Thanks everyone! Since a few asked for my regimen, I'll give it.
Well, here would be my "ideal" regimen:
DT once weekly with an olive oil, sour cream/butter/dairy, honey, conditioner mixture. When I DT, I either do a dry DT, or if my hair is really dirty, wash it first, then DT. The problem is that I don't DT once weekly--it's more like once every three or four weeks
. And I suffer the consequences all the time (hard to detangle hair that I have to rip apart).
I detangle my hair (in sections) when I DT--with a Denman 83.
Usually I wear my hair in some sort of natural bun. I only co-wash about once weekly, but I spritz my hair every day/other day with a homemade moisture spritz (distilled water, aloe juice, oil, and various extracts). I really like CAGs (Curl Activator Gels) but I now only use Long Aid. Spritz and CAG are pretty much the only products I "must" have. I am low-poo, low-cone, but not poo or cone free anymore.
Just for the product junkies--I've used a lot of products, but my conditioners are: TJ Nourish, MasterCuts Vitamin C, DesignLine Olive, Aubrey Organics. I also like Jane Carter Condition and Sculpt, IC Fantasia Thick and Shine. That's pretty much all I have now.
My advice (for what it's worth)--like most women I've seen on here who've grown their hair long--no tomfoolerly, no chicanery, LOL.
Find a simple regimen, use simple products (and know what ingredients your hair does and does not like), and don't over manipulate your hair if possible. I have 4a natural hair with thin strands, so my hair doesn't like a lot of rough handling. By the same token, it ain't fine wine--it's hair. Oh, and I've worn my hair "out" the entire time--no weaves or extensions, and I straighten a few times a year.
Hope this helps someone.
On transitioning:
I mostly wore braidouts, ponytails, and buns (of course). I detangled in sections and DT twice weekly. I have a transitioning album, just PM me if you want the link.