Chelating Shampoo: How often are you suppose to use it??


New Member
So I just read a couple of threads about chelating shampoo. In particular, ORS Creamy Aloe. I clarify with Nexxuss Aloe Rid, but I am relaxed with a no-lye relaxer and I have hard water. So I think I need to get the creamy aloe shampoo. But how often do I use it???

P.S. My staple shampoo is KeraCare Hydrating. So do I need to follow up with it?
bump....would like some clarification (no pun intended) on the difference btwn clarifying and chelating...if there is a confused :perplexed
To my understanding, a clarifier is a deep cleansing shampoo. A chelating clarifyer deep cleans, but also has the ability to remove heavy mineral deposits. It gets rid of everything, so that you can really give your hair a fresh start.
I used the ORS Creamy Aloe twice...

I just shampoo with the ORS creamy Aloe and used a deep conditioner afterwards. My hair came out great and even better the second time I've used it.

I did not follow up with a regular shampoo. I'm thinking about ditching the regular shampoos and just use the ORS Creamy Aloe once a week....I will try this method and see how my hair holds up.
To my understanding, a clarifier is a deep cleansing shampoo. A chelating clarifyer deep cleans, but also has the ability to remove heavy mineral deposits. It gets rid of everything, so that you can really give your hair a fresh start.

this makes sense. So I need to find an all natural clarifier and chelating shampoo.
I don't have hard water so I only use mine after I do a relaxer. I don't really think anyone else can give an answer as to how often you should use it because it really depends on your hair. I would suggest doing it once and just paying attention to how well your hair holds onto moisture and how it feels. You should be able to judge when you need to do it again.

Can u use the ORS Creamy Aloe as the first wash after a neutralizing shampoo after a relaxer??? I just relaxed my friend's hair last night and she brought the Creamy Aloe as her shampoo of choice and I told her that I knoew its purpose but I wasn't sure if it was ok to use right after a relaxer, so we just used my CON just to be safe.
The ORS shampoo is the one that comes in the box with the ORS no-lye relaxer. I use it after my relaxers.
To my understanding, a clarifier is a deep cleansing shampoo. A chelating clarifyer deep cleans, but also has the ability to remove heavy mineral deposits. It gets rid of everything, so that you can really give your hair a fresh start.

:yep: that is why I LOVE Kenra Clarifying!

ORS Aloe does not deep clean my hair though. Not like Kenra clarifying. I only use the ORS Aloe after relaxers. It is a great shampoo though.