have been on this earth + possible toxins passed from breast milk = OH NO! I do understand what you are saying in regards to the chemicals from relaxers entering our blood stream. I completely agree that relaxers are toxic & definitely are not good in regards to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I will also say that I am a relaxed head. I do however only relax 2-3X a year, never more. I am definitely more concerned about the other 362 days out of the year of constant exposure than the careful 10-20 minutes out of the 3 days of the year I relax.

I'm just saying...:rolleyes:
Relaxed head here; I've wondered if the regular use of relaxers, especially the formulas from back in the day, is linked to the increasing numbers of middle aged black women I know with brain cancer. (and last time i checked, my skin was porous just like my hair shaft)
~Sneaks in thread~

Oh boy, here we go again...:nono:. Good luck in your discussions on this topic ladies:yep:.

~Tip toe's out of thread~
I do however only relax 2-3X a year, never more. I am definitely more concerned about the other 362 days out of the year of constant exposure than the careful 10-20 minutes out of the 3 days of the year I relax.

I'm just saying...:rolleyes:

Lemme tell you how this thread is going to go...

relaxed head: The chemicals can't enter the scalp so you have nothing to worry about and there's no research to show that it does. And it doesn't even touch my scalp anyway because I base my hair and I only put it on the newgrowth. I don't know why natural nazis are always talking about relaxers are bad for you. It's MY head and I'm going to relax it.

natural head: Of course the chemicals are getting on your scalp and in your blood stream. You're stupid for putting that draino on your head and that's why you're going to have cancer and your brain is going to shrivel up. At least I'm smart enough to stop using chemicals and love myself.

relaxed head: nappy head ho!

natural head: brainwashed b****!



Man...why did I wait so long to subscribe!
Girl, I'm happy you care about our health....but let me tell you....I was an engineer in the Navy for 3 years, and for 1.5 years I was on a ship working with toxins everyday.....I was open to heavy lube oils, heavy grease for engines, bromine, heavy cleaning agents for engines, paint, primer, hazmat, sewage, foaming agents all in a closed space with little or no vents.....with no AC.....i was expose to many chemicals....and I'm surprised I'm still alive or don't have any problems....but I had a premature child, and I believe that being expose to those types of chemicals hurt me internally and made me have a premature child.....but by then it was too I feel you girl.....chemicals are bad in general and I'm relaxed and I will probably go natural one day....but right now, I'm just trying to do my relaxers only 2 or 3 times a year.....but thanks for informing us......I'm happy you care......:yep:
Lemme tell you how this thread is going to go...

relaxed head: The chemicals can't enter the scalp so you have nothing to worry about and there's no research to show that it does. And it doesn't even touch my scalp anyway because I base my hair and I only put it on the newgrowth. I don't know why natural nazis are always talking about relaxers are bad for you. It's MY head and I'm going to relax it.

natural head: Of course the chemicals are getting on your scalp and in your blood stream. You're stupid for putting that draino on your head and that's why you're going to have cancer and your brain is going to shrivel up. At least I'm smart enough to stop using chemicals and love myself.

relaxed head: nappy head ho!

I promise I absolutely did not start this thread to start confusion or anything malicious.

Most of the subjects here are thought provoking and as I read about the tea rinse, the whole "chemicals on the head" concept prompted me to start this thread just to hear others point of view of the subject.
Dlove I know you weren't trying to start anything, that's just the way things go around here. You can't be a natural and say anything about people's beloved relaxers, it always starts something even if you didn't mean to.
my take on this is pretty simple.... i attempt to minimize my exposure to caustic stuff. i should say, by experience, i know that the odds of cutting it 100% and keeping my sanity(and the sanity of those around me) is pretty null - so here is what i do...
1)i relax as infrequently as i can - ideally for me that would be every four months but since my scalp does not always cooperate, it's more like once or twice a year.
2) i favor natural products lilke aubrey organic over the nexxus' of the world - i do have a few nexxues and the like stuff in my arsenal, but i think twice before pulling them over natural stuff that i can whip up in my kitchen - and i dont sleep in anything that's not natural - think about it - DC'ing for 30 minutes or an hour in something vs keeping the stuff in my head overnight - ofcourse this makes a difference - remember i minimize my exposure.
3)i use all natural cleaning products around the house 99% of the time, they work just as well, accept on the toughest of stuff and believe me, this makes a big difference.
4)lotions are all natural 99% of timr
5)we rarely eat out - and i do mean rarely - i cook as much organic and whole foods as i can
6)laundry detergents are natural - and i rarely dry clean - and i do mean rarely - but my lifestyle allows this i should say that too
it took me awhile to institute this stuff inmy household and i must say that it has made a world of a difference - we rarely get sick now - and i do mean rarely - before i made the above changes - colds/flus and the like where our winter experience.
i dont preach naturalness and look down on others who dont use natural products because honestly, not so long ago, i was them...... but i do what i can and it does make a difference.
edited to add #7- i trust that my body can handle and get rid of a certain amount of toxic stuff - and i help it out a bit by fasting periodically. i trust and i fast....
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Lemme tell you how this thread is going to go...

relaxed head: The chemicals can't enter the scalp so you have nothing to worry about and there's no research to show that it does. And it doesn't even touch my scalp anyway because I base my hair and I only put it on the newgrowth. I don't know why natural nazis are always talking about relaxers are bad for you. It's MY head and I'm going to relax it.

natural head: Of course the chemicals are getting on your scalp and in your blood stream. You're stupid for putting that draino on your head and that's why you're going to have cancer and your brain is going to shrivel up. At least I'm smart enough to stop using chemicals and love myself.

relaxed head: nappy head ho!

natural head: brainwashed b****!

:lachen::lachen:Oh, boy! This is gonna be a long night!
OP: I know you are trying to help and I used to do the same thing...but there is so much info on the net that if relaxed ladies want to find out whether or not the lye is harmful, trust me they'll find it. I stopped trying to make people understand why I went natural and let them do as they please.... I'm not paying for their regular touch-ups :look: